Building ourselves - laying walls from cinder blocks with our own hands from A to Z, video

cinder block Slag blocks - a fine building material that has a number of advantages, than gained popularity among summer residents and owners of country houses. Let's start with the fact that this lightweight stone is made by hand with its own hands, which I will tell you about, and it is no less simple to perform an independent laying of cinder blocks. You will not need a team of builders, and if you want to build a garage, a cottage or a more serious structure, you can do it yourself. Let's start, and we'll figure out how to put a cinder block and what tools we need for this.

So, the list of tools:

  1. manual circular saw or hacksaw( cinder block is easily sawed);
  2. respirator( required for sawing);
  3. building level;
  4. water( hydraulic level);
  5. hammer or mallet;
  6. trowel;
  7. plumb line( cord or fishing line);
  8. poryadovka.

Order of work on the laying of the

slag block. As with the beginning of the work with brickwork, we expose the corners, trying to achieve the correct rectangle. Of course, it is assumed that the foundation is already ready for you and you carried out preparatory work, including its waterproofing. At the corners of the corners we lay four slag blocks, level with the help of a level and pull the cord or line along which the masonry will be made. Next, we apply a mortar to the foundation and lay the first rows of cinder blocks.

clinker-slag block

 Important! The first and the next 2-3 rows of masonry are the most important, and it is recommended to check the correctness of the laying with a level and plumb line more often in order to get even walls - it is much more difficult to remake the already prepared wall than to check its work on time.

There are several ways of laying slag blocks:

  • in a half-chamber( without problems you can saw with a knife or a circular saw), or a spoon-like method;
  • pinched - in one stone;
  • in one and a half stone;
  • in two stones.

In the process of laying the mortar is applied in a thickness of 1-1.5 cm. The fact is that a thicker layer of the mortar will significantly worsen the thermal insulation properties of the finished wall, since the advantage of the cinder block is that it has voids, the air cushion of which has excellent propertieson the preservation of heat. For the same reason, it is not necessary to fill the voids in the blocks with a solution - except for the absolutely unnecessary additional consumption of cement, you will only worsen the thermal insulation properties of the wall.

How to lay slag blocks - take the stone with your left hand by the middle and bring it to the wall at an angle of 45 degrees, then unfolding the block parallel to the wall and tightly pressing against the previous stone and tapping with a hammer or a trowel handle - for the pros. Surplus solutions must be removed with a trowel and used for laying the following blocks. After laying the finished wall is covered with fine slag, followed by ramming.

Useful advices

Before starting work, think in advance of the platform or woods, from which it will be convenient to lay the upper layers of the blocks. The stepladder for this does not fit - you have nowhere to put a bucket of solution, it is unstable and it will have to be constantly moved.

For markers on blocks, colored chalk is perfect.

 For better viscosity of the solution, you can add red clay in the following proportion - 4 buckets of sandy-cement mortar 1/3 bucket of clay. Another solution is a mixture in a similar proportion, but instead of clay, ash is used.

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