Kinds of wood splitters
Modern devices for splitting firewood are professional and household. The functional of the household unit is the split of the wood, while the professional wood splitter performs great functions and has the most complex construction. Among the functions performed by a professional wood splitter: automatic feeding of logs, work on chasing, splitting, and also release of chopped logs. Of course, the cost of such a device is prohibitive.
There are wood splitters and the way logs are fed. There are vertical, horizontal, and also mixed aggregates. The log in the vertical type machine is set up in a vertical position, after which the knife makes a split in it. True, in the work of the unit you need to help by supporting the log with your hands. This requires compliance with safety rules.
Wood splitters of horizontal type lay timber on the gutter. After this, either a knife is guided to the log or by means of a pusher the wood is directed to the knife. Mixed-type devices are mainly used in wood processing plants. They combine the functional characteristics of both devices.
Kinds of self-made wood splitters
The firewood equipment is classified according to several criteria:
- by design: cone, rack, horizontal, vertical or mixed type;
- for the presence of an engine: spring koluny, dependent on the production of energy, electrical, hydraulic, as well as working on gasoline fuel;
- by the principle of action: screw pair, pneumatic or hydraulics, "screw".
A simple wood splitter option is a mechanical cleaver that includes a stand, a support table and a console. For the cone type of the unit, a tooling, motor, belt or chain drive to the operating element from the drive shaft is required. The most complex design for independent manufacture is the lumbar cleaver.
Advantages of a homemade
wood chipper The strongest side of a wood splitter application is the minimization of power consumption. You do not need to bend more every time, because such equipment can be made for yourself and your growth. If you need to make a stock of firewood for heating the holiday home, simply turn on the installation, which will do everything quickly for you.
The principle of the device will be clear to everyone, so even a woman can learn to use a wood chipper. The advantages of the machine will be visible to the owners of the private house, since the houses are often heated by means of firewood.
How to make a simple wood splitter with your own hands?
Cone wood splitters have one of the simplest designs. Therefore, for a person who wants to create a machine for splitting firewood, it is advisable to stop at this kind of unit. The basis for installation is a steel cone, equipped with a thread that rotates by means of an electric motor. The most difficult part in performance is the cone. Usually it is grinded on a special lathe. This item can also be purchased in any construction hypermarket.
You can make a cone yourself using a Bulgarian. If you create a wood chipper for yourself, do not bother with the dimensions. It is enough to put a metal bolgar on the pulley of the electric motor, then wait for its rotation and start the removal of the metal. On the finished cone, you need to cut the thread to ensure that when you cut the wood splitter, it's easy to remove this part.
The second element, which is important for the creation of a conical woodcutter, is an engine capable of ensuring the correct operation of a homemade machine. You can choose any kind of engine, it depends on what you have at your fingertips. However, if you are still thinking about saving, use an electric motor, it will be much cheaper in terms of costs. However, for correct operation, the engine must have a power of not less than 3 kW.
The principle of the machine for chopping firewood made by own hands is very simple. It consists in the fact that a cone like a screw is twisted into a tree during rotation and thus splits it. You need to collect the blanks and store them in a prepared place. When working with a wood splitter, do not forget to follow the safety rules.