How to Cover a Roof with Onduline - Stacking Technology and Benefits

If the roof of the building has lost its presentability, functionality, then it is necessary to make a cover with special material. Today onduline is especially popular. A highly demanded solid roofing component, never deformed, is not afraid of humidity, weather changes, and direct exposure to the sun, that is, it does not burn out. In bad weather, when on the street downpour the roof of ondulin does not make a noise. During the years of operation, the material may slightly fade.
The roof with the onduline coating is reliable, long does not require repair. Building material is acceptable for any roof. Installation is easy. The laying procedure is convenient and simple. And you can mount the material on the old roof. By the way, it's easier to work, less. After stacking, the ondulin is stained.

How to Cover a Roof with an Onduline

How to cover a roof with an ondulin

Ondulin is a bitumen material that consists of sheets. In addition, in its composition( no harmful substances), in the composition of cellulose, as well as fiberglass coatings, with additives of cardboard, which is topped with bitumen. The environmental friendliness of the material is the determining factor in the choice of roofing. In shape, this wavy, slightly rough material is represented by four shades: red, black, brown and green. This helps to beautifully decorate the roof of the building.

Covering this building material is done without using special skills. It is necessary to follow the instructions. If the roof was previously made of metal coating, slate, roofing material was laid, then it is not necessary to remove these materials. It is possible to produce a slight deformation of the ondulin sheets. They are elastic, which allows them to be bent without difficulty. Moreover, the sheets lie unproblematically on any surface.

Preparation for work - the necessary materials

So you decided to make a roof of ondulin, now you need to pick up tools, materials. Work better together. The following materials are prepared:
• A huge number of ondulin sheets are 200х95 cm. The roof is measured, the final figure in sheets is counted. By the way, do not forget to add 10 percent, and sometimes 20 percent for the projections along the edges.
• We also need a beam for the construction of the crate. The cut is 40x40 mm.
• Also in the kit, which is supplied with sheets, you will find special fastening nails. Of course, if you have chosen a red ondulin for flooring, then also select the color of nails red. They are similar in shape to screws, have a rubber frame at the top - this is an additional layer of waterproofing from water leaks after fixing ondulin, also in color. Material - carbon steel.
• The end is the corner. Its place is located near the junction near the roof slopes. Waterproofing here should be done very carefully. It is also used at the joint of a roof and a vertical wall. Around the stovepipe used aprons of rubber.
• Required for the border with the window from the roof - insulation tape. It serves to seal the joints. Can be used as a valley. Pay attention before fixing the insulation it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the contamination - this will allow to get rid of the bad joining of the insulation.
• In addition, we still have a special pipe for ventilation and cornice filler.

Required Tools

Required tools

Required tools

The following tools are required:

  1. To cut the sheets we need - a hacksaw.
  2. Ordinary pencil
  3. A simple pencil
  4. A simple light hammer
  5. A construction centimeter or ruler
  6. A cutter
  7. A screwdriver
  8. an ordinary thread in order to make the borders of the crate

It's worth noting that if you have a special ladder with which you can fastenher on the skate.

How to prepare the roof

Before laying out the onduline it is necessary first of all to make sure that the old roof is still able to withstand a new load + 100 kg, because wet snow in the spring will give the roof a great load, if you are not sure then we advise you to dismantle the roof.

Example of construction

Example of construction

The roof must be cleaned. Use any materials for cleaning. It is perfectly suitable for a broom, preferably on a long handle. From the surface of the roof you need to remove all debris, the remains of ash trees, or for example if you make a roof in the fall - leaves.

Construction of a crate for ondulin

According to the recommendations of builders and special companies engaged in the marketing of ondulin, their instructions say that the ondulin should be laid on solid sheets of the crate - this will ensure stability before deformations due to sun rays in the summer and the severity of snow in winter and, of course, of the melting snow in spring.

You can do the grinding yourself from a long beam 5 by 5 cm. First, a longitudinal crate construction is installed, and then we begin to fasten the beam with long self-tapping screws to the old beam. First, the extreme elements are fixed. Then a string is stretched across them. In its direction, the other bars are fixed. Then comes the time of laying the horizontal crate. Bars we will install already across the reinforced bars. The intersection points are fixed with screws. To facilitate the laying process, a special block with a section can be used.

When the roof is flat, it is better to make a longitudinal construction from the crate. Plywood is used which is not afraid of moisture. Please note that the design of the crate must be carried out extremely reliably. After all, onduline is a pliable material, with large clearance between the crate, it can take a little time. Swaying or protruding sheets will give our roof a sagging look and then leakage will begin.

The process of laying the ondulin

On the design of the crate that we made we begin to try ondulin( as shown in the picture below).Please note that when attaching ondulina sheets from the bottom, they must act without fail, otherwise the sheets will be stacked incorrectly, that is, they must close the so-called "Windboard".This part of the roof closes the gap and warns against getting wind currents under the roof.

sample of the laying scheme of ondwin

sample of laying scheme of onduin

To lay down the ondulin, according to the rules, start from the bottom, from one corner. Usually this is done exactly from the edge where, as a rule, a strong wind does not reach. Also know that you need to fix the ondulin in the transverse bars horizontally. Nails with "hats" are used. One sheet consumes about twenty nails. Having arranged the initial series, they pass higher. The first ondulin sheet should be visible on the half-width of the standard sheet so as not to load the corner fixing point.
Sometimes when laying a metal crate is arranged. The sequence of work is preserved, there is no difference. Only the metal sheets of the crate are fastened with screws.

To achieve a good result - a neat, beautiful roof - it is necessary to take into account some peculiarities of styling.
• Saw blades with a better oiled hacksaw. Then they will not crumble. Sometimes for cutting use circular, saber electric saw.
• Do not disturb the laying technology.
• High temperature will interfere with operation. Ondulin will become flexible, and it will become difficult to mount them on the roof.
• When moving you can not step on the ondulin. You can only become part of the bulge.

A sample of a house covered with an onduline

Sample of the house covered with the ondulin

Advantages of such coating

The demand for roofs from ondulin is growing. This is easy to explain with the merits of this roofing building material:

  • The roof, neatly, properly covered with the onduline, has a beautiful appearance, a flat surface. It is reliable - the material repels moisture, drowns out the sound of rain, bird fuss on the roof.
  • Stacking ondulin is not an expensive exercise. In addition, you can lay it yourself.
  • The coating serves a long time.
  • Ondulin sheets are flexible, therefore practical for mounting uneven roofing.
  • Roof of ondulin does not tolerate acid, does not contribute to the appearance of fungal plants and moss.

These characteristics will help homeowners make the right choice. Ondulin is the best material for roofing.

Video - assembling ondulin with your own hands

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