Pizza oven with own hands

The most delicious pizza and fragrant crusty bread are baked in special Pompeii stoves that were invented in Italy. They differ in domed spherical or barrel shaped arches and are built from materials resistant to high temperatures. This article will outline all the nuances of the construction and give a step-by-step instruction of the main works, so that a real pizza oven will turn out to be your own.


  1. Laying of foundation and stand
  2. Construction of walls and dome
  3. Important moments of construction
  4. Video of construction of a pizza oven with your own hands

For the sake of clarity, photos and video materials will be provided that will help to properly perform the most important moments on which the functionality of the structure will depend.

Laying the foundation and stand

The Pompeian pizza oven has small dimensions, but it is quite heavy, so special attention should be paid to the correctness of the foundation laying process.

It is necessary to dig a ditch by the size of the stand base, by going to a depth of 40 cm, and tampering with it properly. It is desirable to fill the bottom of the trench with gravel or crushed stone, on which a polyethylene film is laid.

The boards are made of formwork according to the size of the foundation. A reinforcing mesh is laid on which a concrete mixture is poured into a thick layer. The surface is carefully leveled, covered with a protective film and left until completely hardened for several days.

Then we build the stand under the pizza oven on the wood. For this purpose, reliable concrete blocks are used. The front panel is not laid out so that there is a place for storing firewood.

After this, the stage of creating the table top follows. Formwork is made, the bottom of which is covered with moisture-resistant plywood boards and polyethylene. The reinforcement component is installed and the concrete solution is poured.

The surface is smooth, covered with a film and left for about 14 days to freeze.

Construction of walls and domes

The construction of the pizza oven itself begins with the laying out of the fire brick and a special solution using chamotte clay. From the edge where the entrance to the furnace will be located, it is necessary to retreat about 30 cm.

Then we build the walls of the furnace compartment of the required height, leaving the connector under the inlet. The walls are better to make a thick couple of bricks to give more strength under the installation of the dome.

Before the construction of a spherical vault, we make a template support of the necessary shape from boards and plywood. The template is attached to the upper row of walls of the furnace. Over it is laid out a brick dome. To make the desired shape in the seams, wooden pegs are inserted and carefully covered with a solution.

When the solution finally solidifies, the template is carefully removed. After that, the back wall of the pizza oven is laid out of bricks and the entrance to the combustion chamber is made.

A chimney made of a stainless steel pipe must be installed on the dome part. At the end of the process, the entire structure is smeared with a thick layer of refractory clay for long-term retention of the temperature regime.

Important points in the construction of

In this article, the main stages of the work have been listed and all the questions about how to build a Pompeian pizza oven with your own hands are disclosed. The main requirement is to follow the sequence of the process and maintain the necessary time intervals for complete hardening of concrete and clay solutions.

If you do not comply with these conditions, the result of the construction can be unpleasantly disappointing. The installation of the oven on the countertop, can only be done after a few weeks, when all the elements of the structure will get high strength. Otherwise, the table top can simply crack and cause damage to the body of the entire product.

Armed with important information on how to make a pizza oven, you can safely get down to work and apply your knowledge in practice.

Building video for a pizza oven

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