Preparation of walls for plastering as a guarantee of successful finishing

What materials are needed?

Alignment of walls with putty begins with a survey of the surface in order to choose the right mix. Putty consists of two stages - starting and finishing. For start-up work, it is necessary to use a mixture with a layer thickness of 0.5 and more millimeters. This material is coarse-grained, which allows it to quickly solidify and not pour. For finishing work, you need to use a special mixture with a layer thickness of up to four millimeters. You will also need a primer. It is used to strengthen the base, increase adhesion and reduce the absorbent properties of the surface.

Primer must be applied with a mackerel. The roller for these purposes is undesirable. Primer - this is one of the most important stages in the preparation of the wall for processing, and frivolously to treat it is not necessary, because it is the key to quality putty. After the primer is applied, it must be allowed to dry out the amount of time that the manufacturer indicates. After drying, should be hand on the primer, on the hand should not remain dust.

Note! Primer is a deeply penetrating polymer insulator, which plays an important role in adherence to the surface of the wall and the layer of putty.

Step-by-step preparation of the walls for the

putty As already mentioned, before the leveling of the surface, the walls are prepared for the putty. It is done in the following sequence:

  • The old cover is removed( wallpaper, paint, tile, etc.);
  • Using a wide brush, the surface is treated with water. In this process, an important point is to remove the remains of the old coating;
  • Wall Washer. For this, a fly brush, two spatulas and a bucket of water are used. Further a site of a wall 2 on 2 meters is wetted by a brush and it is left so for five minutes. During this time, the wall will be impregnated with water. After that, the spatula removes the swollen coating layer, and the wall is again wetted with water;
  • All cracks and notches are extended.

After cracks and cuts are cleared, they should be thoroughly rinsed with water to wash all the dust. Then all these places are shpaklyuyutsya and primed. The next important stage in the preparation of the wall is its marking. To do this, you must use a grid map, which will allow the installation of beacons. The installation of the grid begins with clogging the dowels in the lower and upper corners of the wall. Then, first along the perimeter, and then along the diagonal, a black string is stretched. After that, beacons are placed along the grid.

Note! Such a grid is used only for brick walls.

Self-leveling technology

The alignment of walls with putty is best done with a 100-mm spatula and a two-hand trowel. Using a spatula, the mixture is applied to the trowel, and the mixture is leveled on the wall by the trowel. Trowel is kept horizontally, and the mixture is applied vertically. When several square meters of surface are ready, we take the rule, which must be carried out on the finished plot.

If the mixture is not removed, then another layer should be applied, and so on until the mixture begins to be removed by the rule. When it will be removed, it will be a sign that this site is ready. When answering the question how to level the walls with putty, you can confidently say that the main thing in this process is the correct technology of implementation.

As mentioned above, two stages of puttying should be done. The first layer is ready, now it is necessary to make the finishing putty. However, it is necessary to apply it only for walls on which wallpaper will be glued or paint will be applied, it is not necessary to use it for tiling. For a better understanding of the essence and principle, as the walls are leveled with putty, the video will become an important additional information source.

Important! At the finish putty, the main attention should be paid to the uniform distribution of the mixture.

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