Installation of plasterboard partitions as an option for re-planning

Preparatory activities for

Before starting the installation of partitions from gypsum board, it is necessary to determine the design of the partition. This is done based on operating conditions, taking into account all requirements for fire resistance and sound insulation. In general, the installation technology consists of several stages: layout of the room, installation of a frame, installation of sheets of drywall of the first layer, installation of an insulation layer, installation of sheets of the second layer.

Note! Work on the markup must begin after all the "wet" work is completed.

The marking starts from the floor, after which it is transferred to the ceiling using a plumb line. Further on the marking, the guide profiles are fixed at a distance of one meter from the walls and ceiling. Wall-mounted racks are mounted in the same way. All other profiles must be cut, focusing on the height of the room with a maximum tolerance of ten millimeters.

Installation of plasterboard partitions: step by step execution of

After the marking and installation of the guide profile, the installation of gypsum plaster partitions begins. The sequence of works is as follows:

  • Installation of racks. First, the rack is inserted into the profile on the floor, and then - into the upper profile. She must enter the guide on the ceiling at least 20 millimeters. After that, the profile should be aligned vertically, the step between the axes - 600 millimeters. The open side should be facing the installation of drywall, this is the so-called German technology. An alternative option is the American method of installation, when only the wall profile is directed towards it;
  • Front side panel. Sheathing begins with sheets of plasterboard with a width of 1200 millimeters. Self-cutters for metal are used for their fastening. The length of the screws is a minimum of 25 millimeters, and the step of their installation is 250 millimeters. If a two-layer skin is made, the screws are screwed in at a pitch of 750 millimeters;
  • Insulation laying. After the first side of the pavement is completed, the necessary communications must be installed in the cavity. After that, put a layer of mineral or glass wool. Their thickness should be such that the cavity was tightly closed;
  • Installation of the second side. When laying the second side, it is necessary to shift the sheets by 600 millimeters in relation to the sheets of the first side.

Important! Profiles that will be used during the installation should be of galvanized metal and high strength to hold the entire structure firmly.


After the installation of drywall sheets is completed, all joints must be ground. For this purpose, a puttying layer is applied with a putty knife and moving from top to bottom is evenly distributed along the seam. All remnants of the mixture are removed. After the putty has hardened, the reinforcing tape is glued on top of it, which is pressed with a spatula. Then, with a wider spatula over the tape, another layer of putty is applied. When this layer dries, it must be treated with sandpaper.
If there are external corners on the partition, then it is necessary to put on them angular profiles. They are put on the applied layer of putty, and on top are covered with one more layer. Internal corners are covered with putty and pasted with reinforcing tape.

Note! For internal corners, the reinforcing tape should be bent at right angles.

Finally, a few important comments. First, if the installation will take place in rooms with high humidity, then it is necessary to use a moisture-resistant gypsum board. Secondly, in such rooms it is not superfluous to lay a layer of waterproofing between sheets. And, thirdly, all communication must be thought through in such a way that they are not damaged during the tapping of self-tapping screws. For greater clarity and clarity, it is recommended to see how the installation of plasterboard partitions is done, video installation of which is quite a lot on the Internet.

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