Adjusting and adjusting the gas column: adjusting the flow of gas, flow and water temperature

The panel of adjustment of a gas column
  • When is adjustment needed?
  • Adjusting the water flow
  • Regulation of the gas supply

It is important to observe special safety rules for the repair of any gas equipment, therefore it is better to instruct such specialists to perform such work. However, with proper adjustment of the gas columns, you can manage yourself.

Adjusting the gas column

Having spent a bit of time adjusting the mode of operation of such equipment, you can use the column with maximum efficiency.

Modern speakers are sold in a wide range, but the features of their settings will be similar for different models. We will consider the adjustment of the column with an electric ignition, on the panel of which you will see two scales and two handles. One scale with divisions and one of the handles is used to adjust the water supply, and the second scale and the other handle for gas supply.

Gas column

When is adjustment needed?

Configure the work of the column is required after purchasing and installing the equipment, so that the device's performance and gas consumption for water heating are optimal for a particular model.

In addition, the adjustment is carried out in situations where the previously set up settings are knocked down, for example, if the equipment was handled inaccurately.

The control panel of the gas column

Adjusting the flow rate of the

Begin work on the adjustment of the gas column should be exactly with the regulation of water intake. The nominal head, which is required to be achieved, is indicated in the data sheet for the column. If you lost such documentation, you can see the necessary data on the manufacturer's website.

For example, in the column model you purchased, the performance should be 11 liters per minute. To set this value, you need to open one hot water tap, then set the handle on the body of the machine in the required position, and then close the tap.

Adjustment panel of gas column

Regulation of gas supply

To prepare the gas path for operation, set the gas regulator on the body of the device at the minimum mark. By connecting the equipment to the network or by inserting batteries into the column, you can open the valve on the gas pipe. Further, after opening the tap with hot water the machine will turn on automatically and start heating the water.

To continue the setting, take tools that can measure the water temperature. Your goal is to install the handle of the gas regulator in the position where the temperature of the hot water flowing from the tap is 25 ° C higher than the temperature of the water entering the water pipe. At the same time, remember that the gas equipment does not heat water instantly, therefore, it is necessary to wait a little to measure the water temperature.

Then you can change the temperature of the hot water coming from the tap only with a handle that changes the water pressure. With decreasing pressure, water will move inside the column more slowly, and, accordingly, heats up more strongly.

The panel of adjustment of a gas column

When adjusting, do not forget to take into account the maximum temperature of water heating indicated in the instruction, which should not be exceeded.

In the next video you can see and hear some interesting facts about the settings and adjustment of gas columns.

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