Sewerage ASTRA: the best serial development Unilos

Septic tanks for sewerage Aster: technical characteristics

When choosing a sewage treatment plant of this class, do not go too deep into the wiring diagrams, it is enough to simply estimate the amount of your sewage discharges in cubic meters per day. We will not consider the entire line of these products, whose range allows us to serve the fan systems even of small autonomous settlements. To begin with, we simply consider the most popular models:

Model Amount of daily processing, cubic meter. Electricity consumption, kW / day Deepening of supply pipe, cm Approximate price, thousand rubles
Astra 3 0,6 1,05 40-60 65
Astra 5 1.0 1.44 to 60 78
Analogue 5 long 1.0 1.44 120 120
For 8 people 1.6 1.92 to 60 100

Septic tanks for canalization in Astra: specifications

The price spread is quite large, technologicalcharacteristics are difficult to assess, not being a professional plumber or at least a wise yeschenikom. Believe me, everything is elementary.

How to choose a treatment plant Unilos Astra

Indeed, everything becomes very simple and partly understandable if you carefully review the estimated parameters of the producers.

How to choose a treatment plant Unilos Astra

  1. Equipment septic tank with the marking Astra 8 provides maintenance of the sewer system of a country cottage where 8 average citizens permanently live, wash, cook and go to the toilet, respectively, the sewerage indicated in the passport is Astra 3 is designed for a small, friendly family ofthree people.
  2. Please note that two identical devices with the penetration of supply and discharge sewage pipes to levels of up to 60 and over 120 cm differ at a price of almost one and a half times. If the soils on your site allow you to do almost superficial wiring of sewer pipes, in the categories middle and long can significantly save.
  3. Diagrams for diversion of drains into the sewerage of the Astra are self-flowing, so you can do the slopes of the pipeline system yourself or entrust this stage to specialists. Some recommendations on how to install an autonomous sewer at the dacha can be found on the pages of our website.

We hope that you have already understood the general idea: you can choose the category of sewerage and septicist Unilos Astra yourself, with maximum consideration of your own requests and financial possibilities.

How to choose a treatment plant Unilos Astra

Principle of operation and rules for operation of the Astra sewer system

According to the engineering diagrams of the installation, we have four categories:

  • standard tenik with a height of 2.36 m with the connection of the pipe pipes and the discharge of drains at a depth of 40-60;
  • midi: respectively, 2.5 and 60-90;
  • industrial variants with the output of treated wastewater deeper than 1200 mm( dimensions correspond).

The principle of operation and the rules of operation of the sewage system of Astra

Any system works autonomously, it is not necessary to maintain the operating mode of properly installed equipment every day, but you can not do without seasonal maintenance of internal tanks. Aerobic bacteria that process your domestic wastewater into the activated sludge in the fourth aeration chamber and produce nearly 98% of the purified water into external drainage collectors also require care. Than they do not need to be fed, more precisely, what products of vital activity should not clog the sewerage of Astra from Unilos:

  • building mixtures, sand, lime;
  • solvents, paint and varnish mixtures;
  • chlorinated detergents and cleaners;
  • active dietary supplements in a dissolved form;
  • of polymeric waste( scraps of packaging, plastic debris)

The principle of operation and the rules of operation of the sewage system of Astra

The list, as you understand, is far from complete, but if you keep only from such obvious acts of vandalism in relation to the sewage system of the dacha, it will serve reliably and without fail for several decades.

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