How fashionable to glue wallpaper, and how can you combine the ways

How fashionable to glue wallpaper, especially when it's the last squeak of the

Of course, it's strange to hear that the fashion is able to squeak, but it seems that this happens when venerable designers take on with all possible zeal. This applies equally to clothing, furniture, and wallpaper. And the last mode changes less often, but on the cardinal. And, what's more remarkable, the fashion for pasting walls in this or that style tends to repeat , however, already several in new quality. So, for example, even in Soviet times, photo wallpapers have become popular, despite the rather questionable quality of the paper base. Short-lived, creeping when spreading too liquid glue, drying on the walls with the formation of bubbles and wrinkles, regardless of diligence while smoothing them, photographic images made on separate sheets were bought very quickly. Today, such wallpaper is again in vogue, and they can be found both in the form of separate fragments that form like a mosaic, and in rolls, if the rapport( image) does not differ in size and is repeated on the panel at certain intervals.

So, you want to see on the wall a landscape or a pastoral picture from rural life( view of the farm buildings in the village, for example).Today you can get wallpapers with any image, unlike the standardized two and a half versions of Soviet times. It is enough only to go to the nearest polygraphy and give them the original image, to receive in a short time of time an enlarged copy on large cloths on paper or textile basis. When pasting walls, you can cover the whole wall with photo wallpapers or, using baguettes, get a few wallpapered squares. The gaps between them( as well as the space above and below) can be covered with enamel or water-based paint.

How to fashion wallpaper to get a positive atmosphere

How cozy will be the room, depends not only on the situation, but also on the color of the walls, and if the wallpaper is meant, then the picture is of no small importance. At the same time, fashion trends should be taken into account. The very first wallpaper in Europe was distinguished by bright, screaming colors; in Soviet times it was possible to note the rather faded color of the rapport , today the wallpaper is wallpapered with a clear pattern, large and rather bright, with contrasting colors. .

Very popular innow floral motifs, and not small pale little flowers, but huge, you can say, photographic images of flowers. However, in this style, realism is absolutely unnecessary, and fantastic plants will also come down. If the interior contains antiquities, or successful replicas, a good answer to the question of how fashionable to paste wallpaper, will be Mediterranean anthroposophy. And this difficult-to-pronounce phrase does not mean anything terrible, just the motifs of the wallpaper are associated with ancient civilizations, ancient writing, archeology. Other styles, such as art-decor in the form of multi-colored spots and blots, or primitivism in the spirit of rock carvings will allow you once again not to puzzle over how to paste wallpaper fashionably.

How it is fashionable to glue wallpapers - the most popular ways of

How to apply glue to wallpaper and how to smooth it on the wall afterwards - this is hardly necessary for you to learn, it is much more interesting for you to see tips on how to pasting walls. The application of baguettes was mentioned above, and this method does not only apply to photo wallpapers. Another interesting option - pasting walls with combined wallpaper, and the combination of canvases here can be different: vertical, horizontal and even diagonal( perhaps too boldly, but as effectively).And sometimes it is quite appropriate to cover three walls with wallpapers of the same color, and the fourth wall or part of it - by others, thus allocating a certain zone in the room.

The main rule for combined wallpapers should be observed - the colors in combination must be repeated with any furnishing items. And one more rule, for horizontal combining - the bottom of the color should be darker, an exception is possible for well-lit rooms.

Very interesting is the way of pasting walls, like patchwork, or, in other words, a panel of wallpapers of different series, respectively, with different rapports( drawings).It is recommended to use from three to six variants of decor. The only condition is the inadmissibility of conflicts between the coloring and pattern of the wallpaper. And, of course, do not forget about how it is now fashionable to glue the wallpaper at their obvious shortage - it's about this method of finishing the walls, as wallpaper wallpaper. The most fashionable copies of canvases in the form of small, uniform in size fragments of a rectangular shape are enclosed in the same type of frames directly on the wall, in a certain order or chaotically. All the rest of the wall space can be painted or whitened, or covered with a stencil pattern - the option can be any, to your taste. Picture gallery of fashionable wallpaper - what can be more amazing and, in most cases, more effective?

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