How to create a high-tech style in the interior of your apartment - photos and tips

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When designing living spaces, various design solutions are used, but, as a rule, they are all based on the "developments" of the past. The appearance of the high-tech style in the interior in the last third of the last century caused many different controversies and discussions, which did not prevent him from gaining a lot of admirers, especially among young people who are more influenced by the ideas of "revolutionary" transformations in all spheres of life.

A distinctive feature of this interior is practicality( sometimes bordering on asceticism), innovation, original solutions and almost complete denial of the "classics".

High-tech does not fit all people, and this should be taken into account. It can be briefly described in such a way - aesthetics and minimalism, even at the expense of the familiar comfort with the preservation of comfort. In fact, this style personifies the person's desire to live in such a way as to make the most of all the achievements of modern technologies.


Features of high-tech

  1. There are more open spaces not laced with furniture or household appliances.
  2. No traditional rounded corners, oval shapes. Preference is for straight lines.
  3. It is equally suitable for rooms of any size, regardless of whether the private house is a typical layout apartment or apartment.
  4. Abundance of glass. A distinctive feature of this style is large windows, glass partitions( for zoning), dimensional mirrors, mosaic elements and the like.
  5. Only neutral colors are used in the decoration of the dwelling, but with the obligatory presence of one bright, sharply stand out against their background.
  6. Maximum variety of samples of technical and electronic novelties - household appliances and various systems( video surveillance, alarm, climate control and a number of others).
  7. Minimum decor. Various moldings, curtains and curtains, paintings in massive frames are excluded. If that suits, then maybe only a few copies of graphics or photographs, and in the framework of not wood, but of metal or plastic.
  8. The basic building materials - concrete, glass and metal( partially plastic).In decoration - decorative plasters, paints, plasterboard. In some cases, the foundation does not get rid of anything - "bare" brick or concrete. No paper wallpaper! Preferred interior details and surfaces with chrome, gloss.
  9. Lighting is predominantly "point-like".Traditional pendant lamps such as chandeliers in high-tech style are used in a limited way. As a rule, non-standard forms and from the same materials as the rest of the interior details.
  10. Open laying of various engineering communications is welcomed - for example, duct ducts.


The best option - stretch glossy( read why).Although someone prefers a drywall, which allows you to mount the structure in several levels and have there devices for "spot" lighting.


The maximum smooth and light colors - gray, beige, white or sand. In the design it is possible to use a brick imitation. In the new house it is allowed to not completely remove the walls, but leave the foundation in its original form.


Several options - linoleum, ceramics, parquet board or laminate. For those who are not constrained in the means - the so-called "liquid" floor.

The last "squeak" of fashion is to lay out the skins of wild animals on the floor, at the very least, a carpet with a long pile.


Predominantly, the most modern furniture, metal, plastic and glass( or stylization under these materials) - tables, cabinets, shelves and so on. The nuance is that all samples must have unusual shapes, or as they are sometimes called, "cosmic".The main colors are black, metallic, gray and white.

It will look nice soft furniture, matched to the tone of the overall design. Her legs and armrests are preferably made of metals or plastics.


As high-tech is distinguished by the presence of large spaces, this in some cases implies a certain zoning of premises. For this purpose, for example, different types of string or band luminaires are well suited.

For this style it is advisable to use non-traditional devices( which are used for example in this style), and various "lights" and built-in( in the walls, ceiling, plinth) spotlights.

A good addition to the general design in the style of high-tech will be a large aquarium or a miniature fountain.

As already mentioned, the number of hi-tech fans is steadily growing. But, despite all the novelty and attractiveness of this style, you need to take into account that such a home decoration will require significant financial expenditure. Therefore, only the well-off owners can realize all the design intentions.

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