Foam: warm the house qualitatively!

General information about foam rubber and insulation

Investigating the insulation of an apartment, it is important to familiarize yourself with certain qualities of materials. Their abundance in the construction goods market exceeds the norm, it is easy to get confused in the assortment.
When choosing a warming agent, it is worth paying attention to the description of the product. Its main tasks in the winter period:

  1. Do not let the cold penetrate the walls;
  2. Keep available heat in rooms;
  3. Gradually minimize the use of fuel or power consumption.

The main task of the heater is to keep the heat in the room

Based on the above functions, consider two categories of insulation materials:

  1. Used inside the house;
  2. Used for exterior wall finishing.

Professional insulation inside the room

The first option is designed to eliminate unnecessary external noise, maintaining sound insulation. Internal insulation is often "embedded" in the construction of gypsum board. It is appropriate for a beautiful appearance of the house, not requiring additional finishing. Wearing the walls, it will not be superfluous to lining ecowools or foam rubber in the design of the metal profile.

Specialists note the significant disadvantages of interior decoration of walls:

  • lack of quality protection of walls from cold;
  • insufficient heat preservation in multi-storey buildings;
  • significant reduction in the area of ​​the room.

The standard way of warming the walls

The second method is appropriate when building a house from slag-block materials. The exterior decoration is able to improve the facade of the building, give it an aesthetic appearance and save the budget for finishing the whole house.
The disadvantages of external insulation are the sensitivity to external factors and the need for additional stone covering. In its characteristics, the second option resembles a kind of "coat" of the house. In the cold season, this option is appropriate and is able to keep the heat in the building. In the hot - you need to buy air conditioning and constantly cool the room.

Heater creates a "fur coat" effect

Polyurethane foam insulation: foam properties

By definition, Wikipedia, polyurethane foam is foam rubber. The name corresponds to the entire group of insulating means, which include carbonate gaseous particles moving in an inert principle. They are distinguished by their lightness and airiness. In the name of "foam rubber" consumers are obliged to the foreign construction company from Norway, who designated this material.

The qualities should be considered:

  • The density is from 30 to 150. The calculation is made in kilograms per cubic meter.
  • The ability to conduct heat - from 0.019 to 0.028 W / m.
  • Despite the airiness of the structure, foam is characterized by a closed porous base.
  • Usage time approximately 25 years.
  • The admissible degree of material aging is from minus 150 to plus 150.

Characteristics of polyurethane foam

The structure of foam rubber shows - it has soft qualities. Do not be afraid of bends. It is sensitive to weight loads. Do not put polyurethane foam under pressure - it will quickly lose its useful features for insulation, can shrink and lose density.

One of the qualities of foam rubber is the ability to heat conductivity. According to its structural characteristics, the material can pass a cold by 0.2 centimeters. When buying a 0.5 or 1 centimeter wall will be sufficiently insulated and reliably protected from frost. Thickness affects the value in a directly proportional sense. Focusing on the climate of the area, you can choose the most appropriate option and budget for the price.

Polyurethane foam has a solid surface. Its pores are covered with a special layer. The carbon that enters the structure supports the "life" of foam rubber, ensuring the duration of its service.

Sheet polyurethane foam

Modern insulation can be used for at least half a century. Construction firms-manufacturers have developed a special scheme for cleaning the structure. This is possible with the presence of a large number of gaseous constituents. The entire high-quality monopoly of the production of strong polyurethane foam is concentrated in the East - in Japan.

The distinctive characteristic of foam rubber is necessary to call it "indifference" to temperature changes. He perfectly copes with burning frosts and is not capricious to heat. It does not have the property of cooling or heating. An essential disadvantage is the ability to ignite and a good combustion.

The presence of inert gases promotes charring of carbon. Fire of foam rubber can occur exclusively under the influence of an open source of fire. Specialists strongly recommend checking the strength of the material before buying.

Human health effects

The constituent elements of polyurethane foam can in many respects have a negative impact on human health. Chemical elements of foam rubber destructively affect the respiratory tract. In certain cases, there was a "turn of the guts".

It is strongly recommended that children should not be allowed to enter this raw material.
Foam does not tolerate acids and alkaline elements. Its use is prohibited in factories and many enterprises. When reacting with detergents, it does not cause oxidation.

Polyurethane foam is dangerous to health. It is necessary to work in a suit and mask

Treatment of walls with polyurethane foam

The material is sold in a solid state in the form of plates. Can also spread in liquid. Speaking about liquid properties, it is not necessary to represent containers with jars. In building stores, it can be purchased in an intermediate state between liquid and solid. In quality, it resembles plaster. Apply with a special spatula. Most recommendations are reduced to the use of spraying devices.

Often the material is produced in sheets

Applying it to the surface of the cinder block, the spraying method will perfectly cope with cracks and cover the whole space. An interesting property of foam rubber - when hardened, it increases the size to 40 percent. Wait until the final drying is necessary in a day and a half.

Comparing polyurethane foam and foam rubber, you can call them identical. Expert opinion of professionals indicates a greater number of advantages in the first option:

  1. Absence of use of adhesive products;
  2. Covering absolutely the entire surface of external walls;
  3. Efficiency of the process using a sprayer.

Using the spray gun

Thermal insulation of walls of ecowool

Ecowool differs from mineral wool by its increased environmental compatibility. Its basis is wood shavings. You can not worry about the effect of the material on the well-being of the tenants.

Ecowool - eco-friendly insulation


  1. No fire hazard.
  2. Excellent keeps the heat and does not let the cold pass.
  3. Has soundproof properties.
  4. Long service.
  5. Material nature, beneficial effect on human health.
  6. The ability to absorb perfectly, let in air.
  7. Use in industrial facilities. Not afraid of acid effect.
  8. Can reduce the thickness. This is a significant disadvantage in comparison with foam rubber.

The process of warming the walls with ecowool

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