Insulation of brick walls from the inside - the creation of coziness in the house

Heat insulation with foam

Warming with foam is one of the most popular methods. This material is cheap and has good thermal insulation properties. In order to lay it on a brick wall, its first thing is to plaster it, which will make the insulation more efficient. After the wall has dried, it must be puttied so that it is even. Only now it is possible to produce insulation of walls of brick with foam plastic.

A waterproofing material is applied to the prepared wall, which prevents penetration of condensate into the thermal insulation material. This is of great importance, since the foam, when wet, seriously reduces its thermal insulation performance and can also start rotting. Then begins the laying of foam. It is recommended to fix it with glue, which is applied to the wall. The sheets are mounted buttly in straight rows so that there are no gaps between them. After the stacking of the foam is completed, a layer of vapor barrier material is laid over it.

Important! Steam insulation is an obligatory layer, when the walls are insulated from inside a brick house or apartment.

Insulation of brick walls from the inside with minnow

This material is also often used for thermal protection of the house. Mineral wool is an inexpensive material, it has excellent characteristics and is laid down fairly simply. For its installation, plaster is made in the same way as for foam. However, many experts say that it is not necessary to do this. It is enough to mount a lath from the laths directly on a brick wall. The pitch of the strips is made so that its width is slightly less than the width of the material roll.

Note! If the plaster is not made, then the layer of heat insulator must be increased.

After this the waterproofing is laid on the crate. Mineral wool is mounted in the space between the slats. Next, a vapor barrier material is laid on top of the mineral wool. If the vapor barrier in the composition has a layer of foil, then it must be directed outwards, that is, towards the room. Steam insulation is mounted directly to the rails of the crate. After that, the surface can be treated in any way.

Thermal insulation with plaster solution

Previously, the insulation of brick walls from the outside was done with plaster solutions. Today, this method is also used for internal insulation. For this, a cloth or metal net is stretched onto the wall, which will serve as the basis for the plaster. It is applied in three layers:

  • Layer No. 1, the so-called spray, is made with the aim that the solution penetrates into all the cracks and gaps. For this, it is kneaded with liquid. The thickness of the layer is 10-15 millimeters.
  • The second layer is the primer. Soil is the main insulation in this method. It completely covers the entire surface with a thickness of 50-60 mm. It is applied in several layers so that the soil does not fall off under its own weight.
  • The last stage is a cover. A solution is made using fine-grained sand and cement in the liquid state. The thickness of this layer should be from 3 to 5 millimeters. Its main task is finish finishing, that is, the final leveling of the wall.

Note! Warming the walls of a brick house with plaster is not the most effective way, so it's better to stop at the first two.

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