Greening roofs - a great aesthetic appearance or excellent performance characteristics?

Roof landscaping can be of two types: intensive and extensive.

Intensive landscaping is well suited for decorating restaurants, cottages, office buildings, business centers, penthouses. With the help of such a system, a kind of "oasis" is created on the roof, a vegetable corner, where paths are frequently laid, shrubs and trees planted. That is, they embody the ideas of landscape design.

Extensive landscaping is the easiest way to design roofs that do not require subsequent care. This system is used on both sloping and flat roofs. It can be the roofs of garages, apartment buildings, shopping and entertainment centers. Planted mixtures of several varieties of perennial plants, which do not require cutting and watering.

Greening the roof, the advantages of

"Landscaping is used not only for aesthetic purposes, but also in practical" .Let's talk about the main advantages of this procedure.

  • There is an opportunity to implement any ideas of landscape design. You can "cover" your roof with beautiful flowers and trees, and a real grass carpet. Select plants for gardening in accordance with individual needs, as well as climatic features.
  • The roof is protected from damage due to the fact that an additional layer is created, which separates the surface from all kinds of shocks. Repair such a roof is much less common than usual.
  • Additional thermal insulation is provided. Green plantations interfere with surface heating, so in summer it will be cool, and in winter it will be warm.
  • This cover makes the house much more environmentally friendly, as it absorbs harmful radiation. In addition, vegetation contributes to the elimination of microbes and significantly increases the humidity of the air.
  • is an excellent way of absorbing noise. In this case, plants take high frequencies, and the soil layer - low.

By the way, with the design of the roof, you can immediately take care of the facade. To do this, usually choose a facade plaster, tile or other finishing materials. When choosing plaster it is better to pay attention to the elastic, it does not crack, withstand any weather phenomena and permanently retains its original appearance.

Roof landscaping technology

Depending on the desired result and the type of roofs, the technology can be: for flat roofs and for roofs with slope. In the first variant, a root-protective film is spread on the cleaned roof surface. It is designed to protect the substrate from moisture and plant roots.

The drains are left open, and afterwards they are covered with geotextile. Next, put a vegetable mat, which regulates the level of liquid, nourishes plants, prevents the freezing of roots in the winter, cools the surface. On top of this rug flooring zemlesmes( future "green carpet").

In the second variant, it is mandatory to use a special grid that is attached to the roof, and the substrate needs to be covered in its cells. And only after that you can start planting plants.

Certainly, there are some other technologies, for example, roll coating with a polymer base. It is soldered to the base roof. But, whatever technology you choose, it is necessary to consult a specialist beforehand.

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