Advantages of SRO participant in construction and organization's goals

Most of the building organizations of Russia must necessarily be participants in the SRO( self-regulatory organization) in the construction sector( SROS).This provision was introduced in the Russian Federation from 01.01.2009 and replaced the licenses and regulation of the construction sector by the state. Thanks to the emergence of SRO, the market has become more open, civilized, quality and guaranteed. Single rules and standards were introduced for all participants, which made it possible to exclude corruption in this sphere almost completely.

The SRO has created an innovative structure that regulates the services that construction companies are provided to the market. Let's consider in more detail, what is the essence of innovations, and what are the advantages of self-regulation.

What are SROs?

SROS is a non-profit organization, information about it must be entered in the state register of SRO, its members can be individual entrepreneurs or enterprises( legal entities) that perform capital construction, repair, reconstruction of buildings. The activities of the SROS are regulated by the Civil and Town Planning Codes of the Russian Federation, federal laws "On Self-Regulating Organizations"( No. 315-FZ, 01.12.2007), "On Non-Profit Organizations"( No. 7-FZ, 12.01.1996), and other regulations.


The first stage of creation is the organization of non-profit partnership. To obtain SRO status, it must meet the following requirements:

  • association is not less than one hundred members who are representatives of the professional construction market - IP, legal entities, foreign organizations that are certified in the Russian Federation;
  • development and adoption of standards and rules of professional or entrepreneurial activity, which should be mandatory for all participants of the SROS;
  • formation of a compensation fund with a minimum amount of 1 million rubles for each participant;
  • , the minimum amount of the compensation fund may be set at 300,000 rubles for each participant in the non-commercial partnership if third-party liability insurance has been carried out;
  • the passage by a non-commercial partnership of the procedure for obtaining the status of an SRO in a government body authorized to do so.

If all these conditions are fulfilled and the requirements are fully met, the non-profit partnership is given the SRO status and information about it is entered in the state register.

Objectives of the

Organization The construction SROs are organized with the main objective - to unite industry professionals to prevent harm caused by the shortcomings of the work to the health and life of people, the environment, the environment, property of citizens and enterprises, municipal or state property, art and culture monuments and so on..In addition, they strive to improve the quality of their work carried out by members, provide participants with relevant up-to-date information.

The emergence of construction SRO:

  • img-sro made the interaction between market participants simpler;
  • greatly reduced the influence of the state on the development of the industry;
  • strengthened the role of natural mechanisms of market development;
  • led to a rapid evolution of the industry and an increase in construction volumes.

Advantages of joining

Joining the SRO is not only a necessity for construction organizations and IP, but also gives them tangible benefits. Thus, participation in the SROS ensures:

  • improvement of the quality of construction works performed by the participants;
  • protection of interests and rights of participants;
  • mutual support of participants;
  • the necessary assistance in raising the qualification level of the SRO participants;
  • information awareness of the participants, holding general meetings, organizing round tables, conferences, symposia on current topics;
  • increase the competitiveness of the company in the construction market, a significant increase in its level.

Requirements for IP and Building Organizations

In order for an organization or IP to have the right to perform construction work, it is a prerequisite for them to obtain a certificate of admission to such work( or a certain type thereof).Such certificate issues SROs to its participants if they meet certain requirements:

  • svid_ogrn employees must have a profile education corresponding to this type of work;
  • the IP should have a higher( secondary) professional profile education, and it must work for at least five years in the specialty;
  • at a construction company, at least 3 employees must have a university diploma corresponding to the work profile, and 5 workers with secondary vocational education;
  • professional development workers or IP should be held at least once in five years.

Some SROS present additional requirements to its participants, for example:

  • an IP or an organization should have the property necessary for the work;
  • the results of the qualification test for IP, employees or legal persons should be positive.

When joining the SROS, participants must make certain mandatory payments - one-time( admission, compensation fund, etc.), annual( under the insurance contract, for the maintenance of the device, etc.).

Although in our country the development of self-regulating organizations in the construction industry is just beginning, is at the initial stage, it can already be safely asserted, relying on, among other things, foreign experience that self-regulation is an effective, promising and economical activity that is built on the principles of professionalism, ensuring the highest quality, efficiency in solving emerging issues, mutual assistance and mutual cooperation.

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