Building noise insulation - how to achieve peace and comfort in the house?

What does noise protection provide?

Sound insulation is a property of a design not to pass through itself sounds. But you need to understand that the concrete block does not have such qualities, but the concrete wall is already soundproof. Types of noise insulation: sound-absorbing and sound-reflecting. They are used to isolate buildings from the propagation of sounds. The character of the structure, its structure and material properties greatly influence the characteristics of insulation.

The main quality of the applied material is its hardness, which compensates for the absence of rigid joints between the walls of various structures. Another feature - the ability to extinguish percussion sounds. The great advantage of this material lies in its ability to deform, that is, to contract under load.

The choice of materials for these purposes in the market is presented quite widely. High-quality sound and noise insulation can provide protection of external and internal walls and floors between floors. The insulation of buildings completely eliminates street noise, the sounds of neighboring apartments. These materials have significant qualities: fire resistance, durability, moisture resistance, ease of installation.

Note! Making absolute protection from sound is not recommended, it can only do much harm.

What to protect from the outside world?

When making protection against noise, it is necessary to take into account that noise insulation is present in certain quantities in each building material used for erection of buildings. Therefore, before deciding which noise insulation to choose, it is necessary to take into account the ability of materials to absorb. On the basis of this, a decision is made on how to strengthen these qualities.

Sound insulation of walls, ceiling, floor is created by increasing their thickness and eliminating holes and cracks. The more powerful the constructive partition, the more it isolates the noise. However, with this method, the useful space in the room is greatly curtailed, so it is not the best option to greatly increase the thickness of the surfaces. To solve this problem, multilayer materials are used, in which rigid elements and soft are combined.

Solid materials: gypsum plasterboard, gypsum board, brick promote non-penetration of sound, and those noises that they pass are absorbed by soft materials - rock wool, fiberglass and so on. With a quality combination of these materials, you can achieve the most useful insulation. For such purposes, professional soundproofing is ideal, which is often used in recording studios.

Note! The market for insulation materials is rapidly developing, so it is necessary to study all available materials well before choosing which one to use.

What to consider when working?

Competently choose the types of soundproofing - this is not the most important moment, it is also necessary to correctly place accents on the features of the room. So, for a bedroom, a children's room, the main thing is not to let the sound in, while for a home theater or gym, the priority is not to let the noise out of the room.

Note! For qualitative isolation from extraneous noise it is best to consult a specialist.

Much attention is paid to the appearance of materials, because they create an interior in the room. Each building has its own characteristics: different levels of the ceiling, uneven surfaces, water and electricity supply system and so on. In apartments sound insulation must be closely combined with the overall interior and be taken into account at the design level. The main thing that should be taken into account:

  • Functional purpose of each kind of room;
  • Combination of sound-absorbing materials with sound-absorbing materials;
  • Take into account the individual characteristics of each material.

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