The children's closet is an integral part of the interior for any family with children. Children's clothes and linen must be kept separate from adults. Firstly, it's just convenient. After all, adults can always quickly and without problems find the right thing to dress their child. Secondly, in this way the child learns to fold his clothes on his own and keep it in order. This is very important for the formation of discipline. And, finally, thirdly, the children's closet will naturally fit into the interior of the child's room and will give comfort to the space of your baby.
Contents of
- Advantages of manufacturing a children's closet with their own hands
- Materials and assembly of a cabinet
- How to make a children's closet
Advantages of making a children's closet with their own hands
Children's cabinets, prices determined by the dealer himself, can become a very unprofitable purchase. You can buy such an interior for a little money, for example, 70 - 80 USD.Design models cost tens of thousands. On request children's wardrobes photo on the Internet you can find a huge number of models for every taste and purse. However, a truly unique thing any parent can do by one's own hands. And the advantages of this approach to choosing a children's closet are in fact many:
- Environmental. Parents take care of their child's health. That is why, having decided to make furniture for the baby on their own, choose those materials that meet the best standards of European quality.
- Availability. In any product that is sold in the store, there is a mandatory inclusion of a surcharge, advertising, taxes, salaries to sellers, utilities and much more. Therefore, children's furniture - cabinets made with their own hands - are much cheaper, as they will have to spend only on materials.
- Uniqueness. Cabinets of mass production, as a rule, are of the same type. And the furniture made by own hands is a unique product which will be only at your child.
- Convenience. The dimensions of the children's closet, created independently, make this form and height, which will fit the size of the baby's room and as comfortable and harmonious as possible in it.
- Spending time with the whole family. Creating a closet for the baby will be a very interesting work, if the whole family undertakes the task. All together to draw a sketch, decide for themselves, where and which shelf should be. And children will be happy to paint doors or paste special stickers with the image of different cartoon characters. The wardrobe, children's pictures on which are created by the child, will be perceived not only as furniture, but also as a favorite toy.
Materials and assembly of the cabinet
Children's cabinets with their own hands are easy to make. This will require a very simple inventory.
So, you need to prepare for the beginning of work:
- Materials for the future cabinet: doors, internal walls, shelves, door handles, door sashes, crossbar for hangers, mirror and fasteners for it, screws, eurosurfaces, drawers and profiles for attaching boxes.
- Set of Phillips screwdrivers.
- Drill.
- Drills.
- Roulette.
- Construction level.
At the initial stage it is necessary to determine the size, depth and height of the product itself. It should be convenient, first of all, for the child himself. The kid must take it himself to all the shelves.
Decide how many shelves and racks for hangers will be in the future cabinet and determine the location of its location in the room. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper, a pencil, a ruler and draw an exact sketch of the future product. Or download a special program for the production of drawings.
After this, they start directly to create a children's closet. It is important to treat the cutting sites with special material to avoid chipping and cracking.
During assembly, it is necessary to make sure that all parts are snug and perpendicular to each other. As for the decoration of the children's wardrobe for clothes, photos from the article will prompt several original solutions. In addition, stickers, drawings, rhinestones, pearls, photos, tapes and more will help you make a truly unique children's closet with your own hands.
How to make a children's closet
Children's cabinets are designed and built taking into account many factors, for example, the size of the room, the location of other furniture, the taste of parents and the baby, the number of shelves, trempels and much more. Consider the most common.
1. Closet-compartment, where the doors do not open, but compactly move apart. Such furniture will fit perfectly even in the smallest children's room. The correct location of the wardrobe will not only visually increase the baby's room, but also, if necessary, hide the uncomfortable layout of the room. In addition, the materials are very affordable and sold in almost any construction shop. At the same time it is undesirable, when making a cabinet with their own hands, to choose glass doors. Firstly, it is traumatic, since a kid, playing, for example, in a ball, can break a mirror and get hurt. Secondly, fingerprints from small handles will always remain on the mirror surface.
It's very easy to assemble the closet:
- first of all we apply the marking to the wall using a tape measure and a simple pencil. It is necessary to note the place where there will be a vertical stand, a place for fixing the corners to fix it and the height at which the shelves will be fixed;
- with a drill, make holes for dowels;
- trim the edges of the cabinet parts;
- we begin assembling the cabinet from the side walls;
- then, with the help of the level, marking is applied for the installation of the mezzanine shelf;
- install the shelf;
- cut out the size and install the bar for clothes;
- carefully drill and install false panels;
- is installing the upper box;
- if the design of the children's cabinet provides a backlight - install the panel for lighting;
- we measure and cut the lower guide rails for the doors. After trimming, you must immediately insert a stopper in them - one on each side;
- with the help of screws the rails are fixed to the lower false panel;
- install the doors of the future children's cabinet in the following sequence: the first upper guide, then install the rollers on the rails of the lower guide;
- we adjust the doors of the cabinet with the hexagon;
- to protect the door from blows paste pile.
The closet is ready. It remains only to decorate it to your liking and fill with children's things.
2. The corner cabinet also saves room space. In addition, this option - the most roomy and perfect fit, if, for example, in one room "live" two kids. Corner cabinet - ideal for small apartments, where every centimeter is counted. Materials for the corner cabinet are MDF and chipboard. They are the best. Along with a small cost, these panels are durable and with proper operation will last for many years.
It is more difficult to assemble the corner cabinet than the other cabinets due to the more complex design and more details. Therefore, the scheme - a drawing for a children's closet should be made very carefully. If necessary, consult a specialist. Creating a corner cabinet with your own hands includes the following main steps:
- detailed drawing of the layout of the future cabinet. It should include a detailed drawing of the cabinet, as well as very accurate dimensions of each part. It is important to correctly calculate the location of the door leaves;
- the next stage - sawing out the materials for the future product;
- painting details. Drying of materials. The drying time of the paint can be obtained by reading the instructions for the paint;
- finish of the edge of each part;
- preparation of tools: a screwdriver, a hammer-nail, hex keys, a puncher, a hacksaw in case something has to be adjusted;
- cardboard must be laid on the floor in the place where the assembly will be carried out. This will protect the floor from damage;
- fix all modules with inter-section screeds. It is important that the holes are aligned precisely, so here it is worth paying special attention;
- before the answer strips for the hinges are installed, it is necessary to determine in which direction the doors of the future cabinet will open;
- installation of the limiter on the cabinet doors to prevent the door from hitting the other door when opening;
- installation of mounting plates and plastic pads for the corner hinge with self-tapping screws;
- installation and adjustment of doors. During installation, it is important to ensure that the latch is open. It can be removed only after the completion of all installation work;
- fittings installation;
- cabinet decoration.
Assembly completed. However, there is an easier way to create a corner cabinet with your own hands. If you have a closet at home and want to expand it - you can simply attach a homemade corner module to it. There are many ready-made solutions on the Internet. If you want a really unique thing - then the drawing can be made up and independently taking into account personal preferences, the size of the room, the shape of the cabinet, the features of the layout of the future interior.
So, in order to attach a corner module made by own hands to the ready-made cabinet, it is necessary to make three fixing points:
- At a distance of 5 cm from the top shelf of the module.
- In the middle of the side panel of the corner module.
- Just above the bottom shelf of the corner module.
After that, it is enough to fasten the fittings and the children's corner cabinet with their own hands is ready.
With the creative approach of parents, the closet combined with the bed will become a whole gaming center for your child. You can choose one of many options on the Internet and do the same, or show creativity and create a unique design thing. The closet-bed is really the best option for a children's room because it saves a lot of space and can be compact and stylish in the smallest room.
A ready-made closet-bed, ideally suited for both size, color and design for your crumbs, is almost impossible to find in an ordinary store. On the Internet, the choice is greater, however, the order of such dimensional cargo also has drawbacks. For example, during transportation some parts may become deformed. In this case, you have to buy new ones and, accordingly, pay for their delivery. Therefore, we will make a children's closet, combined with the bed, with our own hands.
1. The first thing to do is, of course, the exact drawing of the future cabinet.
2. The second - preparation and painting of details. After this, it is necessary to trim the edge of each element of the future children's cabinet.
3. The third is the preparation of tools for assembling furniture. Tools are needed the same as for assembling any cabinet. But here you should also consider some of the nuances. For example:
- fasteners to the wall should be as reliable as possible, therefore the drill bit must be at least 10 mm in diameter;
- since the construction is very heavy, plastic and wooden dowels are strictly forbidden to use. It is necessary to prepare in advance anchor fastenings in length not less than 80 mm;
- in some houses due to various reasons, floor and walls can be led. In this case, to install a cabinet-bed is strictly prohibited, since the design will loosen, breaking the fasteners. It is very important to remember this, because in case of a structural breakdown, the child can get serious injuries.
Creating a children's closet with your own hands is a creative and interesting work. And as a result, you will receive a unique thing that will be ideal for your child, as well as have all the necessary functions and amenities.