Types of foundations for private houses and their installation

Types of foundations for private houses and their installation

Laying the foundation is the first and major step in building a house


  • 1 Types of foundations for private homes, their characteristics and the device
    • 1.1 Strip foundation
    • 1.2 pier foundation
    • 1.3 slab foundation
    • 1.4 pile foundation
  • 2 How to choose the right kind of foundation for private homes
    • 2.1 soil assessment of the presence of ground water and the depth of freezing
    • 2.2 The types of soils and their characteristics
    • 2.3 How to calculate the depth of laying the foundation
  • 3 Important factors to choose the foundation
  • 4 What better to do when building the foundations of a private house
  • 5 Warming and basement waterproofing

Types of foundations for private homes, their characteristics and the device

Summary bases classification takes into account their structural features. The most popular are the following types: ribbon, Columnar, pile and slab. Various combinations are also possible.

Strip foundation

If you look at the photo strip foundation, it becomes clear how it got its name. This type of structure is a belt dug into the ground, which take up the main load bearing elements of the primary structure. Tape, in turn, are based on the foundation slab. Thus, a significant portion of the load from the wall is distributed over a large area.

The construction of strip foundation

The construction of strip foundation

During the construction of strip foundation is no need to carry out preparatory work for the soil, so it is good if you want to build a building quickly. On the other hand, it is not designed for large load, however the best option for use of the tape base are mono- or two-storey house.

Depth of the strip foundation is largely dependent on the materials from which it is made and execution of the type selected during construction. There are two main types of the belt structure:

  1. Precast foundation - made of concrete blocks. To build the necessary specialized equipment, the blocks themselves are made in the factory.
  2. Monolithic - manufactured directly at the construction site (without an intermediary in the form of the plant).
Fill strip foundation for private homes

Fill strip foundation for private homes

  • brick foundation - is used for the construction of buildings up to five floors and in cases where it is impossible to use a solid foundation. As the name implies, it consists of clay bricks.

Useful advice! If you need to make a strip foundation calculations, the calculator for this can be found on the Internet. With its help you find the amount of material, determine the depth of the construction and other important parameters.

Schematic representation of the device of the tape base

Schematic representation of the device of the tape base

In general, as the positive properties of the strip foundation is possible to allocate its ease of installation and the ability to use as walls for the basement. Also, this type of foundation is characterized by a high load capacity. Cons belt structure - for its construction, you will need specialized equipment such as a crane, dump truck and concrete mixer.

pier foundation

Pier foundation - this column is immersed in a specially drilled well or directly into the ground. The pillars are connected to the top beams of reinforced concrete and are designed for homes with a relatively low weight. This foundation would be a great option for a medium-sized wooden house or other structures made of light materials. It is good for country houses or frame structures.

Apparatus columnar foundations

Apparatus columnar foundations

Pier foundation for a private house used to firm ground, which is not characteristic of the deformation of the temperature changes. Like tape, pier foundation can be prefabricated or monolithic. In addition, they can be made of the following materials:

  • brick - is used to support buildings with brick walls up to a height of two floors;
  • stone - for heavy buildings;
  • tree - the best option for wooden structures such as pools or lodges;
  • reinforced concrete - the worst option pier foundation, which is used in industrial plants or buildings with more weight, which have more than two floors.
Construction columnar type of foundation

Construction columnar type of foundation

Calculations of columnar foundation carried out based on the dimensions of structures and other parameters.

The advantages of the columnar foundation can be attributed to its relatively low cost, but the negative aspects more. This low strength, and possible problems with the construction of the basement or ground floor. Therefore, this type of design is best used for small commercial buildings, baths, barns and other structures that do not include the basement and did not have too much weight.

column base is deepened by 0.5-1 m below the soil freezing

column base is deepened by 0.5-1 m below the soil freezing

slab foundation

This type of foundation - a concrete slab, which is placed at a certain depth. Its thickness can vary from 30 to 100 cm, and for improving the strength characteristics used fittings. As preparation for poured concrete slab or layer sand is filled.

Pros and cons of the foundation slab can be written in a few sentences. It is good that the load is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the plate, so the slab foundation tolerates both vertical and horizontal deformation. It is most commonly used on soft ground types, such as quicksand, sands and so forth. The disadvantage of this foundation is that it is performed only in a monolithic form.

Construction of the foundation slab under the country house

Construction of the foundation slab under the country house

Useful advice! If necessary, the construction of a large slab of the basement area used the so-called expansion joints. This means that one big slab is cut into several smaller pieces. This technique avoids the appearance of cracks and to reduce bearing capacity of the foundation.

Another shortcoming of the foundation slab - is the high cost of installation and the materials themselves. But, if you want your house stood for as long as possible without strain even on the unstable ground, such an option would be ideal.

Driving device foundation slab

Driving device foundation slab

pile foundation

This type of foundation for private homes as pile, is a one or a number of piles, which combine top special plate. Plate may be made of concrete or reinforced additionally iron armature. This option is often used when you need to build a structure on very soft ground, under which is stronger.

Buildings on stilts built in the sand, quicksand, loose soils. This type of construction makes it possible to transfer a significant burden on the soft ground, and also helps support the weight of the foundation of a large building.

3D-project of a private house with a pile foundation

3D-project of a private house with a pile foundation

  • screw piles - price spiral pile-foundation is higher than previous versions, but it can be used in any ground, regardless of its density and other characteristics. This type of pile is screwed into the soil as the screw. Despite the fact that there are also disadvantages, pros screw-pile foundations allow their widespread use for the construction of bridges, towers, power lines and other specialized structures.

Useful advice! Piles or pressed into the medicine type is best used when there are a number of old and dilapidated buildings that will keep them safe.

minus any pile foundation - is the high cost of its construction. For the installation of piles and transport requires the use of specialized equipment, which significantly increases the cost of construction. A definite plus is that you can build a foundation for a limited area and for a small amount of earthwork.

Various versions of the pile foundation under the house

Various versions of the pile foundation under the house

How to choose the right kind of foundation for private homes

There are some general guidelines that can be applied to any type of device foundation. Common factors include the following:

  1. The presence at the future design of groundwater.
  2. The general condition of the soil on site construction.
  3. The magnitude of the load bearing structure.
  4. The depth to which the soil freezes much as possible.
  5. The presence or absence of a basement.
  6. The expected life of the structure.
  7. What materials are used in construction.
  8. Whether a site is any underground utilities.
Types of foundations for private homes

Types of foundations for private homes

All these points are extremely important when choosing the optimal variant of the form the foundation for a private house, so they should pay attention. Below, we look at each factor in more detail.

Related article:

svajnyj-fundament-svoimi-rukami-poshagovaya-instrukciya-video-1How to build a pile foundation with his own hands: step by step instructions and video. Varieties of pile foundation: pile-rostverkovy, pile-helical pile-tape.

soil assessment of the presence of ground water and the depth of freezing

Quality soil and full assessment can only be carried out by a full geological survey. Well, if the results of such studies are available from the organization that owns the land. Otherwise, the soil should be investigated independently.

To this end, in the area of ​​building pit is dug or drilled well is then measured the height of the bulk layer, which can not be used as the basis for the building. Since the beginning of the construction of this layer is removed, leaving only the supporting ground.

Conducting a study of soil specialist

Conducting a study of soil specialist

When building the foundation for a private house should bear in mind that almost any type of soil swells during the cold season. If the problem can not be avoided, it is necessary to make sure that the rise of the basement in the winter is uniform across the area of ​​the building. Dry soil rises less humid and sandy - clay.

For difficult soils, soils containing clay inclusions, often used pillow of sand or gravel medium size.

The deformation of the foundation when ground frost heave

The deformation of the foundation when ground frost heave

Measure the average and maximum depth of soil freezing can be quite difficult, because it has a wide range. This is largely dependent on the density of the soil: what it is denser, the greater freezing. It is logical that also freezes well moisture-laden soil. This means that if at the construction site, there are ground water, lay the foundation necessary to make deeper or wider.

Useful advice! Clay soils are very complex for the construction of the foundation, as the swell unevenly. In order to avoid deformation of the foundation, which was built on the ground with patches of clay, you need to create protivopuchinistuyu pillow, that is difficult to completely replace the soil in the sand.

Sand, crushed stone cushion is a drain and shock-absorbing elements of the foundation

Sand, crushed stone cushion is a drain and shock-absorbing elements of the foundation

If you are creating the foundation for a frame house with his own hands, but you do not have enough financial resources to complete the geological survey, you can use the old-fashioned method. He is to monitor the asphalt road leading to the site of construction. If at the beginning of spring asphalt is cracked, it means that the soil in the heterogeneous area.

Dips in the asphalt indicate the presence of underground water streams or places that are heavily compressed at low temperature. You can also conduct a survey among the nearest neighbors, who can talk about possible existing problems with the foundations of their houses.

The circuit design of the foundation pile-rostverkovogo

The circuit design of the foundation pile-rostverkovogo

The types of soils and their characteristics

The nature of the soil under the building - is the most important factor influencing what kinds of foundations for private homes is better to use. Total there are four main types of soil:

  • sand - has a relatively low index of heaving and is one of the best options for the construction of the foundation. On the sandy soil can easily build a foundation for House of aerated concrete, Concrete blocks, bricks, wood and other materials. The sand is good that it is perfectly compacted and compacted well pass water, so the foundation is not zamokaet;
  • detrital or rocky ground - stone not frozen and swells, and generally has little influence on their properties under different weather conditions, so it is ideal for construction foundation. Less is derived from a plus - in the soil foundation is quite difficult to build;
When choosing the type of foundation you need to take into account the bearing capacity of soil

When choosing the type of foundation you need to take into account the bearing capacity of soil

How to calculate the depth of laying the foundation

The depth of the foundation directly depends on the type of soil at the construction site. If it has a high refractive distending laying depth should be no less than the calculated depth of freezing. When ground conventionally nepuchinisty laying depth can be from one meter to 0.5 meters, depending on the depth of freezing. On nepuchinistom ground (e.g., rock type or coarse sand) depth of the foundation should not be less than half a meter.

Embodiments device columnar foundation 1 - precast reinforced concrete support column with a rod support frame; 2 - compacted soil homogeneous; 3 - the support plate of reinforced concrete; 4 - reinforced concrete pillar with a core of a metal pipe; 5 - assembly support post of a metal pipe; R. W. P. G. - the calculated level of soil freezing

Embodiments device columnar foundation 1 - precast reinforced concrete support column with a rod support frame; 2 - compacted soil homogeneous; 3 - the support plate of reinforced concrete; 4 - reinforced concrete pillar with a core of a metal pipe; 5 - assembly support post of a metal pipe; R. W. P. G. - the calculated level of soil freezing

At any depth laying the foundation necessary for the successful construction of the condition is to remove atmospheric and surface water to protect the foundation from moisture.

Important factors to choose the foundation

Choose the type of foundation for the private house depends on the following factors:

  • engineering-geological situation in the area. For her research is best to hire a team of professional geologists, who will take soil samples and draw up a detailed report based on the research results. The report should include the thickness of the various layers of the soil, the depth of groundwater heaving soils. The study shows a better foundation for the house of aerated concrete or any other material on this site;
  • loading fee - ie the sum of the weights of all structures of the future construction. This parameter has the greatest value when the basement space, and the material for its construction. Calculation of the parameters should be engaged in an experienced design engineer, who will select the best material and type of foundation. For example, considering the pros and cons of pile-rostverkovogo foundation, you can use it for relatively heavy structures;
EXAMPLE Swedish design insulated plate

EXAMPLE Swedish design insulated plate

Selection of low-quality material or negligent performance of work - a factor that can play a cruel joke even if you are treated with the utmost care to all of the above points. Therefore, as the performers of works for the laying of the foundation is best to choose experts with good references and proven construction companies.

It is also very important to accurately adhere to the materials and technology specified by the design engineer in the project.

The process of construction of strip foundation

The process of construction of strip foundation

What better to do when building the foundations of a private house

There are a number of points, from which should be avoided if you want your foundation has become a reliable and durable basis for the construction of:

  • foundations for a house of foam blocks do not make out piles. They are designed for heavy loads, which means that you are just wasting your money;
  • strip and columnar foundations should not be used in silty soils or soils with a high distending - here better suited piles;
Main causes destruction of foundations (force: and - gravity, b - soil resistance in - frost heaving): 1 - the ground subsidence; 2 - pushing the foundation; 3 - frost heave; 4 - tilting support

Main causes destruction of foundations (force: and - gravity, b - soil resistance in - frost heaving): 1 - the ground subsidence; 2 - pushing the foundation; 3 - frost heave; 4 - tilting support

  • do not skimp on the preparatory work and construction of the foundation, as it is - the most important stages of any construction. If you are not familiar with the technology of strip foundation with his own hands the device, step by step instructions, photos from the Internet can help you with this. In the absence of sufficient experience and art best to order services and Design and construction crews;
  • choice of pile foundation is not always justified. This type is quite expensive, but with a good soil it is possible to be relatively cheap and simple strip foundations.
Reinforcement is necessary to strengthen the structure and extend the life of the house

Reinforcement is necessary to strengthen the structure and extend the life of the house

Warming and basement waterproofing

Construction of the foundation - it's not the final stage of work. After he persevered for about a month, it is necessary to take care of the organization of its waterproofing and insulation.

Basement waterproofing can be done in different ways. The most popular and simplest of them - is to use a special film, which does not transmit moisture from the outside, but does not prevent the condensate drain. It is also necessary to take care that the foundation of your home is not exposed to moisture from the environment (rain water, melt water). To this end, arranged drainage system and drainage works carried out if necessary.

Gluing on polystyrene plate, which is efficient insulation

Gluing on polystyrene plate, which is efficient insulation

Insulate the foundation of the house can making permanent shuttering for the foundation, on which are mounted the layers of mineral wool, foam or expanded clay. The choice of material to create a heat insulating layer is dependent on natural conditions, the foundation material, and many other factors.

Useful advice! Interior and exterior design - this is much more difficult stage than the construction of the foundation itself, so it needs to be given as much attention as possible. In addition, these works take a lot of time. It should also be taken into account when calculating the overall timing of the project.

Protection of the foundation of the groundwater is an important task in the construction of a private house

Protection of the foundation of the groundwater is an important task in the construction of a private house

To calculate the amount of materials needed for the construction of the foundation, it is best to use different versions of online calculators. Thus, the calculator for calculating concrete foundation will help you not to be mistaken with the amount of construction material, which means - to save their money. Calculators may be used for the calculation of plate, belt, rostverkovogo foundation shuttering tiles.

Remember that the foundation - is the most important part of any structure. If its design or construction you choose to save, it can have a negative impact on the house in the near future. So do not feel sorry for the money or the time - then your home will stay as long as possible, regardless of the environmental conditions.

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