Home fountain: self-made

Who said that the fountain is an exclusively street fixture? Modern decorations of this type are equally used both outside the house and inside the premises - everything is decided by the size and the device. For flats and houses, as a rule, small fountains are used, which are called "home fountain".It is about them, or rather about the options for their independent production, will be discussed in this article.

A person can contemplate three things for a long time - for a long time he is unable to tear his gaze away from the flame, the running water and how someone else works. It is for this reason that the most common decorations in homes and apartments are all kinds of fireplaces and fountains. In this article we will talk about fountains - together with the site of the House of Dreams, we will deal with the question of how to make a home fountain with our own hands? We will consider various options for the independent production of this decor and, most importantly, we will understand the principle of creating such things, knowledge of which will allow you to design these products yourself at home.

home mini fountain with your hands photo

Home mini fountain with your own hands photo

Home fountain: how it works

Most of you probably will be surprised at how much the fountain is a simple thing - you can even say that by the standards of modern technologies it is an elementary thing that in manufacture does not at all causedifficulties. If you deal with its design, then you can divide it into just a few separate parts. Plus-minus, of course, since there is no limit to perfection, and it can be perfected, as they say, ad infinitum.

  1. Pump. Today it is a very small detail - a box measuring 5 by 5 cm. With its small dimensions, such a thing is able to push water to a height of up to half a meter or more. In principle, more than necessary. Buy this pump can be in almost any specialized store, the construction market and almost every first economic hypermarket. Even if you can not find a pump in them, you can always go to the store where they sell fish and aquariums, and instead buy a filter for the aquarium( the principle of its operation is exactly the same).
  2. Capacity. Here there are the most problems - despite the fact that you can make a home fountain with your own hands even from an ordinary pelvis or a bowl, people still have difficulties with this. The fact is that everyone wants something unusual, and the person just drives himself into a dead end. Make such home fountains from almost anything - some people mold it from clay, others try to lay out of small natural pebbles, but a third adapt as a capacity ordinary household trash, problems with which usually does not happen. Naturally, it needs to be put in order a little. But without this, you know, you can not do even with the manufacture of a fountain from new construction materials.
    home fountain with your own hands photo

    Home fountain with your own hands photo

And as for the principle of operation of such devices, then there is really nothing to understand - the fluid movement is simply looped. There is a container from which the pump pumps water and feeds it to the fountain nozzles - flying outwards in the form of a beautiful decorative jet or flowing down by a waterfall, it returns to the same container, from which, again, it is sucked by a pump and sent to the next ring cycle. That's the whole fountain.

How to make a fountain at home: variants of

Among the most common variants of making home fountains with your own hands, you can distinguish only a couple of more or less successful designs. To be frank, the only successful one is only one - the first variation, although acceptable for a house or apartment, still has several significant drawbacks.

  1. Classic mini home fountain with your own hands, in which the water is ejected by a trickle up. By and large, it has only one advantage - elementary manufacture. In contrast to this advantage is a disadvantage, such as spraying water on the floor or furniture. Avoid it only in one way - to use a large bowl for water, which already in itself translates this product from the category of mini fountains into the category of medium-sized fountains. Select this design only if there is enough space to install it. Alternatively, you can somewhat extinguish the rising water jet and redirect it down - for this purpose you will need to mount over the jet one more small bowl, mounted upside down.
    home fountain size photo

    The size of a home fountain photo

  2. A waterfall or cascade of waterfalls. It is this design that is considered the most suitable for the manufacture of a mini fountain for a house - it provides for the water to be not jetted up but draining down. So to say, the flow from one container to another - the lower one from the tanks is accumulative( it contains a water supply), and the upper transit or, more correctly, it will be said to be false, as it is more needed to extinguish the jet created by the pump. Naturally, at the same time this is a decoration that can be made either in the form of a jug, or in the form of an underground key, or in some other form. By and large, this product can be very diverse - not an exception is the notorious pissing boy, and a spitting jerky water jet. In these cases, you must clearly direct the trickle so that it does not create a spray. Typically, the upper and lower tanks are connected to each other tightly, in order to hide all internal communications - in particular, the tube coming from the pump and the wire. By the way, the pump itself is completely protected from water by the product - it is installed directly into the storage bowl directly into the water.

Depending on the required size of a domestic fountain, you can install and intermediate capacity - to create a so-called cascade of waterfalls, which will look much more attractive. The principle of manufacturing such fountains does not differ from a single waterfall - the only thing that is added here is one or several intermediate tanks. In this situation, the pump pumps water into the upper tank, from where it flows into the reservoir located just below it. In turn, from this reservoir the water will flow down into the below capacity - with this approach to business, the number of containers can be unlimited.

home fountain photo

Home fountain photo

How to make a home fountain with your own hands: installation without a pump

Immediately make a reservation that this is not a perpetual motion machine, and it will not work indefinitely for such a fountain - it is an excellent toy that demonstrates the work of the laws of physics and nothing more. Depending on the used containers in the construction of such a fountain, you can count on 10, 15 minutes, maybe even half an hour of work time - then you will need to reload, which you will make boring in the very near future.

It's about the fountain of Geron, which requires three tanks connected in series with each other - it's a completely sealed system that works thanks to an air-cork. From the receiving bowl, water enters the lowest, and most importantly, empty container - it presses on the air in it, which in turn creates pressure in the upper tank( it is with water).It is this pressure that makes the water rise upwards. What is most interesting, the rise of the jet can be quite large and reach 1m in height. Moreover, this fountain can even be somewhat "automated" - to organize its recharging with less time and effort. Undoubtedly, this is a noteworthy invention of mankind, which should devote a separate article, which in the future we will do.

how to make a home fountain with your own hands: the Gerona fountain Photo

How to make a home fountain with your own hands: a fountain of Gerona photo

In conclusion of the theme, how to make a home fountain, a few words about very attractive additions that will allow you to contemplate not only the type of running water, but also observe various effects. The very first thing that comes to mind here is the highlight. Organize it in different ways, but the most interesting of them is the use of a small electric generator. A small device purchased in the store is quite capable of making LEDs shine - you can arrange them anywhere, anyway, most importantly, do not forget that water and electricity are incompatible in principle.

The second point that will allow you to diversify your home fountain is a variety of mechanical things. The simplest of them is a watermill wheel, which can be installed between two tanks. By the way, it's quite easy to combine such a wheel with an electric current generator. By and large, various water-movable toys can be made a great variety - these are boats that float on the surface of water, and ducks, and birds, and much more.

Author of the article Vladimir Belov

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