Norms and rules for completing a fire shield, the feasibility of having a home

psh We have been used to fire panels( regardless of their performance), designed to eliminate many emergencies, since childhood. Without them, any institutions, production or other premises, territories are unthinkable. In the absence of such an attribute, supervision will simply not allow the operation of any object.

But is there a fire shield for a private house? Or is it a waste of money, nothing more than the "whimsy" of individual owners? Let's try to figure out why we need a shield on the farmstead and how can it help, if in the house and so, in principle, there is everything necessary to extinguish the fire?

Having a fire extinguisher

Does every private house have this fire extinguisher? A small car does not count. But on the PSP it must be mandatory, and not even 1, and 2. Often this is enough to eliminate the source of ignition "in the bud."

Concentration of everything necessary in one place

Certainly, such "accessories" as crowbars, buckets, shovels exist on any farmstead. But during the fire, will all this be at hand exactly at the moment when every second is literally worth a second? The big question is if the house is not a single person, but a large family. During a fire, there is no time to figure out "who took it, I put it here yesterday."The fire will not wait.

In addition, you do not have to look for sand or refractory, which complete the PSP.Often they help locate the place of fire.

Separately it is necessary to stop on buckets. How many people wondered why they are conical on the PSP?

  • This bucket can be filled with water from the barrel more quickly, as it sinks into it much easier.
  • If a fire extinguishes several people, located "in a chain," the cone bucket is much more convenient to transfer to each other.
  • With the capacity of this form it is much easier to work if the hands have protective gloves.


No water - no hindrance

It is necessary for fire extinguishing. And if, according to the known law, it is at this moment that the water canal has turned off the water supply due to repair, prevention, accident? PSP allows you to organize a fight with fire, even without it, improvised means.

The Psychological Aspect of

Most people are only theoretically prepared for action in extreme situations. Practice shows that very few people are able to keep cool and to think sensibly in real danger. Many people are simply lost, not knowing what to do. If there is a fire shield in the house, then, speaking in plain language, even if "the head does not understand", the legs themselves "run" in the right direction, to the shield - the subconscious will work. And this is already half the battle.

The order of the equipment and the list of all necessary are determined by the Rules of the fire-fighting regime( PPR) from 2012.The availability of appropriate accessories depends on its type. This is detailed in Annex 6 to the document.


It should be noted right away that the absence( or presence) of an ax is not a violation, since it is this issue that causes much controversy in the case of independent acquisition or in the process of purchasing a ready-made shield. But still have it on the shield is desirable. For example, if necessary, knock out the door jamb, window frame and so on, it is very useful. In some situations scrap or buggy is unlikely to help.

For those wishing to understand this issue, we will give a deeper insight into the list of normative documents that fully or partially reflect the requirements for the assembly and placement of PITs, as well as the necessary tools and accessories:

  • PPR-2012 - p.483 - 485, app.№6;
  • GOST No. 12.4.009 of 1983 - p.2.5.7.- 2.5.10;
  • GOST No. 12.4.026 of 2001 - table 1, items5.1 and 5.2.

In these documents, you can find the requirements for the color designation of the shield components, and the order of their numbering.



  • The answer to the question, whether it is necessary to install a fire shield in a private house, there can be only one - YES.At least because in a fire you can lose EVERYTHING.So it makes sense to spend some money. By the way, experts pay attention to statistics, according to which fires in individual buildings occur an order of magnitude more often than in apartment buildings.
  • Completion depends on the features of the structure - the size, type of materials used in construction and finishing( combustibility class) and a number of other factors. Therefore, a specialist's consultation will not be superfluous. But at least a couple of buckets, a scrap, a hook, a fire extinguisher, an asbestos cloth and a box of sand.

In principle, PSP can be manufactured independently. For example, for a product of an open type, only the frame and its skin are needed. Even scrap can be made from thick reinforcement. Everything else is on sale. But given the prices of components, it makes no sense to engage in "kustarschina."

The shield itself( open) will cost approximately 645 rubles( wooden) and 710 rubles( metal).If it is staffed( at a minimum), then the cost is respectively from 940 and 1 200 rubles( can reach up to 6 800 rubles).The price largely depends on the execution( the presence of a protective mesh, the capacity of a box for sand and the like).

Practical advice of

It is impossible to discard the various normative acts adopted at the regional level. Therefore, it is advisable to seek detailed advice from the local emergency department. At the very least, this will eliminate the waste of money( and time) for something "superfluous", since it is unlikely to be able to independently understand all the intricacies of even such an uncomplicated question as the configuration of a fire shield.

It is not worthwhile to particularly count on the awareness of the Seller in this matter, since his main goal is to sell. And the professionalism of many of them raises quite justified doubts.

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