How to build a garage of sandwich panels with your own hands - all stages from A to Z

Advantages of garages from sandwich panels are obvious: they do not freeze and are heated in the sun like metal, they are built faster than stone, and are simpler than reinforced concrete ones. The garage itself, with a ready foundation, can be assembled, with minimal support, literally over the weekend.

Why sandwich panels?

Sandwich panel is a "pie" of 2 protective layers with a heater between them. The heater can be mineral wool or foam expanded polystyrene, and in the case of cotton wool, it is necessary to equip the garage with ventilation, since moisture acts negatively on it. The protective layer of such a panel can be made of galvanized steel, polymeric materials, OSB, gypsum board. For the construction of a garage, it is better to choose steel panels, as the most resistant and resistant to aggressive effects of fumes of gasoline, solvents and water.


The choice of sandwich panels as a building material for a garage is justified by their technical characteristics:

  • Such a garage keeps heat on the principle of a thermos and does not need additional heating in the cold to -20 degrees, as the heat transfer through the walls and the roof is minimal. The north of the region, the thicker panels you need to choose. So, if in winter the temperature stably keeps below -30 it is necessary to stop on panels with a thickness of 300 mm.
  • Panels have a high degree of noise insulation - the sound of a warming motor will not wake up the household.
  • All works are carried out quickly and without the use of special equipment, as the weight of the panels is small. It is also possible to build a garage in winter, if the foundation was poured in the warm season. The main thing is not to allow the inner layer of the panels to get wet, as this will worsen their thermal insulation properties and eventually lead to damage to the entire structure.
  • The variety of color of the protective coating will help harmoniously combine the garage with the house and the existing buildings on the site. The panels do not require additional external and internal finishing, which reduces the time and costs of erecting the garage.
  • High-quality sandwich panels are non-flammable, non-corrosive, do not emit harmful substances and are environmentally friendly.
  • Garage for one car, if you build it yourself, will cost the owner within 15 thousand rubles, taking into account all components, and will serve for at least 30 years.

When building a garage from sandwich panels, it must be taken into account that they can not withstand high loads, therefore, for example, metal shelving with a tool can not be attached to them. The coating is not very strong, and it is easy to scratch with metal objects. Also it is necessary to pay attention to the sealing of joints, since they can freeze in case of severe frost.


For the construction of the garage, in addition to the sandwich panels themselves, you need:

  • perforator and drill,
  • screwdriver,
  • Bulgarian
  • fine-toothed metal saw,
  • level, roulette,
  • carcass material,
  • fasteners,
  • gasket,
  • sealant for outdoorworks.

The foundation for the garage

foundation As the garage of sandwich panels is easy, it does not need a particularly strong foundation. A columnar or shallow basement is sufficient. An even simpler version is a "cushion" made of rubble and fine gravel on compacted soil, but in this case it will be necessary to organize drainage and pour concrete bases to fix the frame.

Construction of frame

On a completely dried foundation or prepared gravel base, the frame of the future garage is erected. It can be metal or wooden.

  • For metal use corner 50 * 50 or 75 * 75 mm. Between parts of the frame are welded or bolted together.
  • For the wooden frame use a bar 100 * 100 mm, impregnated with antiseptic and fireproof solution. It is connected by means of metal corners.


The frame is a rigid rectangle with additional vertical posts. First, the lower frame chassis is assembled and fastened to the foundation. It should lie absolutely horizontally, therefore for its alignment use gaskets from sealing tape or plank. Vertical racks are installed at the corners, on each side of the future gate and at least 3 meters along each wall.

Walls Panel mounting starts at any of the corners of the frame. To the rack with screws with a bolt head attach the first docking panel, leveling it in a horizontal and vertical plane in level. Screws should be located not less than 5 cm from the docking edge of the panel.

Screws are screwed every 50 cm, that is, a two-meter panel needs 4, and on a three-meter panel - 6 pieces. If the wall will have significant loads( mechanical, wind), then the interval between the screws should be reduced.

The second panel is connected to the first panel by means of a locking mechanism. Seams are inserted into the seams for a more dense and hermetic connection, and a sealing tape is also laid between the panels and the frame. In order for the panels to adhere well to each other, the joints must be carefully "squeezed", not allowing their deformation. In regions with frosty winters and heavy rainfall it is recommended to lubricate the locking mechanism with a sealant, and then to join the panels.

Each new series starts from the docking panel, and they try to ensure that the joints between the panels in the horizontal rows go "uncontrolled".For this, a new series starts with a piece left from the previous row. At the ends of the walls, the deformation gaps are left, which are also covered with corner plates.

If it becomes necessary to cut the panel, then use a small-toothed hacksaw for metal or a jigsaw, and not a bolt, as the edge of the panel overheats and deforms from it.

Places where the panels were not joined with a spike groove but simply butt-joint, covered with protective linings made of steel. And they have to support the seam by 5 cm on both sides. Lining from the inside is smeared with sealant and fastened to self-tapping screws. The more tight the joints are, the warmer the garage will be in the future.

After the completion of construction work, remove the protective film from the panels. Do this earlier is not worth it, so as not to damage the surface of the instrument.



It is also advisable to cover the roof with sandwich panels. It can be single-pitched or gable. Install the panel along the length of the roof from the lower edge, fixing them with screws on the upper ridge to the frame. Thus, the final row will go along the ridge. Each seam is greased with a sealant, as higher requirements are imposed on the roof waterproofing. All joints must also be covered with protective pads.

Panels are fragile enough, therefore, if there was a need to navigate through them, use a wooden flooring that rests on the frame. For a roof of sandwich panels with mineral wool, a drain is mandatory to prevent moisture from entering the panel.

What to consider when building?

  • Screws must be screwed into the frame strictly perpendicular.
  • Protective-decorative covers must completely cover the installation gap.
  • If you use a grinder for cutting panels, its edges overheat and the corrosion protection coating is damaged. For these purposes, it is better to use metal scissors, a hand saw or electric jigsaw.
  • If you can not avoid scratches, they are painted over with oil paint in 2 layers. In the future, it is possible to carry out anticorrosive treatment of the garage with the help of metal products.

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