Sewerage in a private house: scheme, device and assembly of components

Street toilet with cesspool is gradually disappearing into the past. A new house and even a small dacha should please owners with comfort and normal for the 21st century conveniences. The sewerage system in a private house is an affordable and safe event for a building, if it is wise to approach the design and use modern materials and technologies. When building a house, the sewage system is laid at the design stage, along with other utilities, but in the old house it is also possible to organize the construction of a bathroom with a city level of comfort.

All private houses can be divided into two categories - those that can be connected to a centralized urban or village sewage system, and those that can not. The course of work and the construction of communications within the premises for these cases will be the same, a significant difference will only be in the organization of waste water disposal.

General principles of installation of sewerage in a private house

Basically, the sewerage in a private house, as in a city apartment, consists of a vertical riser and pipes of smaller diameter, through which gravity flows from the sink, toilet bowl and the like. Then, waste water flows into horizontally located large diameter pipes, and from them into a centralized sewerage system or local self-contained sewage treatment plants.

Planning sewerage in a newly built house, it is worthwhile to have a kitchen and bathrooms nearby, it is better near the place where the sewer goes to the street. If the house is two-storey, then the bathrooms should be located one under the other in order to reduce the number of risers and simplify the installation of the system and its subsequent maintenance.

In a large house with many bathrooms, with a complex sewage system, the installation of a sewage pump is rational. The pump can also be used if the section has absolutely no incline.


The design of the sewerage also takes into account the landscape of the site

  • - the sewage flows down and the septic tank or cesspool must be at its lowest point,
  • type of soil, its freezing and the height of the groundwater table - this determines the depth of the outdoor sewage pipes and the choice

The choice of materials

At the present stage, polypropylene or polyvinylchloride sewer pipes are the best option. They are inexpensive, easy to transport and install, for their assembly does not require a welding machine. In addition to the pipes, it is necessary to use connecting elements: knees of various configurations, fittings, tees, inspection hatches. The joints are additionally treated with a sealant.

The diameter of the pipes depends on the volume of wastewater and the number of devices connected to the system. In any case, the diameter of the pipe from the plumbing should be equal to or greater than its drainage pipe. The pipe diameter for the riser should be from 100 mm, if a toilet is connected to it, and from 50 mm, if there is no toilet. The length of pipes from the device to the riser should not exceed 3 m, and from the toilet - 1 m. If this distance needs to be increased, the pipes take a larger diameter.

cancellation device

Assembly of pipes and plumbing connection

Before assembling the system, it is better to draw it or design it in a computer program. All horizontal pipes of internal sewerage should go under the slope from the device to the riser at the rate of 2-15 cm per 1 m. If it is necessary to rotate the pipe 90 degrees, it is better to do it smoothly, using 2 elbows per 45 or 3 knees at 30 degrees, forprevention of blockages.

The toilet is connected to a vertical riser separately so as to avoid draining the siphons in the plumbing when draining the water. And the other appliances should be connected above the toilet to prevent the ingress of sewage into them.

Sewer risers on each floor in the lower part are equipped with inspection hatches. For noise isolation, they can be wrapped with a layer of mineral wool or covered with a plasterboard box.


Sanitary appliances are connected to the pipes through a U-shaped siphon, the bottom of which always contains a little water. Fetid gases from the sewer can not pass through this barrier. Some sinks and bathrooms are already sold with a siphon, others need to purchase it additionally, the toilet bowls have a built-in siphon.

The riser with external pipes is connected by means of horizontal pipes of the same or large diameter located in the basement, the basement or under the floor. Such pipes are also equipped with inspection hatches( always on bends).When connecting them, you should avoid right angles and complex turns. If the pipe lies in the ground or unheated room, then it must be well insulated. At the exit from the house, all the sewer pipes are assembled together and through the hole in the foundation they join with the external sewage system.

Sewer pipes are attached to the walls using clamps. Near the tie-in places, additional fasteners are installed in the riser, joints and transitions.


Sewage ventilation

A large quantity of sharply drained water, for example from the toilet bowl, moving along the pipe, creates a region of discharged space behind it. If there is no air in the system, the water from the siphons of the sanitary devices along this pipe goes away, and an unpleasant smell arises. For this reason, the sewage system must be equipped with its own ventilation.

For ventilation pipe risers extend to the roof, the upper end is not closed, but reliably hides from rain and debris. You can do the same in another way, at the top of the riser, an aeration valve is installed, which does not produce odors, but draws air inward, which prevents air from venting in the pipe.


Outside sewerage

Outside the house it is also optimal to use polymer pipes. For their laying, a trench breaks to the depth of freezing of the ground, a sand cushion is poured onto its bottom, and then pipes are laid down under a 2-3% slope. If it is impossible to ensure a sufficiently deep bedding, it is necessary to thoroughly insulate the pipes.

In the place of connection to the house and near the docking with the central sewerage or autonomous treatment facilities, inspection hatches are installed. It is desirable to install a non-return valve in the pipe. It will protect the house sewer from getting impurities from outside, for example, overflowing the cesspool, and from penetration of rodents through pipes.

Treatment facilities

The autonomous sewage system at the end can have:

  • cesspool,
  • septic tank,
  • biological treatment station.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages, but, in general, recommend a cesspool can only be given for dachas, which do not live permanently, or for small houses for 1-2 people. The biological treatment station is expensive, but after its installation it is extremely rare to resort to prevention and its evacuation. A septic tank is the best option, you can buy it in ready-made form or do it yourself.

Properly designed and installed sewerage will make living in your own home even more comfortable.

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