Features of the style of loft in the interior( general)
Do you want to save considerably on finishing materials and furniture, like space and combine incongruous? Then you should pay attention to the loft style. It is often called attic, which is associated with the history of its appearance. Once poor artists equipped attics of Manhattan for living quarters, and to not spend too much, left the floor and walls almost untouched by repairs, furniture was put on the principle of "necessary", not by the combination of lines, patterns, etc. Of course, modernityhas left its imprint on this style, transforming it a little, but the general principles of interior design remain. These include:
- minimal and inexpensive finishes, and sometimes its absence;
- deliberate negligence in the design of premises;
- combination of modern and old furniture;
- original "street" decor;
- a lot of free space, lack of partitions;
- the presence of large windows;
- mandatory use of modern household appliances and electronics.
A typical palette of colors for the loft style
The color palette of the loft is quite large, but the basis is usually dark colors, which give the dwelling a truly urban look. It is gray, black, brown, brick, metallic. Bright colors can be seen on the upholstery of furniture or other accessories. Often, the basis is taken by the white color, which makes the room even lighter and visually spacious.
Furniture in the loft interior
The loft style is characterized by a small number of pieces of furniture, but they must be unusual and attracting attention. Acceptable non-standard forms - from curved smooth to cubic, the original transformation, incompatible at first glance texture of the upholstery. It will be fine if an old sofa next to the modern computer is next to it. Modern plastic chairs can stand behind a massive classical table. This is a characteristic feature of the style - a clash of the old and the new.
Please note: pieces of furniture, although represented in small numbers, differ in their large dimensions. Large sofas, beds and armchairs are designed to fill your free space and stand out against the background of dim walls.
One of the most popular materials for making furniture is metal. Legs of products, hangers, lamp support, frame racks, wall shelves( by the way, open!) - everything is done mostly from it.
The main accessories decorating the interior are the elements of the "life" of industrial objects. These include metal staircases, beams, parts of pipes, ventilation boxes, etc.
Graffiti, street signs, road signs and even street lights will be no less original decor. You can hang on walls or just lean against them pictures with urban landscapes.
Features loft for repairing the apartment
As already mentioned, the finish should be as simple as possible, budgetary or absent altogether. The ceiling can be simply plastered and painted with white paint, even not necessarily thoroughly level. There should not be any modern suspension or tension structures.
The presence of brick walls is welcome! Leave a few areas completely untreated - this will not only give a natural style solution to the interior, but also visually divide the space into functional areas. In extreme cases, you can buy an aged decorative brick. By the way, a similar role plays a concrete coating, but designers advise a little to revive it with the help of white or pearl paint.
An alternative can be boards of different shades, but they should not look like you just bought a shipment in the store. Let the impression of chaotic selection of elements will be created.
The artificial stone of rough processing also has a place in the loft style. For kitchen and bathroom, aged monochrome ceramic tiles are suitable.
Floor covering is better to choose from wood. The ideal option - a wooden floor, uncaptured and covered with a transparent varnish. For the bathroom it is customary to use ceramic mosaic in black and white color scheme.
Features of the loft style in the construction of the house
The conversion of old factories and plants into residential, office and commercial premises has led to the appearance of loft style in architecture. Huge areas, straight lines and strict geometry, high ceilings, red brick and concrete, large windows - this is how these buildings look. Buy a factory to "revive" its presence and sofas for several thousand square meters is hardly realistic, but to build an individual house in this style and slightly reduced scale can be easily.
It is desirable to meet one floor, two - maximum. By and large, you can build a rectangular "box" of aged brick and concrete with large windows. The roof is preferably flat or gable, and as a roofing material, a corrugated sheet is suitable. An important point: the area of your home should exceed 150 square meters.m, and the ceiling height should be at least 4 m. Otherwise, what kind of loft is it?