Furniture for home cabinet in apartment and cottage

Furniture for the home cabinet on the loggia

A wide balcony or loggia with the area of ​​2х2 meters is the optimal solution for the cabinet, in which there will be where to turn around, and at the same time all the necessary interior will fit. Actually, what is needed for normal, efficient work? Of course, everyone chooses on their own, but on the average it is a desk, written or computer( or it can be a combined version), an armchair, a cabinet for papers, a curbstone or a hanging locker for small things, someone might need a safe.

As a rule, everything should be at arm's length, so even if the balcony you have a length of 6 meters, it is better to partition it into 2 parts, if there are exits from the hall and from the kitchen, and take a half communicating with the hall. If you need a table with a large space directly in front of you, choose a square option, or similar in shape, with a large enough width .Someone, working with papers, has a habit of placing folders on the right and left of himself. In this case, it is better to take a long and narrow table.

It is very important to pay attention to lighting when adjusting the cabinet, both high and low lights are equally necessary.

The cabinet and cabinet should be equipped with both pull-out and swing-out compartments, and it is better if the latter are on the push-on locks, especially if it is easy to reach each seat from the chair. The latter is desirable to choose an office type, on wheels, with armrests and a headrest, because sometimes you have to sit at the table for hours, and the load on the spine and lower back while this should be minimal. Completely unacceptable wooden chair with a hard seat and a straight back below the shoulder blades, sitting on it, you will feel tired after an hour .

Interior of the home cabinet when there is little room for the

It's good if you have a three-room apartment or even a two-story country house, and there is a place under the interior of the home cabinet. Worse, if you have at your disposal a one-room hruschevka, where it is impossible to turn around, and the balcony is used as an additional living space. In this case, you will very much help out the pantry, and if there is not one, then the furniture is a transformer. For example, the original solution will be a chest of drawers, turning into a table, especially if you have a laptop at your disposal. The construction, which is a table top and two support boards on wheels, easily moves to the chest as a cover.

Even better, if you use a wall with the elements of the transformer. For example, near its even area there can be a sofa made of soft poufs, over which a shelf with various souvenirs hangs, but if you pull it, after removing the sofa back, there will be a bed in front of you. However, we need an office, not a place to sleep, so we look at another compartment. There are two doors, we open them, and now the table top is hidden in front of you, behind which the monitor hides, on one of the wings there is a shelf with a system unit, on the other - a cabinet with sliding doors.

Design of a home cabinet - unusual solutions

Consider the most acceptable option for a small apartment - a locker on wheels, similar to a bicuspid wardrobe, but slightly higher than sitting in a man's office chair. Open the doors and see the two compartments, separated by a shelf exactly in the middle of the case. A monitor is placed on it, a system unit at the bottom, a table with a keyboard and a mouse extends from under the shelf. The doors now shut you off from the rest of the room, and if you turn the locker so that you sit with your back against the wall, you'll find yourself in a private space.

If you are a lucky owner of a candy bar, you can make it even easier - in any room, even in the bedroom, you can fix a bar or an arc with a heavy curtain on the wall. Dense matter perfectly extinguishes extraneous sounds, and even an occasional draft will not be terrible for such a shelter. At the same time, it is a stylish design of a small home cabinet, fenced off from the rest of the room. On the wall there is an ordinary hanging cabinet, narrow, with door-shutters( these are such furniture blinds).We raise the curtain and see the candy bar, and below it there is a narrow compartment, from which a shelf with a keyboard extends. A practical option that allows you to save space and work without interference.

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