Do we need a room in the attic?

The peculiarity of the reconstruction of the attic

However, not all houses have such an opportunity. It is quite another matter when a house is built from scratch. Then you can initially plan the size, height, foundation for making a residential loft. Nevertheless, even if the house is already built, a bedroom on the second floor is possible. For this, it is necessary to remember how deep the foundation is.

If the attic is being reconstructed into a dwelling, there will be a heavy load on the foundation. Also, the walls of the house will prompt you whether it is possible to make an attic. If the walls are old, wooden, it is better not to take chances. In the case when the walls of bricks or during the construction of a new rounded bar, then the door to the attic of the attic is open.

And if the roof in the attic is not very high, is it possible to build a room? Yes, but this will have to work extra hard. It will take a complete arrangement of the attic. You have to dismantle the roof and rafters and lay them out taking into account the new height of the room.

Preparing for an alteration of the attic

Now consider how to make a loft habitable. We begin the work with preparation. The first thing to check is the integrity of the rafters: are they damaged, not eaten by pests, not rotten. If pests are found, before installing new rafters, you need to destroy the source of harm - to remove all the harmful living creatures and vegetation.

This can be done with the help of special medications, they are most often harmless to humans, so housing will not be toxic after all treatments. After this, you can change the rafters, which do not inspire confidence after prolonged contact with destructive insects or fungi, and some can be obtained repair.

Remodeling an attic requires correct calculations. In addition, new designs will additionally pressure the ceiling, so all materials used should be light. If the attic is residential during the whole year, it is necessary to make a thermal insulation. You need to make sure that there is a good air exchange, because in the room there will be increased humidity. And it will not be easy to eliminate, and as a result, mold or fungi may appear.

To make the layout of air exchange between all layers of the roof, it may be worthwhile to contact a specialist or someone who has experience in this matter.

All work begins with drawings. They need to accurately display all the details, as the bedroom in the attic should look like, its size and height. After working with a pencil, proceed to installing the rafters of the desired height and size.

We equip the attic with our own hands

So, how to equip the attic inside? Work begins with the planning of rooms or rooms and its partitions. For this, you can use gypsum boards or just plain screens. From what to make the floors? For this you can use a laminate or other strong and not heavy material. The main thing is that the floor is also ventilated.

If it is a year-round bedroom, then under the floor covering you can spend heating, and if in this bedroom will live only in the summer, you can keep the original decor of all materials used in the layout. To arrange the roof, you can take horizontal bars, which connect the beams between them, or independently install horizontal bars to the rafters. As the ceiling can serve as gypsum boards, sheet piles or fiberboard.

When deciding how to make a room in the attic, you need to take care of the windows. They are installed on the roof slopes. If pipes pass through the attic space, you need to carefully install the wooden structures to avoid a fire. Arranging the same room inside is a matter of taste.

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