Designing a canopy over the porch with your own hands

Designing a canopy over the porch with your own hands

How to make a canopy over your porch in your own house?

First, it should be noted that a canopy is a necessity, rather than a whim. It protects the porch and the front door from rain and snow.

Secondly, it can serve as a summer veranda: you can arrange a tea party, hide from the hot sun, etc.

Third, the house can be supplemented with another beautiful detail.


  • What can be awnings?
  • Material and features of awnings
  • Wooden canopy
  • Canopy of polycarbonate
  • All-metal canopy
  • General rules for the manufacture of frames: hanging and supporting

What can be awnings?

The canopy is a structure from the carcass and the cover itself. If we talk about the installation in a nutshell, then first install the frame( frame), to which the coating is attached.

Make it yourself is not difficult, you just need to make an effort and figure out what kind of canopies can be.

Canopy can be hanging and supporting. The difference lies in the way of fastening.

Suspended directly to the wall. This visor is best done from lighter materials, so as not to carry additional load on the wall. An example of such a visor is presented in the photo.

Suspended canopy

The second type is the supporting one, it is fixed to the posts. It is characterized by great strength and reliability. To create a skeleton of such a canopy, it is better to prepare the project.

Support canopy

Depending on the shape, canopies can be:

  1. Single-deck - with this form, the slope is usually made from the wall, you can meet other layout options - it all depends on the design idea. But with a single-peaked cap, the installation of a drainage pipe is always provided;
  2. Gable - the most common form, represents two inclined planes. It is convenient in application, since snow does not linger, it also protects against rain and wind;
  3. Arched. They represent an arch, adorn the house;
  4. Hinged. They are the most practical, since they close all the porches from all sides. They have a round or sectional shape.


Which canopies can be constructed shown in the video.

Material and features of awnings

To properly build a canopy over the porch, first determine the material from which it will be made.

The choice, in the first place, depends on the building itself, the style of which must be maintained. Secondly, from the planned shape of the visor.

For example, for simpler canopies, single-pitched or gable, the material can be slate, metal, corrugated board and, in extreme cases, even branches of trees. More complex canopies are covered with polycarbonate, soft tiles.

For the laying of roofing is done crate.

At the same step for rigid materials( slate, profiled sheet, etc.) is observed no more than 30 cm, waterproofing is carried out: the crate is covered with dense polyethylene or any other material.

Stacking of softer materials is carried out on a continuous crate, made with slats or sheet material.

Canopy can be made of wood, polycarbonate or be all-metal.

In order to independently make a visor over the entrance to the house, you need to develop a project, move the drawings to the plane, include in the calculation the following information:

  • the slope of the visor should be at least 20 degrees to ensure unhindered slope of snow in winter;
  • the canopy should be placed so that the porch on both sides is covered about 30 cm;The
  • visor must be at least 220 cm high at its lowest point;
  • the depth of the canopy must be at least 100 cm.

Wooden canopy

It is more correct to make such a visor when the house has a wooden roof or is made of wood, then the composition of the whole structure is not violated.

To create a structure, you need a wooden beam and boards with sections 5x5 cm and 2x1.5 cm. The amount of material depends on which design is chosen: it can be a canopy only above the porch or passing from the porch to the window.

In order for the wooden structure to last as long as possible, the beams and boards should be treated with hydrophobic substances and antiseptics.

We build a frame and a support on the wall from the beams. We consider the most common kind of canopy - gable hanging, so the support is made in a triangular shape, and the frame is almost square. Examples can be seen in the photo.


Next, the frame is covered with boards, they must lie tightly to each other, because they play the role of a crate.

Holders are made in the form of a rectangular triangle, which are attached to the wall on the anchor bolts. After bonding the details, the structure of wood is covered with resin and roofing material for its durability.

Further the roof covering is fastened, in an ideal it should be the same as the whole house is covered. The final stage will be the installation of a canopy over the porch. How to do this is shown in the video.


Polycarbonate awning

The canopy of inorganic polycarbonate material is gaining popularity. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • , due to its artificial origin, this material is less exposed to external influences, its natural decay is excluded, etc.;
  • well passes sunlight;
  • material is fireproof( does not support combustion);
  • under the visor of polycarbonate is well protected from the wind;
  • material is very plastic;
  • has a large color assortment.

The complexity of creating a visor of polycarbonate is in the frame. The material itself is fastened very easily with the help of self-tapping screws.

Frameworks can be:

  1. Wood. It is done according to the same principle described above. This option is acceptable if the house is also made of wood;
  2. The frame made of aluminum is distinguished by its lightness. The positive thing is that it should not be painted or varnished;
  3. A welding machine is required to make a steel frame. You can make any shape and kind;
  4. Forged frame will look very noble and expensive.


A special feature of mounting polycarbonate is its correct use in construction, that is, it should be bent so that the channels formed inside the material are parallel to the fold.

When mounting polycarbonate to the frame, one must resort to one trick: the holes for fastening should be slightly larger than the bolts themselves. This will allow the material to move slightly when temperature changes and avoid distortions.

When using separate polycarbonate sheets, special profiles are used.

The only drawback of using a canopy from polycarbonate is its loose fit to the wall, possible leaks.

To exclude them, a special wall profile is used, which can be purchased at the store.

How to make a visor of polycarbonate with their own hands shown in the video.


All-metal canopy

Unequivocally you can say, if you do a visor made of metal, it is better to use stainless steel - this is a more practical option, and more beautiful is forged.

This kind of canopy, made entirely of metal, is often combined and decorated with forging, which smooths the structure, makes it and the house as a whole more attractive.

It should be noted that this skeleton will last a long time. The design of such a design must be necessarily prepared and carefully thought out.

The welding machine is required for the work, it is possible to replace the welding with riveting or nuts with bolts.

A stainless steel sheet( 0.1 mm) will serve as the main material for manufacturing. It can be made more rigid by means of a thin strip or 15 mm channel.

The thickness of the metal is determined by the size and weight of the visor, the larger the visor and the heavier the roofing, the larger the profile.


General rules for the manufacture of frames: hanging and supporting

To properly fix the overhead canopy, you must adhere to the technology:

  1. Initially, the design of the entire structure is being developed;
  2. A support profile or a wooden beam is attached to the wall;
  3. Support posts and load-bearing beams are fixed to each other by metal corners or by welding, if the frame is made of metal;
  4. The roof crate is made depending on the chosen roofing;
  5. Wooden materials are treated with varnish or paint, metal - pre-primed, then painted;
  6. Coating is being carried out.

To properly install the supports it is required:

  • In those places where the supports will be installed, it is necessary to make wells with a height of at least 0.5 m;
  • The posts are filled with concrete after installation;
  • The prepared skeleton is put on supports, the front part is fastened to the posts, the rear part to the wall of the house;
  • Coating is being carried out.

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