Tape prefabricated foundation - how to find out all the features of the construction?

Ribbon prefabricated foundation - structural features of

Unlike monolithic, in the arrangement of which the reinforcing cage is constructed and poured with concrete at the construction site, the prefabricated foundation is laid from reinforced concrete blocks, pre-fabricated at the factory.

The use of this method of construction allows to accelerate the construction of the base of the building several times, and this is the main and invaluable advantage, often overlapping a number of existing serious shortcomings. One of them is the sensitivity to the type of soil, because when constructing on moist and moist soils the structure passes water at the junction points of the blocks.

When installing on clay and loamy soils as a result of their swelling or in the event of a flood, the foundation blocks can sink, which creates a threat to the integrity of the entire building. On dry soils, such problems do not arise and the prefabricated foundation fully justifies itself.

The plan of the belt assembly foundation - what should be kept in mind?

The device of a prefabricated basement foundation is more expensive than a monolithic one, since in this case it is necessary to use special construction equipment. When the foundation of the belt assembly is laid, the size of its constituent blocks can not be changed, and therefore there are gaps that must be filled with brickwork or concrete mortar.

The depth of laying distinguishes the buried foundation and shallow. The first is laid in a trench whose base is below the freezing level. At the bottom of the trench, a support cushion is mounted, and blocks that have been greased with cement mortar are already installed on it.

The shallow foundation is built above the freezing level. The order of installation works does not differ from the above, but this option is usually used in the case of high groundwater and for light-type buildings.

Calculation of the of the prefabricated strip foundation is directly related to its design and depth of occurrence, as well as to the area of ​​the sole. This question is more serious than it may seem at first glance. With a small footprint of the basement, there is a threat of destruction of the entire structure, if unreasonably large - unnecessary material costs are unavoidable.

The correct number of blocks of each size will be determined correctly by the strip assembly plan plan, which is present in the project.

Construction of prefabricated foundation foundation - do it yourself

Construction of prefabricated foundation begins with clearing the construction site and leveling its surface. The top layer of the soil is removed to a depth of up to 8 cm. On the ground, pegs and twine make a foundation marking, along which the trench is digged 15-20 cm deeper than the assumed depth of occurrence and is as wide as the thickness of the foundation blocks.

The bottom of the trench is laid out with a layer of sand in 15 cm, which for its full shrinkage is repeatedly watered. Then 5-centimeter layer of crushed stone is poured upward. All layers are rammed and filled with bitumen grease. Block masonry starts from the corners and the places where the bearing walls intersect.

A twine is stretched between them, and further laying is carried out strictly along the level. Blocks in the trench are laid with a crane. After the end of the construction, that part of the outer surface of the wall, which is below the ground level, is protected from moisture by overlapping two layers of roofing paper.

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