How to put tiles on gypsum board - instruction, technology + Video

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You can decorate the structure of gypsum board with tiles yourself, without resorting to the help of professionals. It is enough to have the desire, the necessary tool, the self-confidence and the basic stages of the work.

Preparation of drywall

If you plan to revet the bathroom or a bathroom, plasterboard, of course, you need to use a moisture resistant( GKVL).Drywall sheets are fastened every 40 cm to metal profiles, which allows to significantly strengthen the structure and avoid deformation of the sheet during operation. With the help of a thick adhesive PVA on the installed gypsum cardboard it is desirable to glue a special polypropylene mesh and secure it with additional clips.

For the entire scope of work:

The process of sticking the mesh on drywall

The process of sticking the mesh on the drywall

Only on the joints of the sheets:

We glue the mesh to the joints of plasterboard

We glue the mesh on the joints of the drywall

It is not necessary to patch the moisture resistant gypsum board when using a mesh. But without applying a primer you can not do. Why is this done? The primer cleans the surface of the treated material from dust and other contaminants and strengthens the adhesion between the drywall sheet and the tile adhesive. Primed GKVL with a brush, spray gun or a conventional paint roller, carefully working the entire surface. After drying the first coat of primer, it is necessary to apply a second coat.

If you neglect this stage of work, the tile, planted even with the most reliable adhesive, can collapse from a simple door clap or a mechanical shock.

Preparation of

tiles As long as the primed surface dries, it makes sense to do tile preparation. On a clean floor in a bright room you need to completely restore the desired pattern, using both the main tile and decorative elements( for example, curbs).It is also necessary to take into account the gaps between the tiles, for this you can use special crosses, which are planned to be used in the main work. If the design of the room and the calculation of the required number of tiles were carried out by a specialist in the trading floor on the computer, then it is necessary to accurately lay out the picture on the floor from the received printed image. If there is no drawing at all, then this procedure should be carried out anyway, since even in one batch individual tiles may differ in shade. Otherwise, it may turn out that not the best elements of the tile will be in prominent places.

Probably, when sorting, defective elements are found: uneven, with chipped edges or with glaze on the front side. Such a tile should be laid out as far as possible in those places where it needs cutting.

At the same stage of work, pruning tiles. To do this, outline a line of cut on the front side of the tile with a pencil and then repeat this line with a pressure chisel. The cutter should not only cut the glaze, but also partially grasp the base of the tile. Then, taking the tile with both hands behind the opposite sides of the cut, it strikes against the wooden edge of the board or table, combining the rib and the incision. Tiles should split without any problems precisely along the necessary line.

Also the tile can be cut. To do this, along the line drawn by the pencil( again from the front side), carefully cut the surface of the tile with a chisel, so that the notch is a continuous continuous line up to 2 mm deep. Then the tile is turned over and slightly hit the center of the tile with a hammer. If everything is done correctly, then the tile easily splits.

The trimmed edges of the tiles should be sanded at least with the help of emery so that this edge does not differ from the uncut.

Laying tiles

So, the wall and tiles are fully prepared, the most exciting process begins - the laying process.

To do this, you will need specially designed for gypsum cardboard elastic tile adhesive, which can be purchased at any store of building materials. Such glue is sold in a dry or already diluted form. If the first option is chosen, then, strictly following the instructions, the glue mixture is diluted with water in a clean container using a drill with a special nozzle.

Preparation of solution

Preparation of


In doing so, it should be remembered that a portion of the finished glue should be such that it is sufficient for approximately 1 m2 of surface, otherwise the glue will solidify.

Further the tile is stacked starting from the second horizontal row. To fix the tiles on the wall along the border of the future of the first row, fix a wooden or metal strip. Then take one tile, lightly moistened with water on the back( with a normal brush), a portion of the prepared glue is applied to the wall with a comb grater( notched trowel), and, exactly according to the drawing, the tile is put on the glue. It is enough to apply glue only to the wall, since if applied to each element, the work can be delayed for a long time. Further tiles of small size are pressed to the surface by hands. Then, at the corners of the tiles, crosses of a preselected size( no more than 5 mm) are established and proceed to lay out the remaining elements - horizontally, then vertically. In work, be sure to use the level! After stacking four or five rows, it is necessary to stop the work, so that the glue "grabbed", otherwise under the weight of the upper rows the entire structure can collapse. An hour later you can start working again.

The process of laying tiles

The process of laying tiles on plasterboard is the first row of

. Thus the entire planned scope of work is performed.

The lowest range is desirable to be laid out at least two to three hours after the last elements are laid. The rake is removed for this and then operates in the usual manner.

The final step is the grouting of the

tile joints. After about a day, and even better, after two or three, after finishing the laying, proceed to the final processing. It is necessary to take out all the used crosses and to wipe the seams between the elements. The color of the grout is chosen in accordance with the design of the room( one tone with a tile or a contrast color).In addition, the grout can be moisture resistant or with an antifungal effect. When choosing it, it is advisable to consult a specialist in the building store. Apply it with a rubber spatula, carefully working all the gaps between the tiles.

Grout tile joints

Grouting of tile joints

After drying the grout( the time is usually indicated in the instructions) start washing the tiles with a conventional sponge and clean water.

For a few days, the grout must be wetted with water to allow it to dry out evenly. If you then cover it with a protective varnish, the life of the grout will increase significantly. More details about grouting tile seams read here.

Video - laying tiles on drywall

Work is completed!

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