Color and space
It is the color palette that is the main tool for visually expanding the room. If absolutely identical rooms are painted in red and beige, then in the second variant the room will seem much more spacious.
This effect is due to the fact that light pastel colors visually increase the space, and dark, bright shades, such as blue, dark gray, burgundy - narrow it. Therefore, when the area of the kitchen is less than 10 square meters from them categorically refuse. Here to the place are light green, cream, blue and similar tones.
Background as the main component of the situation
It is the color of the background elements that determines the main palette of the room. In the kitchen is the floor, the walls and the facade of the headset. When choosing the primary color of the interior, in addition to the size of the room, the following should be taken into account:
- Lifestyle. Energetic people, extreme people and those who prefer drive, you can stay on bright, saturated colors that simply provoke activity. If you have the opposite character, and the pleasure of life you get with a quiet pastime, the interior in light, soft colors is actual here.
- Quality of natural lighting. When there is enough sunlight in the kitchen, together with cold shades, it will create an optimal setting. If the windows are not on the sunny side, it is possible to achieve the warmth and comfort of the atmosphere only with the use of appropriate tones, including terracotta, peach, cream, beige, etc.
- Power. Cold shades muffle the appetite, help keep the diet and refrain from taking harmful, high-calorie food. Warm colors evoke appetite. So if you are gaining muscle mass or trying to get your child to eat right, they will create the right atmosphere.
Efficiency of popular color solutions
Each color palette influences the interior in its own way. Consider a few of them:
- Green Kitchen. Here there is peace and lightness. This atmosphere will help to get rid of irritation and nervous state.
- Brown furnishings. It is popular because it has a pleasant, comfortable, cozy atmosphere and symbolizes environmental friendliness.
- Blue interior. Choose it if you want to achieve ease in the kitchen and visually expand it. This is the color of dreamers, creative people.
- Yellow or orange tone. They just radiate positive and joy. But due to their eccentricity, they are relevant to creative, creative personalities, and are not particularly suitable for people with conservative views, connoisseurs of classics.
Want to make the environment rich - compose in the interior of purple, white and gold. Love strictness - choose a stylish black and white design. The main thing is do not overdo it with only one color. Harmony of several tones is a component of an ideal situation.
Photo source Mr. Doors St. Petersburg