Wall decoration is a responsible task, no matter what type of wallpaper you choose. If this is an ordinary paper wallpaper, then you only need to know the main rules. If this is non-woven fabric, then you should study the instructions and apply a special glue. Completely different knowledge requires the process of sticking glass mural for painting, which has recently become very popular. To decorate your home with this option, just knowledge is not enough, it is important to explore the process, to learn all the details and consistency. Therefore, we'll tell you on the simplest examples how to do it right.
- Wall preparation
- Wall preparation
- Blanket preparation
- Glass bonding
- Painting glassworks
- Video sticking glass wallpaper with our own hands
The question of how to glue glass works is based on three important points. First of all, you need to study all the tips and recommendations in detail. Well, if for this you use our photos and video materials, which with all the nuances will describe all the work. In this case, you need to have at hand and the necessary tools( knife, spatula) that will be needed during the work. The third important point is the correct application of theoretical knowledge in practice. Therefore, we suggest that you learn about each stage.
Wall preparation
It is identical to the usual version of these products. The main task is to clean, align and re-primer the surface. When all irregularities are removed, when the wall is primed, you can proceed to the main stages of activity. Just remember that unlike other canvases, glass piles are rolled up inside a roll, so you need to deploy them taking this into account.
Blanket preparation
It starts when the walls are already dry. Only then can you begin to cut a roll of fiberglass into separate parts in height, while there should be an allowance( up to 10 cm) so that you can correctly align the pattern. In this case, the room temperature should be at least 18 degrees, and humidity - up to 70%.These factors affect the quality of work, so it is important to prepare the space in a timely manner. Do not forget that gluing glass covers is a special job that is not carried out when there are drafts, so they need to be eliminated.
Pasting glazing of
When the canvas is already cut, it is necessary to apply glue to the wall( it is diluted in water at room temperature), while starting to paste the wallpaper should be from the door.
And then, taking into account the height, lean the wallpaper to the wall. It is important to ensure that the blade is fixed as flat as possible.
Cut the extra centimeters with a special clerical knife, which must be prepared in advance.
In order for the blade to be flat and no bubbles are formed with air, it needs to be smoothed with a plastic spatula.
Next, you need to continue to glue the glass walls in the same way, only with each new segment, the problem of pattern matching appears. Therefore, carefully watch not only the smoothness of the cloth to the floor, but also for coincidences.
Places of joints are the most difficult, because there you should not put pressure on the trowel so that the glue does not come out. Such manipulations are carried out with each new piece, until the completion of the work.
Painting glass mosaic
After completing the gluing process, it is necessary to wait 24 hours and then you can start painting them. The application of paint consists of two layers. The second layer is applied no less than 12-15 hours.
Below you can see a video about how to correctly paste glass mesh.