How to install a filter for water purification in an apartment - instruction

Telling how much filters are needed for water purification does not make sense. Looking at the water that flows from the tap, almost every one of us complains about the Criminal Code and "vodokanalshchikov", which rates are constantly increasing, and almost no changes. The problem of water treatment worries many owners.

1 It's not for nothing that a lot of "ecologists" have appeared recently( they just seem that way), who walk around the apartments, gather people and tell in an inspired way how dangerous water represents that we consume from the central highway. But the ending is the same - buy from us "this is it," and the rest of your life will "jump from happiness."We will supply you, and connect, just pay. And can you do without these "benefactors" - buy filters for cleaning yourself and install yourself? So let's figure out how to do it.

There are no special complications in this, as there is an instruction for any cleaning device, in which there is necessarily a section dedicated to installation. But taking into account that each dwelling has its own peculiarities, we will consider only certain moments, explaining that it is necessary to take into account.

Installation of the simplest filters of mechanical( rough) cleaning does not require comments. The only recommendation is to purchase a device with a transparent casing. True, such models are suitable only for the "thread" HVS.The best option if the filter has a built-in measuring instrument - a manometer. You can read a detailed article on the selection of filters.

The choice of the place

The main criterion, which we most often focus on is how to "hide it, out of sight, hide it."And this is understandable. Such an attitude of attractiveness does not add to the interior. But what else to foresee?

  • Free space, based on the dimensions of the product.
  • Convenience of its maintenance.
  • The possibility of visual control, because the likelihood of leaks in the circuit can not be excluded.
  • Connection. It is clear that the smaller the length of the connecting hoses, the better.
As a rule, such "composite"( multisectional) filters are placed in the compartment of the kitchen set, above which a washbasin( under the sink) is mounted in the countertop. Although you can pick up any other convenient place, for example, in the bathroom.


Mounting the Tee

To ensure the water supply to the filter, from the common "thread" it is necessary to make a tap. It makes no sense to "drive" all the water consumed, including for household / needs, through the appliance. That is why it is desirable to divide the feed into different cranes, one of which is only for water intended for drinking or cooking.

Where to install the tee - the host will determine himself, understanding its purpose.


crane. It must always be placed in front of the device. What for? Suppose you need to maintain the filter. In order not to leave the whole house without water, disconnecting its supply with a vent at the entrance, it is enough to cover only this "personal" tap. After that, you can safely take care of the partial disassembly of the device. Even if you need to buy something and replace it( and this time), you do not have to ask for water from neighbors - it will always remain in the common highway.

In this case, you do not need to mount a bypass, which will only complicate the work, and not everyone will be able to perform it correctly. The tap to turn off the filter is enough.


All hoses are connected according to the product manual - no explanations are needed here. The only reminder is the quality of all connections. The best material for sealing the joints is the FUM tape. Available for sale, and the coil costs an average of 15 rubles( depends on the width and thickness of the "canvas").All the "grandfather" ways - the tow and the like, are ineffective, especially if there is no experience in plumbing.

Functional Testing

The meaning of this event is not to make sure that the water has really gone. The main thing is to determine the reliability of all connections, the absence of leaks under pressure.

Here, in fact, and all the subtleties. And you do not need to pay for someone's services. It's always better to do it yourself - not hurrying up and carefully.

But do not forget that even if you install a filter of "fine" water purification, this does not mean that you can completely manage without a "mudman".The trunk filter is placed in any case, on a common thread, on the "input".

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