Two-side fireplace - portal between two rooms

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Two-sided fireplace - the principle of the through hearth

Very often, the master stove-makers, for their own benefit, assure that the double-sided fireplace is built in front of each other in adjacent rooms 2 full-fledged fireplaces with separate chimneys located in one pipe. Accordingly, 2 fireplaces are laid out, as many smoke collectors, in other words, 2 brick masonry are sold under the guise of one. But in fact there are furnaces with bilaterial radiation, that is, through. Having installed such a fireplace in the pier between the living room and the dining room, you can not only admire the fire from two rooms, but also, at a sufficient size of the portal, to see through the dancing flames of the neighboring room.

By the way, the corner fireplace, too, can to some extent be considered two-sided, however, only in the case when it is a square portal open on both sides. At the same time, if the laying of the corner fireplace is made in the form of a triangle inscribed in a corner with a classical portal, that is, by the principle of one-sided radiation, this furnace has the highest degree of heat transfer. A through furnace radiates heat to two sides, as a result of which each room is heated 2 times less than it could.

If you use a special duct system or recuperator, the influx of warm air from the fireplace will increase significantly.

Two-sided fireplace - comfort on two fronts

When it comes to the fireplace, the majority seems to be a classic portal, perhaps executed in one style or another, but always in the form of the letter "P" and always open. However modern fireplaces, as a rule, hide behind thick fireproof glass which, first, provides safety of children and pets, and secondly, protects the house from a fire because of an accidentally dropped coal. The glass is always made in the form of a door, which makes it possible to freely place firewood or coal in the firebox, it is transparent and does not interfere with admiring the intricate dances of the flames. But the most fascinating sight will be presented to you by a two-side fireplace, with glass portals on both sides.

Why do I need a through glass fireplace? Other options are not even considered, open through furnace would be an excellent way to fill the room with smoke, which would be pulled from this or that portal by a draft. The minimum, which is permissible, is to leave the furnace open on one side, while on the other hand tighten the glass securely. If you make a door, the draft will appear with all the consequences that follow from the fireplace. If the portals are made correctly, and the flow of air into the furnace is provided over the glass( it is impossible to completely seal the portal, the fire without oxygen is somehow unviable) - you can see the fire in any of the two rooms where the facades come out, without any inconvenienceyourself.

Options for the location of a fireplace with two-way radiation

Based on the fact that the portal is usually a two-door window between which the furnace tray is located, it is most appropriate to install the entire structure in the inner wall between the two rooms. However, no less spectacular is the option, when the second portal faces an open terrace, you will get a very original window with firewood burning inside. A corner portal with two-way radiation can be placed only in a place consonant with the name of the "hearth".Although sometimes such a fireplace is installed with the edge of the partition in the form of a column, this is a good option for planning, in which, for example, the living room and dining room are combined and the partition plays the role of a symbolic border between them.

By the way, for the latter case, the fireplace with three-sided radiation, whose three walls consist of refractory glass, and fire can be seen from almost all sides, is ideal. In general, the fireplace with a through portal can be installed without the participation of walls at all, as a nominal separator of two zones in one room, for example, in this way it is possible to separate the place for working in the living room from the rest of the room, or, say, the dining room from the kitchen unit. For a through home, it is appropriate to differently decorate the facades with plaster, depending on the interior of the room. There are many options, the main thing is that the through portal of the fireplace gives the opportunity for comfort to penetrate into several rooms at once.

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