Garden beds with own hands

A person strives for beauty in everything. If for you the dacha is not the place of the slaughter labor, beyond which you can not see the light, then you try to make every centimeter of it attractive, even if it is intended for the garden. Creating a garden with your own hands, you need to decide what you are doing it for. First of all, you are interested in the beauty and attractiveness of your dacha, or you would like to increase the yield of plants. Perhaps you have little space, and arrangement of beds is an additional opportunity to grow greens or flowers.


  1. Beauty in the garden
  2. Beautiful beds in your dacha
  3. Photo of the beds in the garden
  4. Video of creating the beds with your own hands

Beauty in the garden

It's not difficult to create beautiful garden beds in your own hands. There are two ways of decorating the plantations - traditional and French. The traditional way involves the usual square or rectangular beds, as in the photo, oriented from the north to the south and separated by paths. The beds in French also have the right shape, but they are arranged in a circle, in the center of which it is necessary to break a large flower bed.

To create beds in the dacha with your own hands, as in the photo, you must first mark out the entire area, determining where the plants will be planted. Tracks can be made using plates, natural stone, wood or brick. Allotted areas for plants must be dug up, weed roots and debris, razorovnyat rake. To keep the moisture in the soil longer, and the weeds do not pester their continuous growth, it is recommended to lay the mulching material by making holes for the seedlings. The French are doing the opposite. They protect the beds with small bordersticks, leaving a free space for the tracks.

Beautiful beds in your dacha

If melt water stagnates in your area, clay is present in the soil in large quantities, and the site itself is in the lowland, then it is worth taking care of the qualitative heating and airing of the land.

Works begin with a markup. For beds there is about a meter, and for tracks up to 40 cm. Fertile layer from the tracks is scattered on the bed. Thus, it turns out something like a hill, whose height reaches 30 cm. The rises are distinguished by a higher height, up to 70 cm, and are used for growing early greenery, since snow on the hills will come down earlier. The principle of their creation is identical to the previous version.

Fortified warm garden beds with their own hands are created using a frame, which is made of boards. The inside of the bed is like a sandwich. The lowest layer is covered with branches and large garden garbage. The next layer - small waste, for example leaves and not pereprevshy compost. The top layer will be well-fertilized land. Filling, decomposing, will warm up the garden, which will allow you to get an earlier crop. On such beds it is good to establish a skeleton and to stretch a film.

If your site is negligible, then it's worth considering how to independently make a bed of vertical orientation. Material for such structures can be knocked down from the boards of the box, cutting large-diameter plastic pipes, and even ordinary bottles. The design makes holes for draining excess water, and the beds themselves are located vertically.

Here you can give complete freedom to your imagination. Some summer residents are fastening such beds to the wall, fence and even to the gate. Others hang tiers on ropes, and still others create a modern vertical greenhouse.

When adjusting the vertical beds, note: the amount of land should be sufficient for the selected plant, and watering timely, as the soil in them will dry very quickly. For clarity, we recommend that you look at the bottom of the video on how to make beds with your own hands.

Photo of the garden in the garden

Video of creating the beds with your own hands

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