Create from scratch the design of a small kitchen
How much is this - 4 square meters? For the pantry - perhaps, too much, but for the kitchen is not enough, especially if you want a place for a refrigerator with a stove, and a roomy wall. And given that the dining room is almost always integrated with the kitchen, in order to save space in the living room and for convenience, the convenient design of a small kitchen seems completely impossible. However, we will try. First of all, we expand visually the space, for which it is better to use light colors when decorating walls( no more than two close tones, to avoid contrast) .You can use the insertion of a mirror tile, it also creates the illusion of increasing the area.
Next, work begins with lighting, in the kitchen it is desirable to have several levels of lighting, this will also create a sense of spaciousness. So, if possible, make a cornice made of gypsum board, with lighting, along the perimeter of the ceiling, the second source of lighting is an ordinary chandelier, and it is even more desirable to provide each separate shelf with a separate diode bulb. All this, among other things, will provide convenience in the process of working in the kitchen. If the dining table is close to the wall, another lamp can be fastened directly above it, which will create a very cozy atmosphere. Next turn for furniture.
How to properly equip kitchen interior with a small-sized one?
The most convenient placement in the kitchen of a plate, a sink and a refrigerator is a triangle, in which case a small space will only be an advantage. The angular position of the wall, when at one end of the plate, in the other - the refrigerator, and directly in the corner - the sink, will allow you to easily cook food .It is especially convenient if there are two working zones, even small ones. Developing the kitchen interior is compact, you can use the space as efficiently as possible.
To make the kitchen comfortable, mark the location of the sink and stove, close your eyes and imagine how you should move between them and where to cut food.
To do this, we bring the faucet, stove and refrigerator together as close as possible, so that practically a round platform remains, which along the arc is skirted by a stylish wall, leaving room for passage into the free part of the kitchen. In this way, we sort of zonify the food block, cutting it off with a nearly looped wall from the place where the dining table will stand. Imagine yourself in such a kitchen. Rotate 120 degrees, and you face the sink, another third of the turn, and before you a plate, and to the refrigerator in general, you can only stretch out your hand. This design of the small kitchen will leave a lot of room for a combined dining room, where a large table now accommodates a lot more people.
How to transform small kitchens with their own hands?
It happens that the food unit is quite small, two people can hardly fit in, even at a tiny dining table, which is slightly larger than the seat of a stool. There is still room for a small refrigerator, cupboard, sink and stove, after which there is practically no place to turn around. On the bar in such conditions, and do not have to dream, but these small kitchens with their own hands can be arranged in a slightly different style.
First of all, pay attention to the space between the sink and the stove, which are usually located on one wall, but in opposite corners. The wall is set very short, so that there is a space between it and the sink in which it is quite convenient to stand and wash the dishes. A triangle with a refrigerator does not work, but it can be placed next to the sink at a still free wall. Now next to it are two important nodes, and by turning 180 degrees, you will be in front of the working area. To the plate is also within reach.
Instead of a dining table, you can use a set of folding furniture for the dacha, which can turn into a compact suitcase( it can be stored nearby in the pantry).There is another option - to make a graceful reclining table. The lower surface of the table top is made out for a picture that will hold on to the latch. We move the latch, lift the upper half of the baguette on the hinges, turning it into legs, and lower the picture, and get a comfortable table.