Redevelopment of one-room apartment in two-room

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Today, the constant rise in property prices does not allow you to purchase the apartment of your dreams and the owners, especially young families, are increasingly thinking about the need for redevelopment. If it is a question of buying a new building, the ideal option will be to think about planning even at the stage of building a house. It is quite realistic to buy an apartment in which there will only be load-bearing walls, and then add internal partitions of brick or even drywall. The transfer of a wall in a new house is also usually inexpensive. If the apartment has long been bought, the redevelopment will be a bit more complicated.

Redevelopment of a one-room apartment in a two-roomReplanning a one-room apartment in a two-room apartment

Reshaping a one-room apartment in a two-room apartment

Restrictions on re-planning

The law prohibits certain types of residential building adjustment, for example:

  • - increase of the kitchen area due to a bathroom;
  • - destruction of load-bearing walls;
  • - increase of the bathroom due to rooms or kitchen;
  • - changes after which the general communications will be inaccessible;
  • - dismantling of ventilation boxes in kitchens with gas stoves;
  • - transfer of radiators to the loggia;
  • - transfer of the boiler( in the apartment with individual heating) to the living quarters;
  • - transfer of gas risers;
  • - increased load on load-bearing structures;
  • - any rebuilding in recognized emergency homes;

Require preliminary approval and creation of projects:

  1. - work with gas;
  2. - association of loggias with living quarters;
  3. - creating openings in bearing walls;
  4. - modification of the construction of floors;
Legitimizing these changes "retroactively" is not always possible and will cost much more. Other changes, such as glazing of balconies and loggias or transfer of sanitary ware within the boundaries of the bathroom, do not require authorization documents, but after the re-planning it will be necessary to make changes to the technical passport.

How to redevelop

  1. Create a redevelopment project.
  2. Submission of documents( application, project, technical passport, title deed).For Moscow and the region, a single window system has been established in Moszhilinspektsii or MFC.
  3. The actual redevelopment.

Re-planning of one-room apartment

It is not always possible to make a "two-piece" from a one-room apartment. For redevelopment, it is necessary that the area of ​​the room is sufficiently large, at least 40, and preferably 50 square meters.meters. It is easy to add partitions to a large room, especially having several windows. The redevelopment should primarily meet the needs of the tenants. Some will arrange a dark room, others will be terrified by the studio kitchen. Below are listed some variants of lay-out "odnushek", which is very simple to make two-room.

Reshaping with two separate rooms

This is a standard variant, the redevelopment is included in the list of allowed rooms. We put a plasterboard partition, dividing the room into two, and we move the doorways.

When to divide:

  • The width of the room is much smaller than the length and the area is from 20 meters
  • in room 2 windows
  • the wall between the room and the kitchen is not capital


  • Accessory kitchen or room
  • Small rooms
  • Ifwindow one - dark bedroom

A square room with two windows is also easy to separate, adding a plasterboard wall, although the rooms can get through.

And this layout of the new building was literally created for separation

And this lay-out of a new building was literally created for the separation of the

Additional room in a one-room apartment

Additional room in a one-room apartment

Studio with a separate bedroom

If the area or number of windows in the room does not allow to completely fence the room, it is worthwhile to consider the option of an apartment-studio. The studio will allow expressing the individuality of the owner, it looks modern, and the absence of unnecessary walls visually increases the area.

Studio is better if:

  • apartment is not divided into light rooms and kitchen
  • small total area
  • studio apartment will suit frequent guests


  • only one bedroom
  • odors from the kitchen area
  • requires modern design and ideal order

Kitchen area canbe not separated from the living room, then for a visual division of space it is worth using a different type of floor covering: tile and laminate, different color of the floor, podium in the kitchen.

Using a partition to divide the room

Using a partition to separate the room

If the room allows, the kitchen area can be separated by a bar counter or a low partition. This will create coziness and the illusion of seclusion.

Whatever option you choose, be guided by your personal tastes and lifestyle, forget about the standards. Individual design of the apartment will make it possible to turn even a small area into a place where one wants to return always.

Video - redevelopment of one-room apartment in two-room

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