Compressor for the aquarium with their own hands

The content of aquarium fish is not such a simple matter as it seems at first glance. For a full-fledged care of fish it will be necessary to create conditions that are as close to natural as possible. For example, to saturate the water with air and constantly mix it, you need to install a compressor. And you can do it yourself and save a significant amount of money in this way.


  • Procedure
  • Advice and recommendations
  • Compressor placement in the

aquarium You can create all necessary conditions for aquatic inhabitants without installing additional equipment. However, it is rather difficult for non-professional aquarists to choose the right inhabitants and plants to create an ecological environment and it will take a considerable amount of time. The compressor installation will solve these problems and can be performed without the help of professionals.

To build a compressor for an aquarium with your own hands, you will need the following tools and accessories:
- small electric motor;
- eccentric;
- the pump.

Sequence of actions


The aquarium compressor is manufactured in several different ways. Consider the simplest and most common.
To create a compressor it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  1. Take a small electric motor and connect it to the power supply. It is recommended to use an engine with a voltage of no more than 12 volts, so that in the event of a long shutdown, the electric power supply remains able to supply it from the battery for the car.
  2. Further on the surface of the electric motor is fixed the eccentric, thanks to which a small pump is set in motion.

The considered variant will be most pertinent in that situation if it is necessary to make the compressor for the aquarium is noiseless. If the presence of noise is not your main criterion, then you can apply another way to create a compressor:

  1. As an additional equipment, you need to find an electromagnet. For example, you can use a small magnetic starter that operates at a frequency of 50 Hz from 220 volts.
  2. Then it is necessary to attach a small pump to the electromagnet, the membrane of which will start moving from side to side with a similar frequency of 50 Hz. It is thanks to this movement that the pump pumps air and thus the aeration of water is carried out. Extra noise noise is created due to the work of the electromagnet and for this reason this method is less common.

The self-made compressor will not only be cheaper than the finished analogs, but it can also be much more efficient than other devices, and it will also be easier to repair.

Tips and tricks


In most cases, the aquarium is installed in those rooms where people are constantly. First of all it is necessary to take into account that the compressor should function constantly and therefore it is not necessary to neglect the quality of its manufacturing. If you built a compressor with an electromagnet that creates excessive noise, then such a device can be removed into a closed cabinet. To this end, a long air duct is useful. In addition, an air compressor for an aquarium can be installed in a box from an old film, which will help reduce the strength of the shock wave. A box of wood will hide the design from the look and affect the isolation of sound.

It is also necessary to know that a self-made compressor for an aquarium must necessarily perform a moderate control of the flow of air feed. It is recommended to pre-calculate the power of the built-in engine from the formula 0.5 l / h per liter of water. As stated earlier, it is desirable to put in the aquarium a compressor with low-voltage power( no more than 12 volts).


It is important for aquarium owners to remember that in this type of construction, excessively powerful equipment can adversely affect the life of fish. Their health will be jeopardized by the rapid circulation of water. This is an important criterion by which a low-power device is best suited for a round aquarium.

Important fact is that if there is a large number of plants inside the aquarium and when oxygen is supplied, the use of the compressor is not necessary during the lighting period. Usually, in such cases, it is included only at night, when the plants stop releasing oxygen and begin to consume fish on a par with fish. To ensure that when the device is turned off, water is not poured into the compressor due to backward draft, it is necessary to install a non-return valve on the tube going towards the sprayer.

Compressor location in the


aquarium After the compressor is manufactured, it is necessary to properly fix it inside the aquarium. This procedure is quite easy and can also be performed independently. Before installing directly, you must first choose the location where the device will be located. The compressor can be placed either above the surface of the water, or in a small enclosed space next to the aquarium.

Sprayers and hoses are recommended to be fixed on the bottom with a heavy object( seashell or large stone).In the event that the nebulizer can swim up, the water will not be saturated with air. The hoses connected to the compressor should be chosen from silicone or elastic rubber. If the part of the hose in the water hardens, then it must be replaced with a new one. It is very important that to ensure the normal life of the inhabitants of the aquarium, you should use only special hoses designed for aquaristics.


Sprays may only be needed to reduce the number of bubbles. This element can be built with special stones. The number of stones depends entirely on the depth of the sprayer. Check whether enough fish oxygen in the water, you can observe their behavior. Most species of aquarium fish prefer to move near the bottom or in the middle part of the water space. If all the inhabitants of the aquarium periodically float to the surface to swallow oxygen, then without fail it is necessary to revise the design of the compressor.

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