Both these and other materials are an artificial stone and belong to the group "concrete cellular".It is on them most often and pay attention to individual developers, since this type of construction is considered the most simple and budget. Unfortunately, most of the articles devoted to the choice for construction between aerated concrete and foam concrete, consider in detail only the characteristics of these materials, which means "... draw conclusions yourself."
This is partly true. But in this article we will analyze some properties, based on the appropriateness of using certain products in each specific case. After all, it is clear that the GENERAL recommendations can not answer all the questions. So we will try to minimize such "gaps", as well as dispel some myths, which are crammed with annoying advertisements.
By the way, in many articles devoted to the advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete and foam concrete, there are points that say that these materials "do not rot," "do not burn," do not "lend themselves to corrosion, rodents" and the like. We deliberately omit the analysis of such "properties", since it is simply not clear to which audience such "valuable" information is calculated, when it is clear and by definition of materials - a stone, although artificial.
First of all, what should I consider?
- Local conditions. It is not only the climate, but also the location of the house( in the lowland or on the hill, closed by other structures, wooded fields or "blown" from all sides), and so on.
- Its financial capabilities. To focus only on the price of blocks means to make a mistake. After all, a significant portion of the costs - this is the arrangement of engineering communications, the finishing of the structure and a number of other activities, without which the construction of houses from any type of production can not do. From what is cheaper to build a house, we already wrote.
From this follows a completely logical conclusion that the statement of the question "what is better" is not entirely correct. And that and the other material has its own merits, and certain "minuses".Therefore, we will dwell on certain features of the construction, taking into account those problems that are of particular concern to the private developer.
The possibility of self-mounting
The work with both, and with other material is not very difficult. This is not erecting a log house of wood, when it really does not do without the help of a professional, at least as a manager of the work. Concretes cellular are well processed, thus special adaptations are not necessary. A suitable tool can be found by any owner. The relatively small weight of the blocks allows them to be manually moved, including the height.
But there is one feature. The process of "fitting" products made of aerated concrete( GB) is somewhat more complicated. The fact is that the fastening of these blocks is carried out with the help of an adhesive, while for the installation of foam concrete( PB) mortar is used. Therefore, the accuracy of processing products is important, otherwise the consumption of glue will increase dramatically, and it is not cheap. And the formation of so-called "bridges of cold" can not be avoided.
Therefore, in organizations selling blocks of GB, and immediately offer to purchase the appropriate device for leveling the edges, which is necessarily done after cutting the products( although it can be manufactured independently).But the process itself requires some skills and takes some time.
There is one more difference. Set up the production of GB at home( if we talk about quality) will not work, but to produce PB on the site of work is entirely within the power of any developer. Forms can be used as purchased, and own assembly, from improvised materials.
Features of construction
It is a question of number of storeys. In this regard, aerated concrete is "safer", and from these blocks it is possible to build safely on 2-3 floors. But you can not say anything about foam concrete - you will have to carry out a number of additional measures( for example, reinforcement).Hence - plus the "nominal" amount to the total costs.
And another moment. Foam concrete mass can be poured into the formwork, that is, to equip monolithic structures. For example, additional insulation, internal walls of a complex configuration - options are enough. This adds an extra "plus" to the foam concrete.
Exterior finish
It is believed that the house of gas silicate can not be faced, but from the foam blocks - it is necessary, because they have not too "attractive" appearance. This is how to look - on the one hand, the aerated concrete structure looks neat, and the color is noble - white, especially since everyone has his own concept of beauty.
But there is one, and very significant, nuance. Unlike its "colleague", GB absorbs fluids well. So it turns out that taking into account this factor, it is necessary to equip the "protection" of the walls from precipitation. Otherwise, you can not avoid the constant dampness in the house, and the destruction of the material. Therefore, all the advertising "agitki", which asserts that it is possible to save money on finishing the aerated concrete( in comparison with the PB) - is nothing more than a fiction, another "zamanuha" counting on the incompetence of the buyer. Even if we confine ourselves only to the waterproofing of injection( or impregnating), then it will require certain material investments.
Arrangement of the structure
Naturally, since it is a question of an apartment house, it is necessary to conduct a whole complex of measures both during the construction process and during the settlement. This is the laying of pipes, cables, and placement on the walls of devices( for example, a boiler), furniture and so on. And here is how it to strengthen?
In GB, the dowel fits securely, but as for the PB, it can not do without anchors - the material is too porous. This is a great( albeit relative, with a skilful approach) "minus" of foam concrete. Therefore, the choice of the type of finishing products from the PB is somewhat limited. For them, most often the owner chooses the plasters to simplify( and reduce the cost) the process of external design of surfaces.
Which house is warmer?
Both in that, and in another. The main thing is to choose the "parameters" of materials correctly. This is the size( meaning the thickness of the walls), and the density. Much depends on the correct installation, carrying out measures for thermal insulation. But one thing is certain - in such houses it is more comfortable than in brick houses, as both foam and gas blocks are able to maintain the microclimate at the same level in both summer and winter.
Which construction is cheaper?
Practically the costs are approximately the same( for all equal "parameters" - dimensions and the like).If we compare prices for products, then PB is cheaper. Its 1 m3 will cost approximately 2.5 - 2.9 thousand rubles, while for GB, the value of the "cube" lies in the range 3.1 - 3.7 thousand( for all other equal indicators).
Environmentally friendly
This problem worries many, it even became fashionable - to think not only about one's own health, but also about the environment. In this regard, many put a "minus" foam blocks, as the technology of their production is based on the application of "chemistry".But for some reason, it is forgotten that more "green" GB products are mounted using adhesives that also contain various chemicals. Therefore, in reality, there is no point in talking about the absolute "purity" of construction.
It is believed that for blocks of GB it is 1.8 times larger than for PB.But these data are relative. Much depends on the quality of the installation and finishing works, as well as on the regularity and correctness of the preventive measures, since good care significantly increases the longevity of any material.
For the efficient host, the information is more than complete. And on what "stone" to stop your choice - think for yourself, given the above considerations on the nuances of construction of these "light" concrete.