How to independently strengthen the foundation of a private house - 6 ways

7th Sooner or later, and with such a problem individual homeowners have to face. There are several methods for solving it, but many of them are difficult to perform independently. This is due to the complexity of the technology, and the need to use various technical tools, and with the presence of certain experience in this area. In most cases, such measures can only be carried out by employees of specialized organizations that have everything they need to conduct them.

Therefore, consider only the simplest options for strengthening the foundation, in which all operations can be performed independently. Especially considering that, as a rule, among the owners of old houses people who are well versed in this issue do not. After all, this kind of work has to be done very rarely, only units. Since in most cases, individual developers prefer to equip their basement with a tape type, then we will stop on it.

General recommendations

  • The reinforcement of the tape is carried out in stages. In case of partial repair, a section with a length of up to 3 m is selected, and only after its complete readiness work is performed on the next.
  • If uneven subsidence of the structure( skewed) is observed, then it should start from the side of the maximally "sagging" wall.

scheme-1 The foundation is reinforced for various reasons. In general, this is done with increasing the number of storeys of the house( for example, the arrangement of the attic room).In some cases, it is used as a basis for erecting walls( after dismantling old ones) from other, heavier materials. But sometimes the need for such work is caused by its partial destruction. To choose the optimal method of amplification, it is necessary to find out what causes skewing of the structure, the appearance of slots in the tape, and so on.

It is not always necessary to strengthen the entire foundation, all along the tape. Sometimes only "point", "small-town" amplification is sufficient on one particular site. That's why you should start with the diagnosis of the structure, but the inexperienced hosts often make a mistake, neglecting this. As a result, the low efficiency of such activities is a waste of time and money, since in a short period of time it will be necessary to return to this problem again.

Strengthening around the perimeter

The meaning of the described method is to "gird" the entire foundation( along the entire length of the tape) with an additional structure. It is the simplest and least expensive.

Strengthening the corners of the

They are dug out, for which they dig holes near them and take out the soil for the entire depth of the ribbon bookmark. Such mini-ditches should ensure the convenience of operations, so their dimensions are chosen arbitrarily, but not too large( with a side of 0.5 to 1 m).In each of them, a bar frame is installed( usually 10-12 mm) of appropriate dimensions. The main condition - the ends of the reinforcement must go beyond its dimensions. This is necessary for its further binding with other structures.

Strengthening_of_Foundation5 It is necessary to provide a reliable binding of the old tape with a new one. This is done with the help of pieces of the same reinforcement, which are installed in the reinforced monolith. Naturally, for this you will have to drill the holes. After this preparation, a concrete solution is poured into the pits. As a result, after its hardening, the so-called w / w "bull" is obtained.

If the wall is of sufficient length, then such structures are recommended to be mounted every 4 m.

Strengthening of walls

The procedure is simple. Between the neighboring "bulls" a trench is digging in order to completely strip the old tape. How to do this work - either immediately along the perimeter, or at the sites - is decided directly on the site, after assessing the condition of the foundation and depending on the purpose that is pursued when performing the strengthening of the foundation.

The idea is that a reinforcement cage is placed in the trench, which is fastened both to the wall and to adjacent "bulls".To learn how to correctly calculate the valve, read this article.

Next - pouring concrete solution.

reinforcement foundation

Features of this method

  • The work is carried out sequentially on each side of the building. It is impossible to cover the whole perimeter at once, as the house can "go".
  • The walls of the base are strengthened according to the principle of "criss-cross".First, one side, then the other.

The installation of the

is slightly more complicated, but the efficiency of this reinforcement is quite high. What it consists of, it is easy to understand from the picture. Although without the help of special equipment( devices) here you can not do.

Arrangement of "shirt"

It can be both concrete and represent a usual brickwork.

Installation of piles

This procedure is somewhat simpler, since reinforced concrete slabs are not used.

In conclusion, let us dwell on this question: is it always necessary to deal with such a troublesome and costly business as reinforcing the foundation when a slit occurs? To understand this, there is a fairly simple method. When a crack appears, it is covered with a thin layer of mortar( based on cement or gypsum).You can paste on top and a paper strip. If, after some time, such "control" breaks, then it will be necessary to do a major overhaul of the base, as this indicates that the process of destruction continues. In other cases, as a rule, it is enough to fill a gap with a solution - we have already written about the sealing of cracks.


Finally consider the causes of the appearance of foundation defects:

Changing the configuration of underground water layers

This phenomenon is very common and is caused by various factors. For example, large-scale construction, deployed nearby, laying the main( pipe or road) in close proximity to the house and a number of others.

In this case, the issue of arranging drains( if they do not exist) and reconstruction, improvement of existing ones, must necessarily be addressed. The task is clear - to remove excess liquid from the foundation.

Ground displacement

This happens, as a rule, when the technology of construction and repair work carried out near the structure is violated. For example, the laying of lines of engineering communications.

Violation of operating rules for the

Overloading of load-bearing structures, installation of units with increased vibration levels and the like.

Design errors and violations committed during the construction phase. This is often the case with homeowners who have already bought a house ready.

Knowledge of the reasons, firstly, will allow you to correctly orient yourself in the choice of methodology( how and how to strengthen the foundation), and secondly, it will give an opportunity to either completely eliminate them, or minimize the influence of the negative factor on the foundation.

To summarize, it should be pointed out that if the foundation is strengthened not because of the elimination of the revealed defect, but for carrying out any work on the further reconstruction of the building, then it is possible to proceed to work only after the cured mass is completely cured. The time of its readiness depends on many factors - the brand of cement, the type of aggregate, the temperature on the street and a number of others.

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