We all know this situation - in any room over time, mold appears. Even if it is not visible, then as soon as repair begins and the old wallpaper or a layer of paint is removed, then it's like here. And no one is immune from the "visits" of this guest. How can we fight it? It means, not how to remove it, but how to make it never appear in the apartment again. Therefore, you need to know why mold appears in the apartment and, accordingly, work on eliminating these reasons, which will be the subject of the blog article "The best houses", and your permanent author George.
Reasons for the appearance of mold in the apartment
It should be clearly understood that the main condition for the appearance of mold is increased humidity, in other words - dampness in the room. Therefore, before starting a "war" with mold, you need to eliminate all the factors contributing to its appearance. Otherwise, such a war will last a lifetime. So, the main question is where does the dampness come from, the moisture, because it does not appear by itself.
Eliminate the causes of
First of all, you should pay attention to the walls - perhaps they are always damp. This is especially common in corner apartments. To reduce the humidity of the walls, it is good to treat their surface( at least from within) with special means that repel water. Particular attention is required window sills and window frames. It is here that there may be inconspicuous cracks through the eyes, through which moisture seeps from the street. With the help of sealants, these places should be carefully processed.
Increased humidity contributes to the lack of good ventilation in the room. It is necessary to check all exhaust hatchways, if necessary - to clean the ventilation ducts. And do not neglect such a tool as the regular airing of rooms. Even in the cold season it should be done daily, even for a few minutes - it will benefit not only the walls, but your health.
Poor circulation of air masses through the apartment can be caused by improper layout of furniture. It should not be put close to the walls, close to each other. The sparring of furniture indirectly contributes to the appearance of mold. The corridor, first of all, should not be excessively forced by any things.
Another reason for high humidity is the insufficiently high room temperature. If the room is constantly "cold", then you need to think about additional measures for insulation - floor, walls, maybe the ceiling. In such a room it is good to insulate the floor. There are many such methods. Experts recommend that the treatment of surfaces inside the apartment( walls, ceiling) with antiseptic means.
There are also "folk" methods of fighting mold and fungus. This is a solution of copper sulfate, and bleaching agents, bleach. However, they all have their own "validity period" and they do not completely solve the problem. Also I advise you to take into account another important point: you need to monitor the health of all household plumbing. Any leakage of water is a source of dampness in the room.
Let's see a video lesson on the destruction of mold in a very original way: