Repair of the foundation with screw piles

Repair of the foundation with screw piles

Many of us have their own plots of land with wooden, brick or blocky cozy houses.

And of course, every proud owner of a country house wants to keep it in perfect condition.

The foundation is the foundation of any structure. An extremely important thing in any construction. In this article, we will describe in detail all the necessary measures to repair the foundation of the country house.

How to determine if your foundation needs repair?

Repair the foundation is never too late. It is still subject to repair, even in the stage when the building "knocked on its side". But still, it is not worth it to start up with repairs.

The most common indicators that the foundation needs to be repaired is: uneven floors, skewed doors and windows and cracks in the walls.

The main task of repair is to strengthen the bearing capacity of your foundation. The easiest way to do this is to repair the foundation with screw piles.

This method involves the establishment of additional supports that will take the load and evenly distribute it across the entire foundation area.


Screw piles - have great advantages compared to other foundation repair equipment:

  • They are the cheapest repair material on the market today;
  • Installation of such piles does not take much time;
  • Installation of screw piles does not require special skills and additional knowledge on your part;
  • No cumbersome technology;
  • If the house is installed on a slope - then repairing with pile alignment is the best solution.

Installation of piles is possible even on often flooded and loose ground, including on peat soil( they securely fasten and create a strong support).

The mounting of the screw support is made only by hand, thus achieving maximum accuracy during installation.

Repair steps

Foundation repair with screw piles is a technology for screwing piles around the entire perimeter of the foundation to be repaired.

It is important that the piles stand close to the original foundation. Additional supports reliably tighten, and then cut to the required level, fixed and concreted.

In order to avoid the process of further shrinkage of the building, specialists use special headers and adjustable brackets, through which a "transplant" is carried out.


In the end result, the entire weight of the building is shifted to the installed piles, and the load on the foundation to be repaired is minimized.

Screw piles have excellent bearing capacity and effectively cope with the forces of frost heaving. They are used for absolutely any soils, except rocky rocks.

Substitution of the foundation for screw piles is a guarantee of safety and reliability of any structure.

Repair can be completed in 1-3 days depending on the size of your low-rise building. Installation of piles can be made at any time of year, day and weather.

Due to the ease of installation, you can easily handle it yourself, without the help of specialists.

So if the foundation of your home is in danger, make the right choice!

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