Do you need ventilation in a country house?

Ventilation in the house is a system of channels of outflow and air inflow, which allows to control its quality. Its arrangement takes quite a lot of time and is not cheap. On the one hand, the availability of modern technological devices that make up the climate control group is meant to replace standard ventilation, but on the other, only with the help of these ventilation channels is the climate "healthy" provided.

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Why ventilation in a private house?

In order to deal with this issue, you should turn to chemistry. Air is a collection of gases in which the oxygen used by a person for breathing is only slightly more than 60%.The remaining connections are either useless, or generally harmful. After a person breathes in air, the lungs filter out the part necessary for life support, and the rest is rejected. The person exhales already carbon dioxide. Therefore, without fresh air in the room, the oxygen level is constantly decreasing. It causes weakness, dizziness, or pain in the head.


The next important moment is of a biological nature. Air is the ideal habitat for many viruses and bacteria. They can for a long time be in a latent form and not behave themselves, but if a person inhales germs, they will actively begin to reproduce causing poor health. Especially dangerous are viruses for children, since their immune system is not yet formed. Without ventilation, after each cold, the number of microbes in the air will constantly increase. This will eventually lead to the fact that the person will be ill constantly. Normal ventilation of windows can not solve this problem.

Like viruses and dust. Although dust particles are not biologically active, they have a bad effect on the respiratory system. By settling on the lungs, specks create a dense cover that hinders breathing, worsens the flow and outflow of blood into the lungs, as a result, the activity of a person decreases significantly, a chronic cough appears. In contrast to the common cold, treating such ailment is much more difficult. In some cases, the harm is so great that it will not be completely eliminated from the effects of regular inhalation of dust.


The lack of ventilation is bad for the house itself. First of all, this is connected with the appearance of fungus and mold. One of the properties of air is the ability to accumulate moisture. The same properties exist in the stone from which the walls of the house are built. With normal ventilation, the air takes away excess moisture from the stone, but if there is no ventilation, the stone begins to become wet. This leads to its destruction, as well as the appearance of the fungus. No less unpleasant moment - cracks on the walls and ceiling.

All these factors cause the need for ventilation, but before you install this or that system, you need to familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages.

Ventilation system in the house

In a global sense, the ventilation systems are divided into:

  • active,
  • passive,
  • intake and exhaust.

Active ventilation is an air duct system that provides air exchange with the help of electric fans. Consists of a supply channel and branch channels. The inflow of air is carried out by natural means, through special protective filters, which let only clean air pass through. Filters are installed directly in the wall of the house. The branch ducts are equipped with fans, which draw in air and lead it to the street. It should be noted that the system consumes a lot of electricity and its maintenance is quite expensive.

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A more economical option is passive ventilation. It works on the principle of a chimney. Fresh air comes from windows or open doors, and is diverted through the hood in the wall. Really it will work only if the length of the duct is more than 5 m. Another disadvantage is that the ventilation duct is installed in each room separately. Thus, for the system to work, the roof of the house must be made similar to a hedgehog.

Attempts to combine economy and practicality have led to the emergence of supply and exhaust systems. They consist of:

  • of the distributor unit,
  • of the inflow channels with filters,
  • of outflow channels,
  • of the fan.

The distributor block is a mechanism in which fans are installed. The unit is divided into two parts, one used for inflow and distribution of fresh air, the other for outflow.


Unlike the active system, the input channel with the filter is only one. The work of the fan ensures the necessary air flow, which is then evenly distributed throughout the rooms. The output channel, in contrast to the passive system, is also only one, since the exhaust air is pumped and discharged to the street with the help of a fan.

The only drawback is a very branched system of ventilation ducts, which it is desirable to hide inside the walls. If the work is done after the completion of the house, then major repairs will be required. Nevertheless, the supply and exhaust ventilation is the most efficient and economical.

Ventilation device in the house

Unlike apartments, private houses differ in layout, area and number of floors. These factors influence the design of the ventilation system and in each individual case, it is necessary to calculate the required capacities. The calculation of house ventilation is calculated based on the following parameters:

  • air exchange,
  • room area,
  • sanitary standards,
  • multiplicity.

Air exchange involves a certain amount of air that must enter the room to provide an environment that meets generally accepted standards. In order to get acquainted with this concept in more detail, it is necessary to study construction gosts associated with the ventilation of residential and non-residential premises.


In accordance with building regulations, the fresh air supply rate is 3 cubic meters.m per hour per 1 sq. km.m. Nevertheless, this value is conditional, since for the same area, the volume of rooms with different ceiling heights will differ. When calculating ventilation, this parameter is used as the minimum allowable.

Sanitary norms concern types of filters and humidity of air. All of them are clearly spelled out in accordance with GOST.In addition, a standard of 60 cu.m fresh air per hour per person, which is constantly in the room and 20 cubic meters.for temporary stay. It should be considered a permanent stay in the room for more than four hours.

DBN В.2.2-15-2005 "Residential buildings" gives a table of multiplicities. These are conditional values ​​that clearly demonstrate the necessary air exchange parameters. With their help, conditional ventilation parameters are also calculated.

Proper ventilation in a private home is a fairly complex mathematical process. These parameters are only starting points. For accurate calculations, special skills and knowledge are required. Unfortunately, not all companies providing ventilation services are competent in this matter. Therefore, one should know the general formula by which the proposed variant is compared with the standard. The reference formula is because it takes into account only ideal values, without taking into account the features of the region, the layout, the material of walls and storeys. Let's consider it in the most detail.


The first postulate of quality, reliable ventilation - the volume of incoming air should be equal to the volume of the exhaust air. The value is usually denoted by the Latin letter L. Consequently, in general form the formula looks like this: Lpr = Lvt.

Lpr is a set of all standards, calculated as follows:( Sx3 + nx60 + V / 2) / 3.Under S is to be understood the area of ​​the room, for n - the number of people who are constantly in the house, for V - the volume of the room.

How it works in practice: suppose that there is a room of 20 square meters.m and a ceiling height of 3 meters, while 4 people live in the house. In this case( 20x3 + 4X60 + 60/2) / 3 = 110 cubic meters.m / per hour.

What does this mean? Specifically for this room, the air supply should be equal to the calculated value, while the parameter is the minimum permissible. The factors of humidity, number of storeys, gasses of the atmosphere will only increase the calculated value, but it can not be less. In addition, the result will determine the required power of the fans.

It should be noted that the ventilation should be handled by professionals, since without special preparation it is impossible to accurately determine the throughput of the ventilation system. The formula is indicated only to check the professionalism of the selected company. In addition, any large company provides all calculations and estimates of works for free.

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