How to remove scratches from furniture

If on appeared scratch , not hurry its throw , all still can turn reverse and do so , favorite your furniture to damage not was seen . For this , , and are suitable.


  • Detection of damage
  • 1 way. Wax paste from
  • 2 way. Finishing compound
  • 3 way. Scratches on clean wood
  • Popular scratches remedies

Definition of damages

Before topics , as proceed to restorations furniture , need to determine type scratches . Damaged can be only film varnish , and can and completely all coating to wood . For this needs to dump tampon in white - spirit and tap them on surface .And see on result :

  1. If color not changed , means , damaged only film varnish and repair its need for a method 1 .If
  2. in comparison with other tree, color changed only slightly , is means , that film scratched , but base under it whole . Repair you need on second method .
  3. If has become , is means , is corrupted fiber wood and repair need third way .

Before the , like remove scratches with furniture, need also determine and type coating , for this on inconspicuous place need drip solvent and view on result :

  1. Under action solvent coating became soft - is nitrolac .
  2. Under the action of the alcohol - denatured softened - is the shellac .
  3. Cover remains solid and if furniture new - is it with polyurethane basis .

Before repair work need clear furniture from dirt and residues polishing , wiping cloth , which wetted in white - alcohol.

1 method . Paste from wax

Small scratches can hide wax paste , which select under color products . Paste needs to apply with soft with . For removal deep damage it is necessary :

  1. Take steel wool , apply on it wax and process scratch .
  2. Wait for while wax will solidify .
  3. To polish the of its to of the state of the soft with a cloth.
  4. If after processing this place differs from rest furniture , means polish all furniture this wax .

This method removal scratch with furniture has one significant disadvantage , it does not fix problem , and masks its . If you in future decide all same repair furniture , the first need remove wax layer at help white - spirit and soft tissue.


2 method . finishing composition

When scratches and chipped on wooden furniture too deep , but in the same time they not damaged wood , need save situation by another method , because that wax paste not will help .

  1. is required Applicator or and brush applied neatly finishing mixture on scratch . This method of will be valid in the first queue there , where is the nitrate-based coating of or from water basis . Because that the composition slightly will dissolve that film , that was and will mix with it .When little dries , cause still mixture , and so to mes far , until surface not will perfectly smooth .
  2. For the basis from polyurethane also use this the same method . They bad soluble , so apply carefully one layer , and if left deepening , the go on it wool cloth and top treat more with one layer . If same appeared on this place bump , then its need to remove with help light grinding machine . A then with small abrasives restore gloss , and for fastening result can apply polishing paste .
  3. end work for elimination scratches apply wax and rub its with a rag over the entire surface furniture .


3 method . Scratches on clean wood

  1. For deep scratches repair need solid . If scratch unit and fibers naked eye not seen outside , the then mix equal part finishing material and solvent, and soak them damaged place .
  2. color can be recovered can with using stains , which is applied to on stick or brush and neatly are smeared damaged places. About process to of those pores , while colors not will distinguish .
  3. Place processing need very well dry , and then , using instruction second method , make patch .
  4. If damage multiple, need sanded great part surface , until not seem net wood , abrasive need take with large grit , because that after the shallow the surface will be lighter . Strongly with by grinding zealous not needed , so that does not get in spot processing groove .
  5. If the is damaged is strong. need all surface sand and again make coating . start need with recovery color , stain applied on clean tree , on edges need carefully wipe stain , watch for the , to it not got on boundary of part , where is old covering . Otherwise is about repair halo dark .
  6. If after stain place look light , and tree not wants absorb composition and different color from that wood , that near , the necessary slightly remove pigment precipitate from cans with stain .Because that color pigment may differ from color dye, so need to add a little pigment swab of fabric with stain . This with mix needs to wipe that section of , that already previously painted , and achieve its darkening .Apply stain swab forward and ago and then part its remove , and such way achieve, to color became identical .
  7. If so turned , that of stain got on processed place longer , than need , immediately rinse its white - alcohol and wait , while surface completely will dry .
  8. For one reception not need aspire achieve of the desired color , amplify result need gradually .
  9. toned site need well dry , and then apply finishing coating , to shine this part coincided with other parts furniture .
  10. Can apply trim to all surface furniture , so gloss will be uniform .
  1. Nuts . need to be chopped and walnut
  2. core , this pulp to rub scratches . Press when this strongly not need , groove itself should fill pulp quickly and without unnecessary traces of .
  3. Iodine . This method is suitable for furniture from dark rocks wood . Need take old toothbrush brush or any small brush , moisten with iodine solution weak consistency . Scratches will be painted in dark color , and not will so explicitly rush in eyes .
  4. Iodine with with nut . Iodine for removing scratches can still use and such way : first process scratch iodine solution , and top rub still and nut . In the tandem these two variants will straighten the color and will remove the damage . is valid only for very small scratches , with large handle can only with using professional tools.
  5. Mayonnaise . If on tree is not only scratches , but and cracks , then needs to use mayonnaise . Fill with cracks , remove excess and wait for several days . From - for of , that in this product many oil and protein , tree swells , and crack itself close . After this needs to remove mayonnaise , which not has absorbed, and to polish the surface of .
  6. Ash from cigarettes . Its needs to mix with water, until does get thick paste . AND to rub this mixture into scratches , can ash mix with tooth paste . Surplus from surface remove .
  7. Pencil . For of cases manufacturers have developed pencil for furniture from scratches . The most complicated - is pick the desired shade under color furniture . After that , as you processed shallow damage , need to wipe furniture polish or wax .

at processing Whitehead alcohol on furniture appeared dark spots, means , wood fiber torn , and they collect liquid.


Folk means eliminate

scratches To remove scratches on polished furniture, people allowed in course various items , main , to helped .


There are many ways remove scratches with furniture , in extreme case , always can contact for using to restorer .

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