Quality installation of a chimney from sandwich pipes

Quality installation of a chimney from sandwich pipes

Installation of a chimney from sandwich pipes will help make your furnace more durable and of high quality due to the fact that this system is made of high quality steel.

Chimney from sandwich pipes today can be found in an increasing number of countryside and private houses, it is also often installed in a bath.

It's all about high performance and performance, as well as ease of installation, which is very important if you decide to install this system yourself.

In the article you will learn about the pros and cons of this system, as well as how to do it properly with your own hands - this will help you with the instruction, the scheme, as well as detailed video of the stages of work.


  • Description and characteristics of the
  • system Advantages and disadvantages
  • Installing the system for the private house
  • Features of the chimney installation for the sauna

Description and characteristics of the

The chimney layout of sandwich pipes looks like several layers of different material that are assembled together in a holistic design. This device looks like a sandwich, so they are called sandwich pipes.

The body of the system is made up of two pipes superimposed on each other and having a different diameter.

Beforehand, a gasket should be placed between the pipes - it can be used as a mineral wool or basalt fiber or other material that is resistant to high temperatures, a high degree of resistance to fire and chemicals.

If we talk about mineral wool and basalt fiber, these materials, in addition to the listed properties, also have good thermal insulation and the ability to muffle sound waves.

The design and appearance of the pipes depends on two factors: the purpose of the system and the temperature in the room where it will be installed.

Also sandwich pipes can have different thicknesses of thermal insulation layer and diameter of pipes themselves, which also depends on the type of system and its purpose.

Installation and connection of pipes can be made in three different ways: bayonet, flanged and using a cold bridge.

The design of the chimney with their own hands implies the presence of not only straight, but also curved pipes, because the system must be combined with various elements of the house design and connected to the roof and the ceiling.

These chimney parts can be made from pipe fragments, which then need to be joined together.

The device of the chimney system made of sandwich pipes consists of several parts:

  • pipes themselves;
  • tees that will connect the system with a furnace or fireplace furnace( their dimensions are affected by the diameter of the channel bend through which the smoke goes);
  • system for collecting condensate and moisture removal, which will accumulate on the walls of the chimney;
  • bent pipe elements for placement on the roof;
  • special tee, allowing to control the operation of the chimney;
  • estuary, installed at the top edge of the chimney;
  • console, which serves as a support( it is the base of the channels going along the floor or on the walls);
  • clamp on the wall, which allows you to securely fix the chimney.

Structure of the chimney

Advantages and Disadvantages of

The advantages of a chimney from sandwich pipes are as follows:

  • they have an attractive outdoor appearance;
  • is suitable for all boilers and furnaces;
  • can be used both inside and outside the room;
  • have a small size, so you can install such a chimney even inside a small room, which can not be said, for example, of brick analogues.

Sandwich pipes are made of stainless steel, so they are resistant to chemical and thermal effects - these factors are very relevant for the chimney, becausethese substances are always formed inside the system due to combustion of fuel.

Another plus is a quality thermal insulation that protects the outside of the pipe and chimney from condensation, which is especially important if you are installing equipment that has direct stretching.

Since the inner surface of the pipe is completely smooth, you do not have to worry that soot will settle on it, which means that you do not have to clean the chimney often.

This design, thanks to thermal insulation, has a high protection against fire, becausedoes not allow the circuit to warm up to too high a temperature.

Sandwich Tube

Thanks to the device design, the installation of the chimney with their own hands is quite simple - you can lay it between any obstacles, tk.the system will be able to round them, plus to install the system, you will not need to disassemble the roof and floors, which significantly reduces the cost of installing the chimney.

You can save money on installing the foundation, as well.for this type of device, it is not needed, in whatever room you are not going to install a chimney: in a private house, in a sauna or a summer kitchen.

The main disadvantage of the system is the high cost per pipe, as well as the possibility of reducing the tightness, if you use them for a long time.

However, at the moment it is still the most reliable system: the correct installation of the chimney ensures that it will last you at least 15 years.

Installing a system for a private house

As most often the installation of a chimney implies that it will pass through several floors, competent installation is the guarantee of the correct functioning of the system.

It is not so complicated, however, before you start installing the chimney yourself, look at the training video on how it's done.


To conduct a chimney pipe through the floors, you will need a branch pipe, which must be purchased before starting work.

Walls need to be laid with insulating material( minvate suitable), also insulating the inner part, the parts of the joints and the junction of the structure to the walls.

Before starting the installation of the branch pipe, make a marking on the ceiling of the area where the chimney must pass and make a hole for it.

Places where the pipe will be connected to the ceiling of the ceiling must be insulated with mineral wool, and when this is done, you can start installing the sandwich pipe yourself.

If you are laying pipes through wooden walls, on beams or other areas where there is a risk of fire, then there should be several insulating layers to avoid fire.

When making holes, work especially carefully, measuring the dimensions and diameter of the pipes - all elements of the chimney must pass freely through the prepared holes.

Also do not forget to leave a little empty space between the pipe and the branch pipe - this is necessary for natural ventilation and cooling of the entire system.

After the pipes are fixed, it is necessary to check how correctly their position( they should stand clearly vertical) and install the protective elements of the formwork.

Do not forget that the sandwich tubes are not suitable for placement in the furnace, and therefore can not serve as the first element of the chimney.

Installation of chimneys starts from the bottom, starting from the heating system in the house. The pipes should be installed correctly in each other, the upper pipes are inserted in the previous ones, the elements should be as much as the dimensions of the structure require.

Install pipes on the condensate - this prevents the penetration of moisture into the seams through the walls. And also protects the layer of thermal insulation from penetration of dampness.

To improve the sealing of pipes, use a sealing compound whose temperature range starts from 100 degrees. To improve the fixation of all elements of the chimney system, use crimp clamps - they will make the system more reliable.

Mount the chimney on the wall and install reinforcements with a distance of 2 meters, with the account that for one horizontal section the permissible length will not be more than 1 meter.

In each of the floors it is necessary to install insulation, which protects wooden elements from fire. In order to be able to easily clean the channel in the future, you need to install a door in the pipes, or make one of the elements removable.

During installation, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the structure and indents.

For a flat cover it is 50 cm - so it must go under the pipe, for 50 cm the chimney must protrude above the ridge, if the exit from it is from the ridge no further than 1.5 meters.

If this distance is up to 3 m, the dimensions will repeat the height of the ridge. If your roof is made of flammable material, the edge of the chimney must exceed the height of the ridge by 1-1.5 meters.

Chimney installation

Features of the chimney installation for the sauna

The chimney from the sandwich pipes is ideal for placing not only in a private residential building, but also in a bath.

Installation in this case will be almost the same, however, make sure that the layer of thermal insulation was larger, becauseThe risk of fire in a bath is slightly higher than in a private house.

Some choose a chimney installation in a bath through the wall - it's not harder than bringing it through the roof, but it requires a slightly different scheme of operation. First, you need to disassemble part of the wall and strengthen the place under the bracket.

Then you need to make the outer bracket( to assemble it with your own hands easily) and attach 2 corners to it as runners - then you can easily move the tee fitting the chimney, and nothing will get stuck in the hole.

The wall in the bath should be covered with a sheet of plywood( there will be enough thickness of 1 cm) and fix on it an asbestos sheet on top and a galvanized metal sheet on top.

In it, you need to make a hole under the tunnel, which is fixed with screws.

Lastly, you need to cover the bracket with metal lacquer, which will protect the structure from corrosion. The last step is to make a hole through the adapter - into it and a sandwich tube is put on.


In general, the installation of a chimney in the bath with their own hands should not cause problems, tk. The sandwich tube chimney has a simple construction and is easily installed in any structure.

Assembling the chimney through the wall will be somewhat more complicated than usual, but the video will help you to properly cope with this work and, in the end, get a system that will work no worse than that made by professional builders.

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