Any system of autonomous water supply in its composition has a "pumping" device. And it does not have to be an installation called a station. For the country site is quite enough and a cheaper device - a pump. It seems to be quite logical, but how true is this statement? Before you understand the choice of pumping station, you need to understand what it is all the same better.
Firstly, , the source of water can run out for a while. It all depends on his debit and the intensity of the water. This specificity of operation is especially important for wells. Therefore, until the "tank" is filled to the required level, you will have to sit without water.
Secondly, , by itself, no one pump will provide water. It works in conjunction with other devices. If you limit only to them, then it will have to constantly turn on / off, which does not have the best effect on the service life of the product. It is at such moments when there is a voltage drop, and up to 90% of all equipment failures occur.
There are a number of other factors that give an idea of the fact that the pump is not the most convenient option, although the above two arguments are enough to understand why the pumping station is preferable. But how to choose the optimal model for the country? This requires detailed consideration.
A. Design features
According to experts, these parameters should be taken into account first of all. The fact is that similar models of different manufacturers, having differences in individual characteristics, will provide practically the same result. Therefore, we will begin to consider the features of the stations precisely in the nuances of engineering solutions, since this is more understandable for a person who does not have the profile training.
All devices included in the set of the station are distinguished by the presence of an ejector( built-in or "removed") or lack of such an adaptation. Without going into the technical subtleties, it is sufficient to note that it is the latter option that is suitable for giving in all parameters. Given the topic of the article, the rest of the model does not make sense.
Firstly, , this pump is practically no noise, and it can be placed anywhere - it will not interfere.
Secondly, , similar models are able to take water from a depth of up to 8 - 10 m. As a rule, at the dacha few people drill wells deeper( artesian).If the source is a well, it is also quite enough, not to mention the open reservoir.
Thirdly, , prices are lower than for more advanced analogs.
Check valve
It must be included. Without it, the pump will pump into the system not water( in case of a drop in the level above the critical level), but air.
What to look for
If the impeller blades are plastic, then the longevity of the device can not be calculated. Such material quickly wears out if the water is not sufficiently cleaned from the suspensions. By the way, all such devices made in China are characterized by such constructive execution.
The storage tank. The only advantage is low cost. It is a container in which a safety valve of a float type is placed. The inconvenience of exploitation consists, first of all, in the choice of a place for installation. The reservoir will have to be "raised" above the level of the points of draw-off. But that's not all. In the absence of water in the well, it is not able to provide the required head. And the third - with leakage in the hull( and this happens), a grand "flood" in the cottage house can not be avoided.
Accumulator. The higher price is justified by the mass of advantages of such a device. First, the dimensions are much smaller. Secondly, where to put - without a difference, even in the caisson, since instead of the float control is carried out by a pressure sensor. Thirdly, the pressure in the system will be constant.
It is desirable that it is cast iron. Such designs and stronger, and noise "breaks through" much less. But necessarily with a protective layer, otherwise corrosion can not be avoided. Steel looks more beautiful, but the station does not take to decorate the dacha;and then the metal is much more expensive. Plus to this - more "noise".
This issue should not be deepened at least because the concept of service and usability of each of us has its own. But here pay attention to the protection schemes( which are provided) is simply necessary. Everything else is nice, useful, but leads to a more expensive model. How important are all these "bells and whistles" for giving and whether it is necessary to overpay for them - at the discretion of the dear reader.
For those who are interested in installing the pump station, there is a detailed instruction.
B. The possibilities of the
station This question is much more complicated. What to consider?
Features of well
- Depth of water intake.
- Its static level.
- Debit( in other words, the speed of filling).
Pump Features
Someone is looking at power, someone is interested in performance. A single recommendation, of course, will not be, since these parameters are interrelated. Basically, all budget devices at a depth of 10 m fence will provide. Here you need to focus on a number of factors - head( height of the column), the capacity of the tank, the intensity of water use, the station's distance from the source and some others.
The issue of performance is worth mentioning especially. In principle, this is the amount of liquid that can pump this device for a certain period of time. But to take the model "with a margin" makes no sense. Firstly, do not forget about the electricity meter, which will "twist" faster. Secondly, the more powerful the pump, the faster the well "drains", and this is no longer "very good".
What should I do?
The simplest option is to talk with the owners of the plots in your holiday village. What kind of pumps they have at the stations and everything else. Where do they pump water, enough for watering or not. There are many nuances, but you can come to a common denominator.
If you need an accurate calculation, you will have to contact a specialist. Only here is it necessary, considering that it is not a question of such an expensive purchase as a car or an apartment? In principle, the manager in the store( if he really knows) can help determine the choice. But for this, he will need the initial data( depth and debit - in the first place).Who is interested in how to determine the level of groundwater, a detailed answer will be found here.
Calculate everything yourself. Approximate data: for irrigation - up to 1.5 m³ / h. As they say, "for the eyes."This is equivalent to a performance of about 3 l / sec. In the passport of the device such a characteristic is reflected. And in breaks is enough to quickly fill the spare capacity.
The cost of
Quite a logical conclusion of the story - to answer the question, how much does the "dacha" model of the station cost? Naturally, speaking of inexpensive models, it is worthwhile to pay attention to products of Russian production. Among imported it is rare to be both good and cheap. Unless the Chinese installation, but it is, rather, to "extreme lovers".
Meanwhile, there are units and our, domestic, which operate reliably and, most importantly, the owners do not have any problems with spare parts and repair of this equipment.
Under this brand, many plants are on sale, which differ mainly in characteristics. For example, the model of the "ASV-800/19" series at a cost of 7,359 rubles provides a capacity of 60 liters per minute with a maximum liquid intake depth of 9 m( power 0.8 kW, 19-liter accumulator).It will fully fulfill its functions, if between it and the source will be no more than 25 - 30 m. What else is needed for the dacha? And this despite the fact that the food - 1 f 220 in( from the usual outlet).
A more powerful model( for example, ASV-1200 / 24H) for 1.2 kW with a 24 liter battery costs about 8,650 rubles.
And this is only 2 units from the whole range of "Vortices".The choice is really great, for every taste.
Relatively inexpensive German models, for a summer residence quite suitable. For example, the installation of "HWW 3300/25 G" .The specificity of the work is that it is a surface fence station and is more suitable for wells or open water bodies, although it can pump from a depth of 8 m. With a capacity of 0.9 kW, the capacity is 3.3 m³ / h. The downside is that in the kit - a tank. But the cost is acceptable - about 9,150 rubles .