Proper installation and installation of a septic tank in a private home

A septic tank is a device that is used to collect and provide treatment for domestic sewage. The principle of functioning of any home septic tank is a gravity sedimentation, followed by a final purification by filtration or the application of biological purification methods. In some septic tanks, additional purification is carried out by means of forced filtration, chemical cleaning, etc.

Types of septic tanks

More recently, works on septic equipment consisted of its construction, but in fact you can still make a sewage system of concrete rings. Nevertheless, at the present time there is a wide range of ready-made septic tanks requiring only installation. Such commercially manufactured septic tanks have a number of advantages, the main of which are:

  • Simplicity and speed of installation works, since taking into account excavation, a septic tank can be installed for two days.
  • Provides a high level of cleaning.
  • High level of environmental safety, provided by the tightness of the chambers.
  • Independence from the nature of the ground and groundwater level.
  • High reliability and long service life.

The drawback of industrial manufacturing models is their high cost. To reduce the inevitable costs, a septic can be built on its own.

septic tank in-house

Materials used in the construction of septic tanks

For the construction of a septic tank,

  • well rings can be used;
  • brick;
  • plastic containers;
  • concrete mortar.

When constructing septic tanks with their own hands, it must be remembered that their settling chambers must be sealed, and there should be several stages for cleaning the drains. In the case of installation of ready-made industrial septic tanks, the requirement for tightness is eliminated.

Recommendations for the construction of

Before starting the construction of a septic tank, it is necessary to consider a project that takes into account construction and sanitary norms and rules.


Calculating the volume of the

cameras At the first stage of the design, it is necessary to draw up a diagram and determine the volumes of all the chambers, which depends on the daily volume of waste water. If the volume is small( no more than one cubic meter per day), then the septic tank can be single chamber. If the volume of effluent is significant, then the construction of a multi-compartment septic tank is required. Its volume should be such that it can accommodate drains for three days of full-fledged residence in the house.

To calculate the volume of a septic tank, one should proceed from the fact that the average daily volume of drains from living in a house of one person is about 200 liters. Thus, the sewage generated per day by a family, for example, from three people, will amount to 600 liters.

Selection of a site for the construction of a septic tank at the site

An important point in the construction of a septic tank is the correct choice of its location. When choosing, the following immutable standards should be considered:

  • The distance between the septic tank and the foundation of the house must not be less than five meters.
  • The septic tank should not be placed under a place where cars can pass or in the immediate vicinity of such a place, as this threatens to damage the construction of the septic tank.
  • The septic tank should be located at a distance from the water intake point.
  • When choosing a site, it is necessary to take into account the structure of the ground and the level of occurrence of groundwater( how to determine them, I told).For example, a high level of groundwater can cause the septic to rise and destroy the entire sewage system. With soil motions, which can occur especially when the soil freezes and thaws, it is possible to destroy the septic tank, which will require a large amount of work to dismantle it.

septic tank

Highlights of construction work

  • It is necessary to ensure complete septic tank seals. If an industrial model is established, this requirement is not on the agenda. If the septic tank is built with your own hands, then this matter should be approached with full seriousness. Brick masonry or well rings will not provide proper tightness, if the joints of structural elements are not treated from the inside with cement mortar. The outer part of the chambers must be sealed by welding surfacing waterproofing materials. For added safety, a layer of greasy clay that does not allow water to pass through should be applied to the chambers from the outside.
  • Organic substances found in the septic are decomposed by the bacteria there, which is accompanied by the release of gases that must be removed, that is, it is necessary to ensure sufficient ventilation of the septic tank. For this purpose, a ventilation pipe is installed on the chambers, which is usually removed to the roof. This pipe should rise no less than half a meter above ground level.
  • Biological decomposition of organic matter in septic tanks can be provided by microorganisms that do not require the presence of oxygen( anaerobic bacteria).In the event that aerobic bacteria are used( requiring oxygen), aerators must be installed in septic tanks, which are a kind of compressor that supplies atmospheric air to the chambers.

Arrangement of filtration fields

Water flowing from the last chamber requires additional cleaning, which is provided by filtration through the thickness of a specially constructed sand and gravel filter, called the filtration field.

A pipeline is being constructed to supply water to this field from asbestos or plastic pipes. Water piping through twins is connected with water-permeable irrigation pipes. In order for the water to flow by gravity, it is necessary that its slope should be at least two centimeters per meter of length.

Irrigation pipes can be made by own strength from plastic pipes with a diameter of 80-100 mm. To this end, they should drill holes in a staggered pattern, the distance between which should be about 5 cm. If asbestos-cement pipes are used for the manufacture of irrigation pipes, the holes can be replaced with saws about 10 mm wide and one third deep in diameter.

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