Plaids in the interior: a lump of heat for your home( photo)

Every person sometimes wants to bring a twist to their "world of dwelling".A simple accessory - a plaid - will help to cope with this task. Beautiful plaids in the interior can create a warm, homely cosiness. In addition to the interior solution, they will also give such a welcome warmth in the cool season.

When choosing a plaid, you should pay attention to the material, color range and size of the product, as well as determine the purpose of its use. We will try to answer all these questions in this publication on the website "House of Dreams", and also see what can make a blanket without having spent a penny on it.

Luxurious plaid of fur in the interior

Luxury plaid of fur in the interior of

The most popular materials for house rugs

In the era of developed industry, rugs are created both from natural and artificial components.

The use of goat, camel, sheep's wool, rabbit fur gives this "decorative blanket" a lot of useful properties. They are very warm, soft, allow the circulation of air currents, so you do not sweat, and similar products will not become "stores" of static and dust. In addition, woolen rugs are very useful in diseases of the joints. An unpleasant factor is the possibility of provoking allergic reactions and extremely delicate care.

When choosing natural ingredients, you should pay attention to plaids made of bamboo. In their production, chemical products are not used, even the coloring takes place with the help of natural paints. They have antibacterial, antiseptic, hypoallergenic qualities. In the summer heat, the bamboo rugs "share" the coolness, and winter time they warm up with their warmth. They are very unpretentious in the care and perfectly tolerate washing in the washing machine under gentle conditions.

how to choose a good rug

How to choose a good plaid

Beautiful plaid in the interior photo

Beautiful plaid in the interior photo

For creating synthetic plaids use acrylic, fleece, microfiber, polyester. Plaids based on artificial fibers are soft, strong, quickly warm, well "treat" to cleaning, do not change the original shape. The disadvantage of unnatural rugs is the accumulation of electric charge, accumulation of dust, poor air permeability.

Fur blankets in the interior photo

Fur rugs in the interior photo

Plaids with a mixed composition of used materials have proved themselves well. In this case, the product becomes the owner of the qualities of natural and man-made fibers. For example:

  • combination of 20% wool and 80% PAN fiber( artificial wool) gives the rug high strength, heat resistance, no shrinkage of the product due to the hygroscopicity of the components;
  • acrylic + wool + mohair - the product is soft, soft, preserves the original form;
  • cotton + acrylic - the substance passes air, saves heat;
  • wool + cotton + acrylic - a durable, soft fabric with a warming effect, resistant to wear.

The right plaid color for your interior

What color should you choose for a house rug? In choosing the color of the product, the main thing is to try not to disturb the color solution of the room, to preserve and emphasize the style of the living space.

Plaid should fit into the environment, becoming an integral part of the interior. It can coincide with the tone of furniture, curtains, carpet.

If the design of the room is colorful, a plaid should choose a calm color. In turn, a bright plaid can dilute the monotony of the interior.

Designer rugs for the house Roros Tweed

Designer rugs for the house Roros Tweed

Size matters: correctly choose plaid

In the textile and bedding stores a wide selection of blankets of various sizes is presented. First of all it is necessary to decide for what purposes this item is purchased.

When buying rugs for armchairs, you can choose your choice of products with the size of 130x170 cm. For small sofas suited blankets size 150h200sm, in a baby cot will look great plaid 170x240cm, on a standard bed a "plaid" plaid size of 220x240 cm is good. For corner sofas and double beds it is better to buy a large plaid 240x260 cm.

Knitted blankets in the interior of the bedroom

Knitted plaid in the bedroom interior

Knitted plaid and cushion for the sofa

Knitted plaid and cushion for the sofa

Blankets for home photo

House Blocks Photo

Important Tips for Choosing a Good Plaid

Faced with the huge range of products offered, the question arises: how to choose a good blanket that will suit both the quality and the interior will fit in the best way? To solve this problem, we have prepared several practical tips:

  • First of all, it is necessary to determine the quality of the purchased goods: natural it will be plaid or synthetic.
  • On the surface of the product to be purchased, there should be no abrasions or tightening.
  • The plaque coloring is assumed to be uniform, the edges are edged or fringed.
  • Blankets made of natural wool should not crumble, but be pleasant and soft to the touch.
  • In the children's room it is necessary to purchase blankets made of cotton, considered environmentally friendly products.
  • Behind the discreet colors lies the excellent quality of the material, perfectly "carrying" multiple washings.
  • Luxurious view of the living room will give plaid of natural fur. Pleasure, of course, is not cheap, but the pomposity effect is stunning.
  • You can bring refinements to the bedroom with the help of cashmere rugs, extraordinarily soft and tender.
Warm plaid for home

Warm plaid for the house

what are rugs

What are the rugs photo

Warm knitted plaid for home photo

Warm knitted plaid for the house Photo

What can you make a plaid with your own hands

Do you know that rugs are not only shop-made, but also original ones created by own hands? And on such creations do not even have to be spent. Here in the course will go worn out, long not trend things, which, it would seem, have long ago been thrown away. The simplest, perhaps, will be three solutions:

  1. It will be interesting to look at a rug made of old, warm, "outlived" eyelids of sweaters or other knitted items, chosen according to the color scheme.
  2. The plaid made of soft pompons of multi-colored yarn, as it is impossible by the way will approach the nursery.
  3. At the dacha or on a picnic, you can sew an excellent plaid of rags of dense fabric found in the bins of cabinets. The main thing is to choose a material that is not very dense when cutting.
Plaid of crocheted squares with their own hands

Plaid of knitted squares with their own hands

Bright knitted plaid in patchwork style

Bright knitted plaid in patchwork style

Application of plaids in home interior

And finally I would like to consider an equally important question: how to combine the practical and decorative function of a blanket in the design of your home? In fact, rugs for the house are already universal products.

  • In the living room, they can decorate sofas and armchairs, wrapped up while watching the programs, reading a fascinating book or leafing through a fashion magazine. It's also cool to wrap yourself in it, chilled after a walk in the fresh air.
  • In the bedroom a plaid can decorate a bed or use instead of a blanket.
  • In the children's blanket can serve as a beautiful veil, a warm blanket or soft mat for playing on the floor.
  • You can bring a lot of usefulness to the rug at the cottage, during the evening rest on the terrace, and on picnics, when you can throw it on your shoulders, enjoying the forest landscape.
Soft baby rug

Soft children's plaid

How to choose a plaid for home

How to choose a plaid for the house

Plaid in a modern interior photo

Plaid in a modern interior photo

Knitted plaid in the interior of the living room with a fireplace

Knitted plaid in the interior of the living room with a fireplace

These decorative blankets have always been and will remain in vogue. Plaids are appropriate to look in any environment, the main thing is to tastefully choose the appropriate options for the style. Favorite plaid will help to comfortably spend the autumn, winter cold, giving comfort and warmth.

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