The best modern materials for building a private house - an overview

building materials The growth of individual construction led to the appearance on the market of various materials, including those of which no one had heard before. The assortment is so large that even experienced people are often lost, not knowing what is best to choose. Let's try to figure out which modern materials are attractive not only in terms of cost, but also the appropriateness of using it in the construction of private houses.

As a rule, individual developers are guided by the following indicators:

  • price of materials( including, and facing);
  • the ability to perform all the operations on your own;
  • the total weight of the structure, as this greatly depends on the type of foundation and the cost of its installation;
  • cost of finishing works;
  • durability;
  • periodicity of the current( capital) repair.

Considering some types of new materials, we will dwell only on their specific features.

Firstly, , the exhaustive information for each sample is not the topic for this article. Who are interested in the details, will be able to get acquainted with all the "pluses" and "minuses" independently on our site in the section "Building Materials", where all the popular ones are described in detail.

Secondly, , many shortcomings are very relative, since the manifestation of defects is often caused not by the quality of the products, but by the violation of the technology of works and ignorance of the elementary things( on waterproofing, temperature expansion, compatibility, etc.).So, let's start the review:


Glued beam

bar Of all materials of the "wood" category, professionals recommend giving preference to this particular product.

  • Strict geometry greatly simplifies installation and caulking.
  • Finishing is almost unnecessary.
  • Excellent appearance of the house.
  • Good microclimate.

Specialists note the main drawback of glued beams, additional insulation will be required, otherwise the heating costs will be significant. Read more about the bar here.

Round log

With these advantages, this material will require a few large construction costs. Most likely, it will be necessary to attract specialists, at least at the stage of building a log house. Read about the construction of logs in a detailed review.

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Stone artificial

Aerated concrete

In all respects good material. But it absorbs moisture quite intensely. Therefore, when using it, you need a high-quality waterproofing. And this entails the need for plastering, which limits the choice of the type of cladding.

aerated concrete

Foam concrete

The specificity of its application is that this artificial stone is fragile enough. And this causes difficulties when attaching implements and furniture items( lockers, shelves, etc.).Just so you can not get a nail into it and you can not install a screw( with a sleeve) - they will not stick. Only anchor bolts, but this is not always convenient.

Of foam concrete can be built in 1, a maximum of 2 floors, and then, with the reinforcement of the structure. Comparison of foam concrete and aerated concrete - perhaps you did not yet know.

Polystyrene concrete

polistirolbeton Of all artificial stones, it is considered the best. By its properties( water vapor permeability, environmental safety), it in many ways resembles wood. Its main advantage is practically zero thermal conductivity. This material itself is an excellent insulation, and additional work in this regard will not have to be done.

Another difference from the analogues - in polystyrene concrete there will never be a fungus or mold. And given the low cost of products( approximately 1,000 rubles / m³), ​​this stone can be recommended as one of the best building materials. By the way, "bricks" can be manufactured on site, without spending money on renting vehicles to deliver blocks to the site.

Wireframe technology

The construction of sandwich panels is beneficial in many respects. In such a house is always cozy, and the cost of heating will be small( in the year of about 26 500 rubles).But the service life of the products does not exceed 20 years( and this is to the maximum).And the repair of such a structure can go to a "penny".Having many advantages, such a house does not differ in longevity. This is more likely a variant of a quick solution to the housing problem, but it is not necessary to say that many generations will live in it. Actually, the owners of frame houses say this.


A few remarks

Almost all modern building materials on the market are the best option for building your own house. The choice depends on the preferences of the owners, their financial capabilities and climatic conditions in the region. But do all of us think about how much is the annual living in the building? But this money, and not small. Of course, if you follow the condition of your home, and not live in it on the principle of "the day has passed, and. ..".

Therefore, by calculating the cost of construction, it is also worthwhile to be guided by what financial investments will be required for operation( primarily heating) and maintaining the house in proper form. The comparative table does not cover the whole range of products and contains approximate data, but you can make a general impression of the annual expenses for it.

A typical house design for a small family is implied. The prices are indicated in Russian rubles.

Material Estimated costs for:
Construction Operation Main article
( rounded)
4 500 000 100 000 Heating
( glued)
2 500 000 85 000
Aerated concrete 2 850 000 72 000
Sandwich panels 3 150 000 135 000

repair Based on this, when choosing a material, one must looknot only on the estimate for construction, but also to clarify the experts, what will cost the operation of such a house.

When determining the material for a dwelling, you should immediately find out what type of foundation is suitable for a particular site, based on the characteristics of the soil and the occurrence of water layers. The cost of arranging the foundation of any structure can "eat" up to 45% of all the money that is planned to be spent. That is, you can save in one, but lose in another.

Continuing the conversation about the foundation, it is impossible not to mention the formwork of a non-removable type. Now there are several varieties of this product. The use of products made of expanded polystyrene allows to save considerably on the warming of the basement( technical) room and to prolong the service life of the foundation of the building. The cost of this design - from 150 rubles / m² - fully justify themselves.

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