Foundation for a house made of aerated concrete - reliable self-support

Foundation for aerated concrete house - advantages and disadvantages

The desire to make a base for a house made of aerated concrete will be an excellent and durable solution. In addition, it is not fastidious to the base site, and it can be used on all types of soil, except for the weak-bearing. A strong base will withstand any soil movements and soil changes.

Another undoubted positive point - the profitability of the fender. Not only on economic, but also on time parameters. The use of aerated concrete blocks significantly reduces the time spent on erection of the base, which undoubtedly shortens the entire construction process. In addition, when using these blocks, the plinth does not require global warming.

The only disadvantage of such a foundation is the hygroscopicity of the material: when moisture stagnates, it necessarily absorbs moisture. Therefore it is important to carefully waterproof all blocks.

Monolithic foundation for a house made from aerated concrete - features of laying

Preparatory work, as well as the very specific laying of aerated concrete base varies depending on the type of foundation chosen. Let us consider them in more detail.

A monolithic reinforced concrete foundation is not fastidious to the ground, reduces to a minimum value of the load under deformation. In this form, high-strength aerated concrete is used, reinforced with rigid pins with a diameter of about 1.5 centimeters, laid in two layers. The manufactured board must completely coincide with the values ​​of the building area. The thickness of the plate should not be less than 40 centimeters. When laying a part of the slab should be underground under freezing conditions.

The slabs are placed on a thin concrete base, covered with two layers of waterproofing. Then the slabs are poured with concrete solution. A formwork is installed around and fixedly fixed. The next layer is a one-pound concrete up to 15 centimeters in height for reinforced slabs( or several for laying without using reinforcement).

Tape and columnar monolithic foundation

Laying of the monolithic tape foundation is simple and accessible even for non-professional. Figuratively speaking, the slab is a huge monolithic reinforced concrete frame, laid throughout the perimeter of the building.

When constructing this construction does not need to pour concrete and do not need to dig a deep foundation pit - just a trench in half a meter. The bottom is covered with a layer of sand, and a formwork is being built. In it, and reinforcement is installed. Now the trench is poured with concrete. After its full hardening, the formwork is removed.

The columned monolithic foundation is laid at a level much higher in depth than the freezing zone, and it is based on vertical poles made of concrete, stone or brick and located at the corners of the building and in places with increased load.

Between the pillars the area is filled with gravel or coarse sand and then filled with a concrete mixture. The minus of the columnar monolithic foundation is the impossibility of its installation on a weakly bearing or uneven ground surface and contraindications when installing under the proposed basement or garage.

Of course, there are general conditions for work on pouring the foundation of the house. First, you can not do all the work in the cold season. This will complicate the whole process and reduce the quality of the result. Secondly, the recommended subsequent waterproofing of the substrate is mandatory.

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