Do-it-yourself wall putty for wallpaper

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Despite the wide range of modern finishing materials available, wall decoration with wallpaper does not lose its popularity. But it is absolutely pointless to carry out such a finish on unprepared surfaces, and in order for it to be really high-quality, it is required to carry out obligatory leveling work. Putty do-it-yourself walls under the wallpaper are carried out in approximately the same sequence as for painting. However, much in the works will depend on the initial quality of the surface being tidied up, as well as on what kind of wallpaper her it is planned to decorate. instagram profile viewer

Do-it-yourself wall putty for wallpaper

Do-it-yourself wall putty for wallpaper

For example, "liquid wallpaper" does not require perfect smoothness of the walls, as their texture successfully hides small flaws. If the wallpaper is thin, then they are the same as paint, will reveal all the dents and protrusions that were on the wall.

This process should not be taken lightly. Curvature of walls or their uneven, rough surface is a common occurrence even in apartments of houses built from concrete panels. And such walls

at least degree I requiret tthorough preparation before painting or wallpapering.

Why it is necessary to putty the walls

The content of the article

  • 1 Why it is necessary to putty the walls
  • 2 Tools and materials for work
    • 2.1 What is required from the tools
    • 2.2 Necessary materials
      • 2.2.1 Putty compounds
  • 3 Preparation of surfaces for putty
  • 4 Plastered walls under the wallpaper with your own hands - in stages
    • 4.1 Making a filler from a dry construction mixture
    • 4.2 Covering the wall with starter putty
    • 4.3 Finishing layer of putty
  • 5 Calculation of the required amount of putty for leveling the walls
    • 5.1 Calculator for calculating the required amount of putty
  • 6 Some helpful tips
    • 6.1 Video: master class on filling walls under wallpaper

Putty intended for formaking not only large, but even microscopic flaws in the surface, since the graininess her the mass is many times less than that of plaster compositions.

This repair and leveling material is able to create a perfectly smooth surface on which there will be much it is easier to glue wallpaper than on a plastered wall, and small flaws.

If the walls in the apartment are sheathed with plasterboard sheets, and their, in turn, it is planned to finish with wallpaper, then putting putty is also extremely necessary, although it would seem that the surface is already quite even. The fact is that if you stick the wallpaper directly onto the drywall, then when you remove it during the subsequent repairs, the finishing material is likely to be removed along with a layer of cardboard, and then the wall will require more serious repairs than conventional puttying.

The whole process of leveling the walls for wallpaper can be divided into two stages:

  • Application of a starter putty, which will fill all cavities and microcracks on the wall, as well as even out minor surface irregularities. This layer can be up to 3 ÷ 5 mm thick.
  • The second layer is applied with the finishing compound of the putty - this will make the wall perfectly smooth. The thickness of such a layer can be no more than 1.5 ÷ 2 mm.

Tools and materials for work

What is required from the tools

For successful work on leveling the wall, you need to prepare high-quality tools:

Wall Trowel Tools

Wall filling tools

  • The rule is required for alignment inflicted starting putty with large curvatures of the wall, as in various her areas of the layer of finishing material will be different.
  • A mixer attachment will be needed to mix the putty.
  • Electric drill, in which chuck is installed nozzle - mixer.
  • A set of spatulas of different sizes and shapes. These are straight, even trowels with a width of 50 to 500 mm, and a standard corner trowel for removing external and internal corners.
For high-quality removal of corners, a special profile spatula is required.

For high-quality removal of corners, a special profile spatula is required.

The working surface of all tools must be perfectly flat and smooth. If even the slightest flaws appear on the spatula blades, they will certainly affect the quality of the surface to be leveled. Spatulas are not such an expensive tool, so they often make dlI am responsible for the purchase of new ones.

  • Grater for rubbing and smoothing the wall surface. Grater can be with a replaceable coating - abrasive mesh, sandpaper, genuine leather and tp.
  • Building level to maintain constant control over the verticality of the leveled wall.
  • Roller - used mainly for applying a primer, but sometimes, to speed up the work, they can also apply the first layer of putty, which is then smoothed with a spatula.
  • Capacities for mixing the solution and for water. The latter will be needed to soak the tools during the work period.
  • Medium brush - for applying the primer in areas of the wall that are difficult to reach for the roller.

Necessary materials

List of required materials quite small, and consists of the following items:

  • Two types of putty - starting and finishing.
  • Priming compound. To protect the walls from the possible occurrence of microflora colonies, it is recommended to use primers with antiseptic additives.
Antiseptic primer

Antiseptic primer

  • When applying putty on a wall covered with plasterboard, you will need a tape made of serpyanka mesh for reinforcing joints between sheets.
  • If the wall has large drops and irregularities, for example, large holes, sinks or chips are found on it, then in this case it will be necessary to prepare a repair compound. It can be a cement-sand mortar or special polymer-based fillers. They will serve for the initial leveling and patching of flaws, and only after such preparation can be applied putty mixture.
Putty compositions

Formulations for putty works are sold in specialized stores in a ready-to-use state or in the form of dry building mixtures, which will require self-preparation.

Ready-made putty compositions are very convenient to use, but quite expensive

Ready-made putty compositions are very convenient to use, but quite expensive

Ready-made putties are packaged at the factory in plastic buckets. They are extremely user-friendly - they do not need to prepare separate containers and no mixer is required for final preparation. Using them, you can at any timent prInterrupt work by closing the staff bucket cover, and the mixture does not dry out.The mass prepared by yourself must be used completely, otherwise it will harden quickly enough and become unsuitable for application to walls.

Paste putty is made on latex, polymer, oil-adhesive and other basics. With all her The advantages of many are discouraged by the high price, so most craftsmen are accustomed to using dry building mixtures.

Variety of choice of dry building mixtures - fillers

Variety of choice of dry building mixtures - fillers

Since the material is applied, least, in two layers, you need to purchase a starting and finishing putty. They differ in the granularity of the powder from which the mass is made. The starter putty consists of mixtures of coarser grinding and creates good adhesion for the finishing coat.

The finishing putty is made from fine gypsum powder, and subject to the mixing rules and technology application is able to create an absolutely smooth surface, suitable for both painting and gluing wallpaper.

It should be noted that sometimes universal compounds are used for wall putty, suitable for applying both the starting and finishing layer, that is, such a solution can be applied in several stages.

Characteristics of some popular putty compositions are given in the table:

Indicator name Standards for brands of putty
Adhesive solution LS 10/90 Leveling mortar Fine Coat finishing mortar 50/50 Termonite putty Block putty
LS 35/65 HP 50/50 LS 65/35
Recommended thickness in mm 3÷5 5÷15 5÷15 5÷15 3÷10 2÷10 3÷10
Recommended water consumption, l / 25 kg 3,5÷4 3,5÷4 3,5÷4 3,5÷4 4÷5 5,5÷6 6÷7
Compressive strength, MPa, not less 16 8 4 2 4 6 20
Flexural strength, MPa, not less 2 2 1 1 1 3 3
Adhesion (adhesion) to the base, MPa, not less 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 1 0.5
Average density of the solution kg / m3 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900
pH indicator 12÷13 12÷13 12÷13 12÷13 12÷13 12÷13 12÷13

When choosing and buying a putty, you must definitely pay attention to the instructions and the expiration date - this information is locatedon on packaging. If the guaranteed shelf life of the material has already ended, then this composition should not be taken, since the mortar may not have sufficient adhesion to the wall surface, and the putty will simply from her flake off.

If a dry mixture is purchased, then you need to make sure that it was stored in proper conditions. If the room where the putty was stored has high humidity, clear signs of dampness, then you should not buy this material, since it is unsuitable for use, even with unexpired expiration date.

If both starting and finishing putties are purchased at the same time, it is recommended to choose materials from one manufacturer. Such mixtures are maximally adapted to each other, and during the work they will show good adhesion - no "surprises" can be expected from this side have to.

Preparation of surfaces for putty

Cannot be applied putty mortar on an unprepared wall surface with an old coating, therefore over she needs to work very well.

If wallpaper has been previously pasted on the wall, water-based or oil paint has been applied, or inflicted layer of plaster, these coatings should be removed.

Old coatings are removed in different ways:

  • The wallpaper will come off the wall more easily if it is moistened with water several times with a roller until it is completely wet.
Cleaning the wall of old wallpaper

Cleaning the wall of old wallpaper

  • Oil or enamel paint is removed with a hot air gun and a scraper, or grinder from brush attachment.
  • The plaster is removed using different tools, depending on her thickness. If a inflicted thin her layer then her, as well as wallpaper, can be soaked and removed with a spatula. The thick layer is removed using a hammer and chisel, or using a perforator with a special chisel attachment.

When the wall is freed from old coatings, irregularities and cracks formed during the operation of the house will certainly be found on it. Revealed surface defects must be repaired, and the protrusions must be knocked down. Crack repair is required because whatinflicted on top of them, the putty will crack when it dries and will exactly repeat the direction of these flaws, which means what the work will be done in vain.

Remont stene is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The cracks are widened and deepened with a chisel and hammer. You need to increase the gap as deep as possible in order to fill it with a repair compound, which will become part of the wall and will not allow the flaw to appear through the putty.
How to properly cut a crack

How to properly cut a crack

  • Widened cracks should be well cleaned of dust and crumbled plaster residues. Excellent for this purpose fit small soft brush or damp sponge.
Dust and small particles of construction debris must be removed

Dust and small particles of construction debris must be removed

  • Then, a crack all over her the depth must be primed several times. It is important that the entire inner surface of the defect is processed with it, and then it is well dried.
Filling a wall flaw with a repair compound

Filling a wall flaw with a repair compound

  • Further, the cut crack or sink is filled with a repair compound with effort. Sometimes a starter putty can also be used for this, and some builders prefer to use a sealant. If a very deep defect has formed during the expansion of the crack, then in some cases it is recommended to first fill it with polyurethane foam.
  • After the repair "patches" have dried, bythe surface must be walked graterwith a large abrasive mesh or sandpaper with a large grain. The polyurethane foam is cut in line with the wall surface.
  • If the wall is covered with drywall, then all the joints between the sheets are glued with a serpentine mesh, along which they are passed from above with a starting putty. In addition, all the recesses from the hat are filled with torepeat self-tapping screws, otherwise rust yellow-brown spots will appear through the wallpaper.
Pre-sealing of seams and holes from self-tapping screws on a wall sheathed with plasterboard

Pre-sealing of seams and holes from self-tapping screws on a wall sheathed with plasterboard

  • After all repair and preparatory materials have completely dried, the entire surface of the walls should be covered with a primer with an antiseptic effect. The primer will increase the adhesion between materials and significantly increase the life of the decorative finish.

The primer is applied with a roller, but it is very important that the corners of the room are treated with it, since it is in these corners that mold spots appear first.

The best way to apply the primer is to use a roller and paint bath.

The best way to apply the primer is to use a roller and paint bath.

To make it easier to work, the primer is poured into a special plastic bath, into which it is easier to immerse the roller. The roller will allow you to quickly and efficiently prime large areas of walls, but the corners of the room have to work thickly with a brush.

Applying a primer to wall surfaces

Applying a primer to wall surfaces

Primer composition, inflicted on the walls, should dry well. If there is a very fast absorbency it into the surface, but it is recommended to carry out a similar treatment two or even three times - each next layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Plastered walls under the wallpaper with your own hands - in stages

Making filler from dry construction mixes

The package with the dry mixture always contains instructions for making the solution, therefore, in order for it to turn out to be of the correct consistency and uniform in composition, you need clearly follow all recommendations. In appearance, the mass should look like a fairly thick sour cream.

The kneading of the putty is as follows:

  • In plastic bucket the required amount of water is poured at room temperature.
The procedure for preparing the solution must exactly correspond to the instructions attached to the specific dry mixture.

The procedure for preparing the solution must exactly correspond to the instructions attached to the specific dry mixture.

A 25 kg bag of putty will require about 9 ÷ 10 liters of water, but you should not make a solution from the whole mass at once, especially if a gypsum-based material was chosen, since it hardens quickly enough and you simply do not have time to use all the prepared mixture. A putty is being prepared from ⅓ or ½ of the entire mass of the package, but in this case, you need to work quite quickly. The time of use of the mixed material is also indicated on the packaging.

  • Further, a dry mixture is poured into the prepared water in portions and kneaded using a mixer nozzle. It is necessary to achieve an absolutely uniform consistency, with a complete absence of lumps or unbound water. Particular attention is paid to the areas at the junction of the bottom and walls capacities - there "likes" to remain unmixed dry mixture, which can bring a lot of inconvenience already in the process fulfillment putty works.
The main task is to achieve ideal purity, uniformity of the resulting composition and a consistency convenient for work.

The main task is to achieve ideal purity, uniformity of the resulting composition and a consistency convenient for work.

  • It is very important to clean and rinse well after using the first batch of self-mixed solution. capacity and tools before preparing the second portion. Otherwise, the next composition will be filled with small grains already frozen solution, and they will be interfere very much with the work, leaving furrows on the surface to be leveled.

Covering the wall with starter putty

  • The starting leveling compound is applied to the prepared wall surface with a wide spatula. Auxiliary for this procedure is a medium-width spatula, which from capacities the putty is taken and applied to the wide one.
Spreading the mortar onto a wide spatula

Spreading the mortar onto a wide spatula

  • Furtherstarting from corner of the room, with smooth movements, the putty is distributed bywall surface with a thickness of 1.5 ÷ 3 mm. Thickness of 3 mm is permissible in recesses and places that are required withdraw in one plane.
Application of the primary leveling layer

Application of the primary leveling layer

The wide spatula used to apply the mixture to the wall is recommended to be held at an angle of 45 °. This position of the trowel will help to avoid marks from its corners, which are often left on the surface.

  • Putty on the wall is applied in stripes overlap, that is, they must overlap each other on a friend on 60 ÷ 80 mm.
  • After finishing applying the solution to a certain part of the wall, you need to check the evenness of the rule inflicted layer. This is done as follows: the rule is carried out bycovered putty surface, and it will collect excess mixture, while showing areas that require additional application of the composition.

In addition, many experienced craftsmen to identify the irregularities left work when illuminating a surface with a light bulb or an angled spotlight. The light will help create shadow from the imperfections - they will be easier to spot and fix. Alignment is carried out on stillnot drysurfaces.

  • The most difficult areas to level are the corners of the room, so an angled spatula was created to shape them perfectly, making the job much easier.
The task of particular difficulty is the perfect corners

The task of particular difficulty is the perfect corners

  • When applying a starter layer, it is necessary to strive to ensure that, as far as possibly, flatten the surface. But unfortunately, this is extremely difficult to achieve, and in the first layer minor surface irregularities are allowed, which will be eliminated by the top finishing layer.
  • After completing the application of the starting putty and without waiting for the complete her drying, it is necessary to wipe the surface. This processss prmanual grater, and if there is a possibility - electric sander. This tool will help smooth the surface and even remove shallow streaks left by the trowel.
Grouting the surface with an electric sander

Grouting the surface with an electric sander

Grouting is carried out in a circular motion counterclockwise, trying not to miss a single section of the surface.

And this is how they grout by hand

And this is how they grout by hand

  • Ready, worn out the wall needs to be checked with illumination, and if significant depressions of 2 ÷ 3 mm are found, the second layer is usually superimposed on the first layer, also from the starting putty. It should be borne in mind that a re-adjustment layer can be inflicted not on the entire wall, but only on individual her areas with defects found on them.

The second layer is also smoothed out with trowels.

Finishing layer of putty

  • If the goal is to bring the surface of the wall to the level of smoothness of the eggshell, which is especially necessary for gluing thin wallpaper, without backlighting from several sources when applying the finishing layer in any way get along. If it is sufficient to limit control with the help of a rule during the starting finish, then the finishing layer requires a more careful approach.
A thin finishing layer should completely hide all the unevenness of the wall.

A thin finishing layer should completely hide all the unevenness of the wall.

Light sources are installed in different parts of the room, so that their rays intersect on the wall and show all randomly generated errors.

To achieve an optimal result, it is necessary to organize additional illumination of the work area

To achieve an optimal result, it is necessary to organize additional illumination of the work area

  • The solution of the finishing layer is prepared and applied according to the same principle as the starting one. However, its thickness should not be more than one - two millimeters. Therefore, the mixture applied to a wide spatula is gently "stretched" bythe surface of the wall with slight pressure adjusted clear movements from bottom to top, from the corner.
  • Unlike the starting one, the finishing putty must be applied in two layers, and the second one can be inflicted only after the first has completely dried.

Each of the finishing layers it must be rubbed, but for smoothing the first one uses fine-grain sandpaper, and for the final one - a suede or leather nozzle.

  • The corners of the room are also finished with an angular or even rubber spatula, which will gently smooth out all burrs from the putty and will take awayher surplus.
  • After completing the application of the finishing layer, and after trowelling, you need to wait until the surfaces are completely dry, and then cover them one - two layers of primer.
On a high-quality filled wall, the wallpaper will lay flat, without bubbles, distortions and divergence of seams

On a high-quality filled wall, the wallpaper will lay flat, without bubbles, distortions and divergence of seams

  • The decorative finish is done after the primer is completely dry.

Payment the required amount of filler for leveling walls

The amount of putty and primer will directly depend on the area of ​​the walls of the room being tidied up. This takes into account the material from which the walls of the room and their condition are derived, since some surfaces require minimal leveling, while others require multi-layer application solution.

As an example, you can take a room with the following size: room dimensions 5 × 6 mm, ceiling height 2,8 m, one window opening — 2×1,5 m, one door opening1m.

Important condition - walls plastered, and do not need additional alignment. The putty will be carried out under the wallpaper.

  • Next, the area of ​​the walls of the room is calculated:

2 × (5 × 2,8 +6 × 2,8) – 2 × 1,5 2 × 1 = 56,6

A universal primer will be used to treat the walls, the consumption of which is 0.15 ÷ 0.2 l for 1 m². To act for sure, it's better take in payment the flow rate is higher and then it turns out

56.6 × 0.2 = 11.3 liters.

Do not forget that the primer will be applied twice, so the amount obtained is multiplied by two, that is, it is better to prepare 22.6 liters.

  • The amount of starting filler will depend on the thickness of the applied layer. On the packaging, the consumption of a gypsum-based mixture per 1 m² is indicated as a standard with a layer thickness of 1 mm - for example, 0.9 kg. Any thickness can be calculated from here. For example, the assumed layer thickness is 3 mm, then it turns out;

56,6 × 3 × 0,9 = 152,8 Kg

The dry mixture is usually packaged in factory packages of 25 kg, so it will be required to work with a margin 7 bags of putty.

  • The finishing putty is applied in a thinner layer, but it is denser, and consumption her slightly higher - 1m² may require 1 kg of mixture with a layer thickness of 1 mm. It is necessary to take into account the fact that her, possibly, have to apply in two layers, so you get the following result

56,6 × 1 × 1 × 2 = 113,2 Kg

i.e 5 bags by 25 kg. This quantity is also conservatively defined.

Calculator for calculation required quantity putties

For simplicity calculation use the offered calculator. It will allow you to calculate the amount of material required to level the walls of the room specified by the user. Payment carried out separately, sequentially, first for the starting, and then for the finishing putty.

Enter the requested values ​​and click the "CALCULATE" button
Specify the length of the room
Specify the width of the room
Specify the ceiling height
Indicate the number and size of doors in the room
Number of doors
one two three
Doorway height
Doorway width
Indicate the number and size of windows in the room
Number of windows
one two three
Window opening height
Window opening width
Indicate the planned number and thickness of putty layers
Planned number of layers
one two Three
Estimated thickness of each layer, mm
Enter the value of the average consumption, kg / m², with a layer of 1 mm thick (in accordance with the instructions for use for the selected type of putty)
Average consumption, kg / m2

Some helpful tips

Summing up the results of the publication, it is necessary to focus on some particularly important nuances of the work:

  • The starting putty should have a thickness of no more than 3 ÷ 5 mm (with taking into account both layers), since if the thickness is greater, then the material, when dried, can crack and to begin peel off from the base.
  • Subsequent layers of putty are applied only when completely dry before inflicted. Drying time will depend on the thickness. inflicted material and the temperature and humidity in the room.
  • In no case should you be in a room with putty install heating devices with walls in order to accelerate the drying of the putty, or, conversely, to arrange drafts. Neither one nor the other is beneficial to the finish. will go. Elevated temperature will lead to cracking of the material, and the draft - to its detachment from the main wall.
  • Doing work, you need to constantly keep under control the evenness inflicted layer, checking it by the rule and the building level.

Do not assume that it is very easy to apply putty on walls for painting or wallpaper, and everything is necessary. it will turn out the first time. If there is no experience in this technology of work, then it is recommended to buy a small amount of material and try your hand at a section of the wall that will be hidden from view. If the process will go easy, then you can purchase a putty and take on large-scale work. If the result is not pleasing, then it would be much wiser to entrust the filling of the walls under the wallpaper to professional craftsmen.

And in conclusion - a demonstration of the work of the master for filling the walls under the wallpaper.

Video: master class on filling walls under wallpaper

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