How to correctly make a ribbon foundation - the rules of building pragmatism

We are building the foundation tape - why such a choice?

Tape foundation is considered to be one of the most common types and represents a reinforced concrete strip running along the perimeter of the entire building. The bookmark is made under the outer and inner walls of the building, while the same cross section is maintained everywhere. Today, the design has been widely used during the construction of ancillary facilities, frame houses, garages and fences.

The laying of the ribbon foundation is based on the fact that it is installed exclusively in those places where it is really necessary, than it differs from other types of foundation and shallow slab. Often, this type of design can be called a forced option, because only it is used in the construction of premises on slopes, when the strong support in the deep layers of the earth, which are not subjected to slipping, is especially important.

Bookmarking of the basement - the nature of the work

Undoubtedly, the device of the ribbon foundation with their own hands is a complicated matter, but it will not always have to be resorted to. Not all buildings are suitable for such a foundation, and fences, where this technique is so often used, may have other solutions. Variants, when mounting is possible on bearing poles, do not cause any problems, and also do not work strongly on the soil. First of all, such designs include mesh-netting, wooden fence, profiled sheet and CPVC.

To erect them, it is not necessary to concrete the posts, as a result, a strong foundation becomes a useless thing, i.e.just do not need, and the occupation itself will only take away your time, resources and strength. In the case where your choice was the construction of a strip foundation, the video on our website will help you better understand all the subtleties.

When wondering how to make a strip foundation, be prepared for the fact that this option can not be called economical. In fact, ahead is an impressive amount of excavation work, as well as a wide variety of materials used, laborious erection, heavy weight and extended working hours.

But this type of foundation has a number of its advantages, which include the simplicity of technology, albeit labor-intensive, and also high performance characteristics. In the archive of our videos, we are building a tape base, where we are willing to tell you the nuances.

How to properly make a strip foundation - the features of all the stages of the work of

Before you begin building a band foundation yourself, you need to prepare a trench. For this, marking is done, a direction and a contour of the foundation is outlined. All this is fixed by something, for example, pegs, between which the cord is stretched. Only after this the trench is digging, the depth is determined by the capacity of the future building. On average, this value fluctuates around 40 cm. While digging the pit, remember that all the walls must be strictly vertical, to adjust this parameter, use the hydro level.

Next, you need to clean the sand cushion and the ground, create a concrete mix, do the assembly of the formwork on the support cushion. The technology of construction of the belt foundation is not too complicated, but it requires special attention. To begin with, it is important to dig a foundation ditch, and also do the ground compacting. Special tampers will help you here.

At the bottom of the excavation, place a sand pillow. To properly perform a tape foundation device, the video at the beginning of the article is waiting for your viewing.

Sand can be tamped by itself, or pour it to speed up the process. The next stage will be the installation of formwork, it is assembled from improvised materials or created from ready blocks sold at construction markets. This stage is important because just now waterproofing is being created, which is not the last important element in the whole process, how to build a strip foundation. It is performed most often from a roofing felt laid out in two layers.

To create the formwork, you will need to calculate the width of the future foundation, this figure will also depend on the weight of the future building and its geometry, however, here the optimum is 40 cm. We have decided on the width, but the height has yet to be considered. To ensure that the entire element is of equal height, a cord is pulled inside the formwork, which will mark the level to which concrete should be poured. The walls of the formwork should be higher than the excavation so that the mixture does not overflow the top, and the structure itself keeps the internal tension created by the solution.

Continuing the manufacture of the strip foundation, it is possible to proceed with the installation of the reinforcement cage, if it is intended. You can connect the reinforcing bars with a knitting wire, which is convenient and easy to use. At the base of the frame there should be a certain number of rods of the required diameter( 12 mm).

Then passes the pouring of concrete with the assembled structure. This is done layer by layer, each layer is trampled by tapping and piercing to release air. Filling the formwork to the marked level, it remains to give the foundation to freeze, it may take a month. In this article, we tried to laconically describe how the ribbon foundation is done, it remains to wish you success in your work!

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