Artificial rocks. How to make a rock on the site

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Creation of man-made rocks, very similar to natural, is a fascinating creative process, used for many years and economically justifies itself. To form an incredibly realistic landscape with stone boulders, methods of artificial construction of rocks from available materials are used. In this way - without special financial investments, while keeping the cost of materials low, you can create various rock compositions.


  • Use of artificial rocks
  • Advantages of artificial rocks
    • Secrets of creating rocks from artificial stone
  • How to make an artificial rock
    • Sequence of works
    • Decorating an artificial rock
  • Artificial rocks - photo
  • Artificial rock making technology - video

Application of artificial rocks

When creating rock formationsoften use artificial boulders. These elements of landscape design naturally fit into the surrounding landscape and help to equip the corners of the site to your own taste.

Different types of rocks are traditionally used to create grottoes, artificial ponds, fountains and waterfalls. Rocks of hollow form are used, including for styling in natural style stumps, wells, as well as for masking located on the site of pumping and other equipment, manholes, caissons, etc. With the help of artificial can diversify the vegetation in the garden, flower beds and flower beds.

Advantages of artificial rocks

The advantages of artificial stone rocks include:

  • resistance to a variety of atmospheric influences;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • possibility to create artificial rocks of any shape and size;
  • a variety of textures and shades;
  • the ability to compose a significant amount of landscape compositions.

Compared to natural stone, artificial rocks differ significantly in lesser cost, and also in small weight, making them easy to move around the site. At the same time, they are quite strong. Artificial rocks are often very difficult to distinguish from natural limestone, sandstone, slate, dolomite, etc. This similarity can be achieved through the use of special technologies and the use of a variety of pigments and dyes.


Secrets of creating rocks from artificial stone

When creating man-made rocks, it is recommended to take into account some of the features:

  • for a small area area is hardly suitable for large-scale construction of artificial rocks - scale the scale, and also relate the planned man-made design to the existing concept of landscape design of the site. It is recommended to choose in advance the location for the future construction;
  • also plan where you will make a rock with your own hands. For complete hardening of concrete it can take several days, and then you can place it where you need it. To produce a solid structure, an air temperature of at least 16 ° C is required;
  • if you do not have the practice of doing such work, it is recommended to start with the manufacture of a small stone - after some training you can make boulders of arbitrary shape and large size.

To create a rock from an artificial stone, no special building skills are required. It is only necessary to study the technology beforehand, how to make rocks. If there is a desire and free time, it is not very difficult to make an artificial stone. In addition, such decoration of the site is an exciting and creative activity.

Artificial rocks are made without a bottom. The base of a large stone is made from sawn timber with a step of about 30 cm. For an artificial rock, it is possible to lay a foundation of boards that forms the shape of a stone. Dig in the ground a small depression and place a building net there, place a frame in it and fix it according to its shape.

How to make an artificial rock


For the manufacture of an artificial rock with their own hands, the following materials and tools may be needed:

  • cement;
  • sand - you can apply it any kinds - river, quarry, and also construction( preferably using fine sand);
  • building mesh with cells 50x50 or 60x60;
  • protective gloves;
  • wide adhesive tape or adhesive tape;
  • trowel made of metal;
  • nippers or scissors for metal;
  • container for solution preparation;
  • pigment dye for concrete, resistant to ultraviolet rays - to avoid rapid burning of the color of the rock;
  • paint for concrete or stone polymer;
  • brush.

In order to make an artificial rock for the site with your own hands, you first need to make a skeleton, which will serve as the basis for the design.


Sequence of work

You can use available materials available as a basis for an artificial rock - prepare them in advance. Suitable building debris, cans, pieces of natural stones, as well as pipes, wooden bars and knocked down asphalt.

Next, you can proceed directly to the manufacture of rock from artificial stone:

  1. First you need to form from the harvested material a base, in shape and size corresponding to the parameters of the future rock. For reliable adhesion of materials it is recommended to wrap the frame with a building net and fix it with ties. The base for a large artificial stone can be made layer by layer from the mounting foam. 51
  2. Next, you need to prepare a solution - you need to mix 3 parts of sand and 1 part of high-quality cement, add natural fillers( broken glass, stone crumbs, broken bricks, fiberglass, wood glue, ash, quartz sand).The mixture is gradually diluted with water to the consistency of a thick dough, add pigment dye if necessary. To simulate the lichen suitable warm shades of green, dark colors look quite natural.
  3. The frame is fixed with a concrete solution - with a spatula it is applied to the frame, gradually giving it the plasticity of lines inherent in natural rocks. As a sample, first consider how natural stones look. To make the construction of a natural type of stone take some time.
  4. While the solution is not frozen, you need to give the stone a texture. For this, sand, leaves and fine slag can be applied to the surface of an artificial rock. To get the effect of a porous structure, use a sponge pressed against wet concrete. To give artistic quality to the product will help put on its surface grooves, scratches, scrapes and erosion.

Finishing of artificial rock

The constructed construction is placed in a well ventilated and shaded place, periodically spraying with water from the spray gun to avoid drying and cracking of its surface.


In addition, you need to perform the final finish of the rock. To do this, approximately 3 days after the construction of the structure using a fine-grained grinding stone, it is necessary to grind the burrs and excessive irregularities. The surface of the product is swept with a paintbrush to remove dust, after which it is necessary to wash and dry the rock.

Next, you can begin to paint with a brush, filling small cracks on the surface. A light stone is suitable for decorating with dark paint, and vice versa.

In addition, for painting a stone it is convenient to use a sponge - dipping it into the paint, imprinting in the form of inclusions on the surface. For the same purpose, you can also use a solid roller.

For complete hardening and further shrinkage of concrete will take some time - an average of about a month. After giving the product a final look, you can move it to a permanent location.

Artificial rocks - photo





Artificial rock making technology - video

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